Stone Sheep Hunt Raffle


Very Active Member
Who is going to buy a ticket for the stone sheep hunt raffle and $4,000 that the Nevada Bighorn Fallon Chapter is giving away on the MM home page?
I'm still thinking about it, it's a heck of a deal, but will still cost a guy a few thousand dollars to go. With 500 max. tickets offered, I think they will go quick.
On a side note, does anyone know why the outfitter changed his name from Big 9, to High and Wild Wilderness Safaris?


Don't think about it too long. :) The odds are better to win this hunt than they are to draw a sheep tag in most states.

I'm not sure why the outfitter is changing names but I do know it's not changing hands. It's still Barry Tompkins.

And remember the hunt can be taken in 2006 or 2007 so you would have time to save any extra money you might need above the 4 grand.

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