Still Living at Home?



i want to move out and get my own place

my mom says it is okay for me to stay at home

my stepdad said i am 19 now and need to get my own life start as my own man

how many of uo guys still live with mom and dad that are in the 20 or older age

Bobbie Faycer
Do you have a job or are you going to school? My step-daughter is 18 and she moved out already. She's going to school and pays very little rent where she is living. We still pay for a few things for her for the simple fact that she's going to school. Now, if she drops out of school, God forbid, she will be cut off and be taught a life lesson. She is always welcomed back if she decides she can be a normal, productive person. I stayed at home until I was 22. Staying at home can be a good thing.

Bobby, Robert, whatever.....My grandfather had 5 kids and in the middle was the only boy (my uncle) so when he turned 16 or so they built a 14x20 bunkhouse out behind the barn. It was about 1/2 way inbetween my folks and grandparents place with 250yds or so each way. It had a mini kitchen, wood stove, and full bath. When I turned 18 I fixed it up and moved in, all I had to do was help out and watch the ranch when everyone was gone. I payed no rent or utilities.....drank, partied, brought home nasty women and had a hell of a time for 10 years or so. When I started getting serious with my wife I bought my own house and moved out....what a moron. I should have just added on. Ahh....... The stabbin cabin :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Amen brother.....what were you thinking, Hardway? Dude, I'd be living through you had stayed in the blow chateau! Did you keep any pictures of the inhabitants? You had it made!! Damn you...

One of my buddies had a place like that, it was known as the Chateau 69!

Success is failure that tried one more time
Well bobby,
One day you're name will change to Bob or Robert,
You're still asking people like us what you should get your Dad for Christmas,
You seem still a little young & hey thats ok,live life while you can to the maximus,
Do you have a full time job?
Can you hold your own?
There will be tough times,you ready for the challenges in life?
Even though there are times I'd like to boot my kids out,they'll always have a place to stay no matter what age they are,
Just wondering if you're old/man enough to challenge life on your own bobby?
Ya it's not an easy task & we all go through that stage of life sooner or later,
Reminds me of a song:

I work down at The Pizza Pit
And I drive an old Hyundai
I still live with my mom and dad
I'm five foot three and overweight
I'm a sci: fi fanatic, mild asthmatic
Never been to second base
But there's a whole 'nother me
That you need to see
Go check out Myspace.

'Cause online I'm out in Hollywood
I'm six foot thirteen and I look damn good
I drive a Maserati, I'm a black belt in karate
And I love a good glass of wine
It turns girls on that I'm mysterious
I tell 'em I don't want nothing serious
'Cause even on a slow day I can have a three-way chat
With two women at one time.

I'm so much cooler online
I'm so much cooler online.

I get home I kiss my mom
And she fixes me a snack
I head down to my basement bedroom
And fire up my Mac
In real life the only time
I've ever even been to L.A.
Was when I got the chance with the marching band
To play tuba in the Rose Parade.

But online I live in Malibu
I pose for Calvin Klein
I've been in GQ
I'm single and I'm not rich
And I got a set of six-pack abs that would blow your mind
It turns girls on that I'm mysterious
I tell 'em I don't want nothing serious
'Cause even on a slow day I can have a three-way chat
With two women at one time.

I'm so much cooler online
Yeah, I'm cooler online.

When you've got my kind of stats
It's hard to get a date
Let alone a real girlfriend
But I grow another foot and lose a bunch of weight
Every time I log in.

Online I'm out in Hollywood
I'm six foot thirteen and I look damn good
Even on a slow day I can have a three-way chat
With two women at one time.

I'm so much cooler online
Yeah, I'm cooler online
I'm so much cooler online
Yeah, I'm cooler online.

Not meaning anything rude here Bobby,the song just reminds me of people still living with their parents,

If you're ready,sobeit,if you're not ready I'll bet Mom & Dad won't mind you hanging around for a while.
Feleno- I can just hear your grandmother yelling, "Who took the Vaseline I use for my heals?"

Eeerie! almost like you lived there!!

