Stone Sheep Hunt


Watched on TV this evening a Bass Pro show with Bob Foulkrod going on a Stone Sheep hunt in BC with Greg Williams Outfitters.

Pretty good show and Bob bagged his Stone and completed his Grand Slam doing the hunt. Pretty rugged hunt too.

I missed tuning in last night. Do you know if it is being rebroadcast any other times? I'd love to see someone get their slam.
I saw it also.
I always love it when a ram takes a tumble like that. As long as its not my ram!!!
Yea, I thought when he shot it and it walked over a bit and then dropped down, should have not shot unless it started to get back up. That second shot made it tumble farther down the hillside and more work.
I think I would have waited to see if it tried to get back up first before that last shot.

My picture file is to big and wont load. How do I get around this?
LAST EDITED ON May-28-07 AT 10:03PM (MST)[p]Bryan,

I have no idea how the disc works for uploading, all of mine are scanned and "saved as" then upload at a couple of sites including MM if the pictures are less than 100k.


P.S. If you have them on a disc they are probably too large and each one needs to be resized so as not taking up a lot of space.

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