
Long Time Member
Just got word Stinky is in Africa again releasing some Aggression!

I guess He was taking a 2376 Yard Shot with the 50 Caliber at a Trophy Elephant when all Hell broke loose!

Guess when the Dust Cleared,they Jumped in to the Land Rover & Drove nearly a Mile & a half over to the Kill site & there Lays an 89 Pound Elephant!


I thought they weighed more than that when they were Born?

Don't know if He 'Pulled/JERKED' with TUSK Fever or how many Shots were Fired?

Guess We'll wait it out for more Info!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
do you drink a red wine or white with elephant??/ and is that before or after you shoot?/
Well elkun!

On an 89 pounder I'm not really sure what they'd make you drink?:D

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
Don't know?

But He might hold a Record in Africa now?

The Longest Shot on the Smallest Elephant with the Biggest Gun!:D

Guess We'll wait for more Details?

I can only Imagine how the Story mighta changed from Africa to TARDville!

just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
I know he's not happy with the ladies right now, but damn!!!! No need to take it out on the fetus!!!!

I just call em as I see em!
As long as you kill something everything is right in the world.
Hope to see some pictures soon.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-13 AT 12:27PM (MST)[p]Oh, I get it now.
Stink's wife has been out "tipping" people????

Back to the story; Hell ya, 89# of ivory is RARE. What wine should you drink with rare? Maybe red?

WTF is sinky???

When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small
>>I wonder if his wife tipped
>>the PH?

LMFAO...good one Eel!
89#'s at 2000+ yds is great. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story, especially the tipping part....LOL.

Believe he was in Botswana. Last year to hunt elephants in Botswana. What a shame!

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
He was 89# on one side and 86# on the other. When we left there were only 11 more tags left to check in and the bull i shot was the largest combi ed weight bull shot in botswan this year. Usually u shoot an ele at 20 yards. However the guide was nervous about the bull getting away so he had me take a shot at 100 yds. It was a brain shot but the bull fell on his right tusk and in old stinky fashion he broke his right tusk. Talk about luck. Anyways here is a picture.
Stinky...Super great bull, well deserved.

Most don't know how much work go's into taking big bull elephants.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
>Congrats stinky!! That is a big
>old elephant. When does your
>elk hunts start?

Stinks on a roll so far......I'll vouch for his first elk hunt because I was his guide. All I am going to say is we had an incredible elk hunt and he harvested a fantastic bull, his biggest, best scoring bull thus far.......nuff said.
Good job on the Dumbo, Tony!!! ;-)

Nice Job StinkBug!

You got the Story after He hit the Ground?

Did the Local Tribesmen Slick the Meat up?

Looks like You're Rackin up a Nice Taxidermist Bill this year already!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
Way to go T. That thing is big enough to stomp STINKY, henceforth it shall be known as the "the 89 pound, STINKY stomper".

To answer a few questions, my navajo hunt started september 1st. However i finally obtained my dream bull this year and all those navajo bulls, even though they are extremely massive, just arent giving me that adrenaline rush i had on my earlier elk hunt so ive yet to pull the trigger. Its just an unbelievable year so far. Ive spoken with tony makris, ivan carter and some guy from hornadye dangerous game tv who all heard about my elephant the day after it happened. That bull is truly a one in a million giant. For me to do 2 hunts back to back and take 2 true once in a lifetime monsters is simply unbelievable. To have my best friend of 15 years walk out on me made me feel like god had completely abandoned me. However im now seeing that god is still right beside me and pouring down his blessings all over me. I know these two animals are simple trophies but to me they are lifelong dreams and god is using them to show me i haven't been abandoned. Lets just say that these last two hunts have done a lot for me in so many ways.
Heres an idea of how big this bulls tusks really are. This is a regular queen size bed.

And heres a pic off the video camera before i shot him

That's a huge BULL, That picture of the tusk on the bed brings it to light Just how big they are.

Would love to see a pic of that huge elk you got earlier.
Glad things are starting to get better and better for you and the family. Keep kicking a$$ and taking names.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Congrats Tony, did you get to watch them cut it up? I have always heard that the locals use the whole thing. Just trying to estimate how much hamburger that must make? That is a great elephant and these hunts ensure their long term safety as the value to the locals is substantial.
Great job Stinky! That is an incredible bull! I dream of hunting Africa someday! Lets see a pic of your elk!

Oh and glad to hear your happy and enjoying life again. God never leaves us my friend. He is always by our side!
>To answer a few questions, my
>navajo hunt started september 1st.
>However i finally obtained my
>dream bull this year and
>all those navajo bulls, even
>though they are extremely massive,
>just arent giving me that
>adrenaline rush i had on
>my earlier elk hunt so
>ive yet to pull the
>trigger. Its just an unbelievable
>year so far. Ive spoken
>with tony makris, ivan carter
>and some guy from hornadye
>dangerous game tv who all
>heard about my elephant the
>day after it happened. That
>bull is truly a one
>in a million giant. For
>me to do 2 hunts
>back to back and take
>2 true once in a
>lifetime monsters is simply unbelievable.
>To have my best friend
>of 15 years walk out
>on me made me feel
>like god had completely abandoned
>me. However im now seeing
>that god is still right
>beside me and pouring down
>his blessings all over me.
>I know these two animals
>are simple trophies but to
>me they are lifelong dreams
>and god is using them
>to show me i haven't
>been abandoned. Lets just
>say that these last two
>hunts have done a lot
>for me in so many

Excellent outlook on life, you are a true mentor, my friend!!
Huge congrats!
I'd love to hear about the elk with slamdunk IF you ever care to share.
Best of luck in the future!
Good to see you're back on your feet stinky! I'd also love to hear more about the elk and pics. Way to keep your head up!

Traditional >>>------->
Congrats Stinky! That is one HUGE Bull!!!

I wanna hear about and see some pics of your other Bull as well.

I am glad you are having such good success.

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Sorry guys. I am forbidden from ever posting pics of that bull on this website. Lets just say it went over that "magical mark" It was my dream bull and I passed dream bulls every day. That elephant was also a once in a life time bull. Im living a very blessed life right now. Thanks for all the well wishes guys. My life is definitely looking up.
Good Job that is pretty cool. So what are you going to do with the trunk? And how many will an elephant feed?
Congrats Man.

> Good Job that
>is pretty cool. So
>what are you going to
>do with the trunk? And
>how many will an elephant
>Congrats Man.

I plan on getting a half body mount on him. U'll have to come over and see it once i get the new trophy room built. Since there is no longer a mrs stomper im free to build as big of a trophy room as i want. Its gonna have all the bells and whistles and animals every where.
Congratulations Tony, that is an elephant of a lifetime! What a fantastic bull, and you got to experience Botswana before the hunting closes. 100 yards is a very long way to shoot an elephant, especially a brain shot, so well done. Now, you have to shoot your next one at 10-15 yards to see what that is like.

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