Seriously i lived with my parents until I was 25! True. Extenuating circumstances but thats the way it turned out. I saved a HUGE amount of money by doing that and was able to put a monster downpayment on a house when we got married. Was it worth living at home? Hell yeah, my house payment now is less than a lot of people monthly grocery bills. If the situation is right, go for it.
I'm not gonna let this post die.....It's sinking but I'm throwing young Bobbie a floatation device. I think Bobby is looking for some better advice than what has already been given.

I asked some questions earlier that you haven't asked. Not sure if you just haven't logged back in or what but do you have a job or are you going to school? Those answers hold a lot of weight in how some will advise you to proceed, young Bobby. I have much wisdom and I'm willing to share it with you.

lol you ask some funny questions Bobbo but here's a couple real quick questions I'd ask myself to help decide...How good of a cook is Mom?? Does Stepdad just want me out because I got him those pj's for xmas??

i do have a part time job at BK

i am always trying to get a better job for the pay

my mom can cook and i do

my stepdad is great

i think he always wants the best for me in my future

my girlfriend has thought we could get a place and split the rent

Bobbie Faycer
glad to see you have a job bobby,
I'll just clue you in on one thing,BK might be alright for the time being,but life gets real spendy real quick once you're out on your own,
sounds like a good woman,get a "Pre-Pre numpt" asap,
a woman that will help with expenses throughout a marriage is a good woman.
Hope you land a good job bobby,keep looking,I think you'll need a job better than BK to make it through future life situations,not knockin the BK job,at least you're working.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-09 AT 07:19AM (MST)[p]stay home save the money till your really ready! do it to soon and you be back in a month, dump the girlfriend and you hook up with some female in management...may be a district manager!!
and maybe 15/20 yrs older....who can foot the bills!

Stay at home as long as you can.

Go to school. Get a degree in something you enjoy, so that you will have the time and money later in life to go hunting whenever you want.

Big advice; Make yourself useful around the house.....NOBODY needs, or appreciates, a "couch potato in training".
What else are you interested in Bobbie? What are some feilds you'd like a job a career? This is something you really need to think about. Burger King may pay for all the video games you want to play for now, but what happens when you want to venture out of the arcade and into the realm of real life where minimum wage is just not enough. Now is the time in life where these questions need to be answered.

Were you the one who was wanting to know if you should go on a mission? Now you are thinking about living with your GF.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
It's time to man up Bob. Either go to school and stay home or go into the military. Sounds like you need some direction. Whatever you do, don't move in with your girlfriend. You're 19 for god's sake, sow your oats.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-09 AT 03:50PM (MST)[p]Join the U.S. armed forces. It will make you a man, provide a deceint income, smokin' benefits for you and your future wife, paid education, good food & cool things too mess with like machine guns, hand grenades, airplanes, helicopters, ships, tanks...etc. Basically everything a young man loves. But the most important thing that it will do for you is it will make VERY VERY proud to have served your for your country, GOD & your family. What else could you ask for? I served in the U.S. Army for a long time and loved it.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
Bates +1

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Easy people.....that may be a trick question. I had so many comments pop into my head but I'm just gonna back off real slow....

lets hear them Wiz

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
I'm not saying a word. I don't want to end up like Hunt Rez and BOBCATBESS!! I'm locked up tighter than BobbieUtah's stepdads jammie drawer!

"you're 19 for gods sake, sow your oats". but be careful, I had a kid and was married at 19.
no i am not a negro

me and my mom are cockasian and so was my real dad

my stepdad Billy is a black man and he is proud to me a retired united states marine and a black man

my girlfriend saiys if i go on a mission she can not be there with me but if i go in the military she can be with me

Bobbie Faycer
I had my stuff packed a week before I turned 18....Had a great 18 years at home. Wanted freedom and that comes with living on your own, paying your own way.
"no i am not a negro
me and my mom are cockasian and so was my real dad"

Somebody please save this for next years "best post award"

I'm glad to see you're on a hunting forum Bob instead of Twitter or Facebook or whatever, but please join the military.

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