Stinky and/or other sicko's 


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-11 AT 00:16AM (MST)[p]I started a 'boot-camp' workout program last week, and it is killing me. I am only going every other day, and cycling between. I am trying to cross-train this year to avoid another Achilles problem.

Upper body work is making me miserable in that I am so freakin' sore hat I can barely raise my arms or extend them. I've tried icing right after, lots of ibuprofen! Do you 'experts' have any suggestions? Seriously, I can't even sleep! Even having some muscle twitching, which tells me they are in overload??

The instructor is saying that back to back days are better, but I honestly find that hard to believe!

Appreciate any suggestions you guys have.... Other than beer( that was for Paul)

Oh, and whomever invented the Turkish 'get-up' should be GUT-SHOT!

Ya,You sleep about like I do!

I don't have the Answers Preddy,just several of your symptoms!

So You're preparing for the 2011 Hunts already Huh?:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Is the Turkish "get up" anything like the Asian "happy ending" after a massage? If so, I like those during my workouts. :)

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Not getting sore comes with time, probably a couple of weeks of consistent training. I try and look at it as a good thing, I work out everyday before work so if I can still make myself sore I know I got a good work out in.

In the meantime, try stretching morning and night. Keep it up, you will be glad you did. You only get one body so take care of it.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Try an easier workout and go at it slower. As we get older it's a lot harder for the body to recover. Every other day really is better for your muscles to recover. If your going to work out everyday work the top half one day and the lower half the next. I like Aleve for muscle pain it works best for me. Also drink whey protien after your work outs it helps you to keep burning fat hours after your work outs. Hope this helps.
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

>Is the Turkish "get up" anything
>like the Asian "happy ending"
>after a massage? If so,
>I like those during my
>workouts. :)
>Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha
>sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team
>America World Police

LMFAO!! Where do come up with this stuff Wiz??[/IMG] ~Z~
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

So kingfish?

You're calling us Old?:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Pred, when I saw "Stinky and/or other sicko's", I thought we were in trouble for sure!


RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Muscle soreness is from lactic acid buildup, drink alot of water to help clear it out of the muscle cells. We have hard foam rollers and lacrosse balls that we will roll on to release any knots, hurts like hell but it will do the trick. There is also a supplement you can take that really helps, some of the guys at our gym take it and claim to have zero soreness after.
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Eel, I keep telling you, as long as you register whenever you move a meet your parole officer once a month, you have nothing to worry about.

RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Lisa, OK then, I'm good!

I have a friend who worked out too hard. He started having trouble with his Achilles.

RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

After my daily workout, driving around in my truck and shooting coyotes out the window, looking at the deer and elk populations and watching ducks pairing up, I usually try a slice of angel food cake with a bowl of sherbert ice cream.

I try to do this everyday so that my muscles don't have a chance to go slack. I realize that this is a tough routine, but I am 64 years old and it has kept me going so far.

If it is early in the day, I will hit the ice cream again just before helps me sleep and avoid those nasty midnite snack cravings that I SOOO do hate!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Dang Lisa, you planning on multiple tags in multiple states again this year.....geez save a few for the rest of us!

I went to work out (not really a workout but volunteering time) and lifted one box and blew my distal after surgery they won't let me do anything with it for months!...
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Mix some glutamine in with your protein shakes and any juices throughout the day. It will help in recovery of your muscles.
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Being a personal trainer for a living I may be able to toss you some additional ideas here.
Stretching after you train is important, even during the days afterwards, stretch out. As mentioned, glutamine will help recovery. Its the most abundant amino acid in your body. As far as your spasms go, that's your body screaming for simple sugars immediately after training, you need to replenish that glycogen you just depleted during your training sessions. PM me any time if you have more questions, I'll try my best to help you. SLAM
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

800 mg of ibuprofin is about the best. The muscles feeling like they are going to pull is due to the lactic acid and the fact they haven't been worked out in a while they are in shock. You need to do easier workouts cuz it sounds as if you are over loading your muscles. Do basic workouts for two weeks then add a few more workouts per muscle group every week until your muscles have come around.

