Stinky's application denied

I think Stinky was the best man for that job. The guy deserved to suffer and Stinky would have made sure of that.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-10 AT 10:20AM (MST)[p]Well, as much as I agree with the death sentence, especially in this case, I also agree with what Gardner's brother said. "He is finally free" - well somewhat anyway. He is free from mortality and the eartly chains he bound himself with. Made some horrible choices and made a lot of people suffer greatly and may have lost his soul in the process, and I am sure his soul will continue to suffer for that for a long time still, but he is in a place more merciful than this one, hopefully with people who love him and have more capacity to forgive than mortality warrants. I am just glad that I do not have to be his final judge and that the ends of justice have been met.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I don't think Hell is gonna be that merciful Roy...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I think it's awesome how they killed him. Too bad it wasn't televised.

More importantly, are you back F-Dude?
I'm sure some wished my plane would have went down somewhere over the Atlantic but alas I survived. Going to take me a week or two to take care of some issues now but won't be long before I terrorize the Campfire again in full force :)
My app wasn't denied. I was the first choice. However, when I found out I only got one bullet I raised such a stink that they kicked me off the firing squad. I politely requested 5 bullets. One for each knee, one for each elbow and one for the gonads. That request was granted but they somehow couldn't fathom why I needed a flame thrower.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
>My app wasn't denied. I was
>the first choice. However, when
>I found out I only
>got one bullet I raised
>such a stink that they
>kicked me off the firing
>squad. I politely requested 5
>bullets. One for each knee,
>one for each elbow and
>one for the gonads. That
>request was granted but they
>somehow couldn't fathom why I
>needed a flame thrower.
>ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde
>ego sum bardus (I participate
>on monstermuleys therefore I am

You would probably still miss with a flame thrower.

>My app wasn't denied. I was
>the first choice. However, when
>I found out I only
>got one bullet I raised
>such a stink that they
>kicked me off the firing
>squad. I politely requested 5
>bullets. One for each knee,
>one for each elbow and
>one for the gonads.

And all 5 shots would have been aimed at his heart.:)

>I think Stinky was the best
>man for that job. The
>guy deserved to suffer and
>Stinky would have made sure
>of that.

lets not forget rans, he cant hit the broad side of a barn
The part of the article I think was most interesting was the L.D.S. church history part about why the firing squad was still availiable.

"Historians say the firing squad persisted in Utah long after the rest of the nation abandoned it because of the 19th century doctrine of the state's predominant religion. Early members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believed in the concept of "blood atonement" ? that only through spilling one's own blood could a condemned person adequately atone for their crimes and be redeemed in the next life."

"The church no longer promotes such teachings and offers no opinion on the use of the firing squad."

Many L.D.S. people have no clue what Brigham Young taught about
"Blood Atonement". If they did the hair would raise up on the back of their neck. Or they would just say, "Oh baloney......
that's just a bunch of Anti-Mormon rhetoric.

Just direct them to the Journal of Discourses it's all there. :)
Woe! easy with the "M" word. Anything proceeding that word is considered basphemous on this site dude.

Just last week a guy wanted to know what he could do while in slc. I told him he could rent a car bomb from hertz and drive it into the temple down town.

Whew that floated like a lead baloon. Can't a guy push buttons on here anymore? ROFL!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-10 AT 02:08PM (MST)[p]They shoulda saved a hell of a lot of money and shot his dumb ass back in 1985!!

Oh yea...WELCOME BACK F-ER!! }> }> }>

Hey stinky, you have some pull on this site don't you? Maybe it's time for a religious section on this site. See what you can do to make that happen. Those threads could cause more pandemonium than the political threads. :)

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