Still in Montana



I'm still in Montana working. I am enjoying the wildlife and scenery. Here's a few pictures from my office. Probably be here a couple more weeks. I'm trying to get out to look for sheds, but am working from dusk to dawn, 7 days a week ince Feb, 27th.
Thought, I'd check in with you guys. My internet connection are is terrible, I can't get on MM very often.



A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Hey Tom, Glad to hear from you. If you got to be stuck working all those hours, probably decent pay checks, at least it looks like you're in a pretty place. Are you seeing much of any fish or game?

the other Joey
Glad to see that you didn't fall off the edge of MM. That country is awsome. I think I see a bull on the mountain to the left on the second pic. Looks around 340ish.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-09 AT 10:22AM (MST)[p]mtmuley
I'm working on the Cabinet Gorge resevoir between the Noxon Dam and Cabinet Gorge Dam. They are on the Clark Fork river near Heron and Noxon. On the last week of February there was a release (spill) of mineral oil and PCB's. A piece of ice broke of the Noxon Dam and hit a cooling-lubrication line of a transformer and spilled into the 19.5 mile long resevoir. Usually they don't take this long to clean up, but because of the cold weather and the rise and fall of the lake levels and oil trapped under ice this job has been difficult.
Seeing a lot of wildlife, here's a few pics.
And yes paychecks are good, working 7 days a week 12-14 hours a day.







A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Tom, That's what I thought. I read about that spill in my local paper, and I have family up near there. Even though it's work, that is absolutely beautiful country to be in. Do you hear if folks there are worried about the removal of the Milltown Dam near Missoula and possible effects downstream? mtmuley
I haven't heard from locals talking about it. Although I read about a breach from the Milltown Dam demo. that released arsenic in the water near Missoula.
I would be concerned, however the arsenic would be so diluted by the time it got to that far down river it would probably be non-detectable.
During ground water samplings most wells were below EPA OSHA standards-10 parts per billion(PPB). One well had 21PPB but was from a different source than the breech. Probably from a mine. People don't realize how dangerous old mines are, not just the obvious, cave ins, etc. Most old gold mines are heavily contaminated with arsenic, mercury and hydrogen sulfide.
Are you from the Libby/Troy area?

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Tom, I am not from the Libby/Troy area. I was born in Shelby, grew up in the Bitteroot. I have family scattered all over Montana. I follow the goings on regarding the impact of days gone by. W.R. Grace is big news here of late. It is a real eye-opener to find out our pristene mountain state has such issues. mtmuley

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