Stinky Invitaion



Hey guys! We just got back from scouting for Stinkystompers elk. It was sooo pretty and we had a blast. Anyways, once he gets up there and gets camp set up i will tell you guys where we are and ya'll can come visit if you happen to be up on that "god forsaken rock pile". Slammy and the crew will be there, its gonna be a blast. Heck i might even have a sign made that says "Stinky Camp, MMers Welcome!" I know some of ya'll dont like stinky, but we would like to meet you anyways. If you got to know him you would find out he is not the arse his twisted sense of humor makes him out to be. It would be nice to get to know some of your faces. Anyways, i will keep you guys up to date on any other brilliant ideas my tiny brain thinks up. Good luck to all this season, hope you all get that trophy your looking for. Except for you nvbighorny, cuz you have insulted me..... in NO WAY do I resemble a qtip!! lol

p.s. I think i might have Team SS shirts made for those who enjoys SS's antics and anti-SS shirts made for those who dont get him. Thought it might be fun, considering the mess he has made on here. It appears he is now some what famous/infamous, depending on your point of view. lol

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You might want to call it 'camp stinky' rather than stinky camp. Although, after a week of elk hunting, I'm sure at leat a few of you will be!
QTness, while I will gladly claim the moniker "nvbighorny" you have given me, I would be nothing short of a braggart and liar if I tried to take credit for dubbing you "QTIP". If you will look at the following links you will find it was someone else that gave you that name. (Feleno I am sorry for chucking you under the bus like that but a woman's honor, as well as my own, is at stake. And I say once you're honor stay honor)

QT3.1416, I have now seen several pictures of you and I would agree, you in no way resemble a q-tip. Lollipop perhaps, but not a q-tip. :)

As for stinky, I neither like nor dislike him. He merely provides good material and comic relief. Given the chance I would gladly join you all in elk camp. Since I know next to nothing about elk I would rather sit around camp with you, reading magazines and commiserating with you about life with a man who named himself Stinky. I would suggest you first look at my motto in the following.

If I were able to come along I would only agree to wear a Team Stinky shirt if you wore it first. (And after. ;-) ) I am sure everyone appreciates your Good Luck wish and I'm sorry you felt the need to single me out. But fear not, I make my own luck and been known to find some once in a while. :)

Please, never take offense to anything I say, I mean no harm. As the song goes "I think I'm an alright guy" and most who know me do too.

I wish you the very best in elk camp this year. Slammy assures me you are a good sport. I believe that is probably an understatement.

Oh, is that a "bighorny" toad on your chest?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-09 AT 08:27AM (MST)[p]LMAO NVBIGHORNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wasnt sure if it was you or feleno, I just couldnt think of anything "smart" to change his name to... You were an easy target. Forgive me. Dont worry, im not easily offended by people i dont know. I know your just a smart arse like stinky, in a differnt sense. I would be delighted to sit around and read magazines and discuss "things" with you. lol Really though, your such a noticable guy on here, i feel comfortable giving you crap. I will wear a team stinky shirt if you do! HAHAHA

BTW, yes....I cant believe stinky put that pic of you clinging to my boob for dear life!!! I would have put the one where you were safely tucked IN my shirt. LMAO!!! I really did enjoy having my pic taken with you nvbighorny, your one nice TOAD.

Just remembered...speaking of your little "honor" comment at the top NV, My husbands uncle did the toast at our wedding, it went like this...."He offered his honor, she honored his offer and from that day on, it was honor and offer."

Ya, NOT cool. Very embarrasing in front of my "not redneck" family!!! Especially when your 18 and pregnant! Stinky found it hilarious tho, if you can imagine that.
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Does that mean I am invited? You already met me but thought my presense would be appreciated? We could go horney toad huntin'! I am also challenging you to let a rattlesnake take a stroll? You game?

My wife would be with me so you would not feel out of place with all the hicks, tards, and bullshitters?;-)

what the???????? You? not like me?????

I suppose you can come. There will be a camp up either cottonwood or table mountain, or somewhere else with scenery. I like cottonwood since its close to trout waters. I will let you know when dougydoo gets a spot claimed.

Our camp will be VERY easy to spot, just look for the pink Polaris Razor.

Utfirmen, we REALLY need to talk....
Did you buy that from that cute dude you talk about on the Gut Pile forums?? Rofl

There is only one reason why I bought that thing, and that is for attention.

See I am not blessed with good looks like AWB, and I am not blessed with muscles like Slammy. So to get attention from girl's, I have to ride along in a pink princess car.

But here is the best part, if you think I look funny in the buggy, just wait til you see Stinky in there with his little boy shirt on!!!!!
Qtips getting us shirts done up (mine are sleeveless, don't forget Qtip!!) that say "Team Stinky" (hopefully she doesn't get that backwards!)

This hunt is totally out of control!!

You know what....I think I am going to have to take a little ride down to the dutton....just to see the Circus...Can I come??? I am good on a spotting scope...and I can watch you two muscle bound boys haul the elk out that I show you!!!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-09 AT 08:23PM (MST)[p]Hey there QTpie, I've got a great get me a t-shirt in..lets say..a size small and get stinky and slammy's shirts 2 sizes too big. Maybe I would look like I belonged with those 2. I have always looked like the runt of the litter in my family and I'm the oldest. Maybe this would create the optical illusion of me being the "stud" instead of stud muffin 1 & 2.:D

by the way...I would still be the oldest!

It's always an adventure!!!

I need a black one. Please bring a black beaver cowboy hat as well. I just want to be a tall lurpy cowboy. No muscles needed here.;-)
Aw C'mon Jim, you know your a billy goat and i've heard the stories about you in those hills.
Last i heard Bullmania was still trying to get up that he really still there?? Does he know his tags no good now?? Rofl

I'm actually dropping weight for this hunt so i don't look so bad tag tailing Stinky!! ;-)

did you say you were gonna tail tag me slammy? Oh god help us all. Me and slammy got dibs on the pink razor Ray! ROFL!

Heck yes stinkster, i'll look perty sexy in that pink machine with my extra small sleeveless boy band shirt!! ;-)

Man, I can't wait for the stories and pictures from this hunt. I wish I lived closer (I live in Cali) so I could drive up there and watch this unfold.

Good luck Stinky...or I should say good luck QTPIE!!!

- Rich

Sounds like a relief society party, maybe you had better start making assignments to whose bringing salads, rolls, desserts, refreshments etc, etc, etc.....




Wont dont you write up an Itinerary? That way people can plan to come on down (or up!) The thieves can gut your house also?;-)

I will be down about the 11th. After that I just dont know what to do f you dont tell us!
Our house keeper stays here while were gone bozo! However I have everything insured and could use a few new guns so have at it. Now, if I get any more smart arse remarks outa you ktc I'm saw you down to size and let your wife stomp on whats left! Hey, where's bessy? Isn't he supposed to be a featured guest????


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