Stinky stars in his own movie


Long Time Member
A new A-Team movie comes out this summer starring Stinky.

The cast:
John "Arrogant" Smith (Stinky), has a know-it-all personality who's become not well liked and tends to piss off people... but doesn't care.

Lt. Templeton "Abnoxious" Peck (Stinky) - usually referred to simply as "Butter Face" - is a trash-talking con-man who serves as the team's appropriator of fat wallets, big bank accounts and deep pockets.

The team's pilot is Capt. H.M. "Absurd" Murdock (Stinky), who has been declared insane and resides somewhere in a mental institute in New Mexico.

Finally, there is the team's roid user strong man and ballistics know it all, Sgt. B.A. "Angry" Baracus (Stinky).


A few years ago a big gun shooter came to MM with stories of long shots he couldn't back up. This man promptly went on to make gut shot after gut shot. Today, still wanted by wildlife agencies all over the world, he survives as a legend in his own mind.

So if you are Arrogant, if you are Abnoxious, if you are Absurd, if you are Angry them maybe you can join... The A-Team.

im aerogant? and obnoxious? and all those other bad things?
im totally shocked and in disbelief. and here i thought everyone loved stinky? lol

i do have one question though... that picture of q-tpie is rather horrid and disturbing and begs a question to be answered. would u hit it wiz? lol

ego participate in Monasteriense
muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
I can do things like this because I'm "Awesome" :)
Sorry about the Qtip pic, I couldnt find a better one at the time.
Classic! LMAO

Here in NM we are proud we gave the hunting world Stinky. He is our claim to fame.

Stinky can take it and dish it out as well as any other.

I cant believe all dis jibber' jabba!!

Well done boys on the shots!!!

LMAO, Stink I heard that song yesterday on XM!!
Turns out this isn't stinky's first movie. Here's a scene from one of them. He's the guy on the right.

I'm sure you guys know of others. Anyone as awesome as stinky has to have many. Post 'em up.
I did happen to find this video of Feleno and NV before they kissed and made up, then decided to "gang up" on stinky. This should help explain things a bit.:) Sorry boys, couldnt help myself.

Whew! im glad your not mad at me feleno...your kinda like stinky (except awesome of course) i would hate to see what you would do if you were actually angry....:)

Darn it Feleno! You said you destroyed that tape.

It's not surprising (especially now) that QTIP has her own history in movies. Well known PG titles include:

"When the Dome Light Comes On"

"Why don't those farmers buy their food at the store like the rest of us"

"I thought Europe WAS a country"

And don't forget her in the following commercials:

And this is really her, just being her, like totally!

Thank god she got out. She was almost late for dance lessons.

Those are all wonderful NV and im sure stinky is laughing his arse off, but there is just a slight problem....u see, i am no longer blonde. ..... Dang, now what?

Were you ever really blonde? Inquiring minds want to know.

Besides, blonde is more a state of mind rather than a color.
You don't really think changing your hair color will change anything else do you? Silly girl.
when te dome light comes on? what the heck......... where u the other co-star of that film? u know, the only one of those five guys i havent hunted down yet?

and qtip swore there were only four and that i destroyed the only pg movie there was

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
hi babe, guessing your home.....

NV, too be honest im really not sure what color my hair is anymore....and it is true...i felt smarter the minute i got the brunette color...tho stinky would argue that im still a dumb blonde underneath, course thats not saying much cuz stinky thinks everyone but him is dumb...but ya'll knew that! lol

LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-10 AT 01:43PM (MST)[p]>hi babe, guessing your home.....

Yes I am. Where are you?


Which reminds me of an old joke that is one of mine and Sancho's favorites.

What three words do you never want to hear while making love?

"Honey, I'm home"
>hi babe, guessing your home.....
>NV, too be honest im really
>not sure what color my
>hair is anymore....and it is
>true...i felt smarter the minute
>i got the brunette color...tho
>stinky would argue that im
>still a dumb blonde underneath,
>course thats not saying much
>cuz stinky thinks everyone but
>him is dumb...but ya'll knew
>that! lol

What color is the carpet?
its hardwood floor

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-10 AT 04:33PM (MST)[p]I shoulda known this post would head to the gutter real fast!! Stinky said to tell you it is hand scraped dark walnut. So there ya go all you curious people.

I just dont get why all the interest in the flooring in our house, that has nothing to do with the topic of being blonde.....ROFLMAO!!!!;-)

BTW...the kaption kontest post was flippin hilarious, just got nuked before i could make a comment, Dang it!!!

>BTW...the kaption kontest post was flippin
>hilarious, just got nuked before
>i could make a comment,
>Dang it!!!

No more "roll her in flour" jokes or you shall die!!
Sound like you may have went with "Brazillian" cherry.

Yeah bummer the powers that be deleted my caption contest :(
Was going to get some funny responses.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-10 AT 06:41PM (MST)[p]how wrong u are feleno. the cherry hardwood flooring was removed long ago. rofl

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
>how wrong u are feleno. the
>cherry hardwood flooring was removed
>long ago. rofl

The handscraped cherry hardwood is in his other home that he stays in while he is on "business trips"

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