Stone Sheep hunt raffle


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-05 AT 02:41PM (MST)[p]The Fallon Chapter of Nevada Bighorns Unlimited is conducting a raffle for a stone sheep hunt with Barry Tompkins of Big Nine Outfitters.

1. A maximum of 500 tickets will be sold
2. Tickets are $100 each.
3. A minimum of 300 tickets must be sold for Stone Sheep Hunt (otherwise the drawing will be for a 50/50 cash split)
4. Stone Sheep Hunt winner will get hunt plus $4000!
5. Hunt may be taken in 2006 or 2007
6. Season runs August 1st thru October 15th
7. 15 days (13 days hunting)
8. Drawing will be held 06/18/2005 at the NBU Fallon BBQ at Regional Park, Fallon Nevada
9. Need NOT to be present to win
10. There is a limit of 20 tickets per person.

Proceeds will be used by Nevada Bighorns Unlimited, Fallon Chapter in their
efforts to re-establish Bighorns in Nevada.

Mail check, money order or credit card authorization to:
NBU Fallon
PO Box 2308
Fallon, Nevada 89407-2308

Your ticket(s) will be filled out for you and your stubs returned to you for your records.

For more information email me at [email protected]

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