I am assuming you haven't worked out in a long time and if so your muscles will respond super fast meaning you will build a lot of muscle fast and the process of repairing muscle which is actually building can be very painful. In addition tons of water is definitely needed. Stay off the creatine as it will take even more water to run that stuff.

Long story short is that you need to ease into it. Then slowly build up. One thing that will definitely help is a post workout recovery shake. after shock is the best and will help with recovery. If you want the best advice pm slamdunk. He's the guy that really knows his crap. I would say I'm at the intermediate level and that slammy is several tiers up from me for sure.

In addition you need to kick your protein intake up so that you can repair your muscles and get over all this soreness asap!
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Lisa, I always take a mega dose of vitamin C with lots of water after an extreme workout. Also, You need to get lots of good quality protein in your diet everyday, a multi-vitamin supplement, and lots of Jello (just because it tastes so good). Believe it or not, my muscle soreness goes away after a good sweaty hike/walk. I think getting the blood circulating helps alot to disolve the lactic acid.

Good luck on the "build up", and never give up.
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

scratch my last comment and simply pm slammy. Do exactly what he says and you will be fine.

Hey slammy, remember when I called you that night screaming because the leg workout I did was causing massive charlie horses. I think it was caused by the supplements I was taking pulling water out of my body. Try and remember the supplements I was taking cuz it sounds like she is having similar cramps/charlie horses?

Anyways I worked through it but can't remember what we did.

Do you have any ideas??????
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Stinky is right about the ibuprofen, it will help take the edge off. Time will be the best medicine, the soreness will get lighter as your body gets accustomed to the punishment your giving it. Also as mentioned, keep protein high, its what repairs the damaged muscle tissue. Rule of thumb is one gram per pound of you lean body mass (LBM).

I'll have to ponder your question Tony, I'm trying to recall the conversation.
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

I totally forgot about glutamine!! DUH. Thanks fellas, it is clear to me that focusing on bike racing has resulted in measly upper body strength. These are whole body workouts at anaerobic, lactate threshold. My legs get wobbly by the end, but I have no soreness.

My pecs, upper lats and tri's are killing me. So I will take to heart the water thing, I am pretty good about it all day long anyway, but I will up that. I think I will just do what I do on the bike, drink my electrolyte mix before, during and after.

I have been hitting a protein drink after the workout. I will stay on the every other day track until it gets a little easier.

thanks YOU SICKOS!! :)
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Back in the days when I was teaching, one of my grad students did a study involving lactic acid. He had the womens swimming team as 'subjects'. Anyway, he gave them either a placebo (calcium carbonate) or the control (sodium bicarbonate)in a dosage based on body weight. Each girl got both the control and the placebo at different times. Each girl swam a 50meter sprint about 30 minutes after ingestion. Theory behind this, is that only two things will take the LA away from the hemoblobin...time (via off gassing/exhalation) or introduction of an acid base buffer. The buffer's job is to break the chemical bond between the Hydrogen ion and hemoglobin, therby allowing oxygen to re-attach.

The average time improvement was 1.9 seconds. drawbacks....possible GI distress and the runs.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

Feddoc, that is interesting! That is why I cannot take creatine, it just tears me up.
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

You start looking like slammy and stinky and we are gonna have some problems! My hell, if we ever get into a hunting camp together I'm going to have to invite B Bop so I have someone to complain about the aging process with!:D

It's always an adventure!!!
RE: Stinky and/or other sicko's ??

The real reason the chemicals improved their time was the exhaust gases it created that propelled them through the water like a friggin jet sled!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-11 AT 08:09PM (MST)[p]To prevent soreness, immediately after your workout, soak the muscles you expect to be sore in as hot of water as you can stand for 10 minutes.

Oh, and when my muscles start to cramp, I take potassium and calcium and they stop.
Jim- if I tried to look like Slam and Stinky, then I would have to get that SHIRT to wear.....I wonder where I saved that pic? Lol

In watching a video on Kipping pullups, I think that the explanation given to me was not correct. I was told to not control on the descent, and I didn't, which might explain why my shoulders and lats feel like a gorilla tried to pull my arms off!

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