
Active Member
One more thing Steve, Awhile back read an article in the newspaper about people moving out of cali. but the population is increasing go figure, if I'm not mistaken the people that are movine out were the ones paying taxes , car regerstrations a State that is flat ass broke.Bob....
Yes, still stewing! I have friends that have moved from Ca to other states, many to CO and it is like another world to them. Everything is clean, maintained to the hilt and don't have half of the rip-rap free-loaders that we have in California. They obviously miss the weather here...but there will always be some give and take. Last week we had temps in the 80's and yesterday and today it's been drizzling. I love it here and will be staying here. My wife and I are have business's that force us to stay since our finances are client based. If I could, I'd seriously consider moving. I'm sure wherever someone goes, the problems that the government create will find them eventually. If those that have lived before us saw what this country has become, they'd be very upset and disgusted. THEY lived in a country where you got what you earned....plain and simple.


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