Still have a hand and going hunting


Long Time Member
I haven't been on MM in a while basically because I have been working a full time job and doing 4 to 5 hours of therapy a day. Also I've been having to travel 8 hours 1 day a week for a specialist. Really difficult to keep up although I have occasionally found time to enjoy reading some of your interesting debates. I still have a hand although it doesn't work real well, more surgery after deer season. I really got screwed up by a totally incompetent surgeon who totally botched a very simple metacarpal pinning nerves tendons wrist all screwed up, plus put the hand in Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Past history doesn't matter, also taught me something. Just had the 5th friend call and tell me if you get a deer down tommorrow give me a call you'll need help. Also gave me an appreciation for those of you who manage to hunt with a handicap my admiration to you. Feels good to be getting back in the game although not at full speed.
Great news cornhusker! Glad to see your on the mend. Hope you get your buck.
By the way Dude really needs help too. LOL He's out numbered.

Wholly Crapp man!
Hang in there...
Gives ya a warm fuzzy when buds show/call out of the blue to offer/give help, don't it?
Hope yer back to full grip soon.
Aww Husker...that sucks about the botched surgery! So glad to hear you're still going hunting and have many offers of help though. I hope you can regain alot of movement in that hand. Good Luck.

Corn, nice to hear you're still kickin. hope you get fixed up and heal like new.

Good luck hunting, and when you get time take a few shots at the Bush bunnies here. I have two hands but only type with one finger so you're probably still faster than me.
Good luck to ya with the surgeries and the hunt. If you need help with your deer, well don't call me because it's a dang far piece from Texas to Nebraska! Glad to see you have some "real friends"! ;-)

So who's the new coach going to be? I think Callahan recruited well as BIG RED definitely has some talent - he just can't get them to play for him!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
> Corn, nice to hear you're
>still kickin. hope you get
>fixed up and heal like
> Good luck hunting, and when
>you get time take a
>few shots at the Bush
>bunnies here. I have two
>hands but only type with
>one finger so you're probably
>still faster than me.

Hop hop.

Sorry to hear you're on the Injured Reserve List Husker! Sounds like you got a crew of good buddies to literally lend you a hand.
Lending a hand to a good friend is a great gesture, it has to be a lot better than say, if you had a botched penile surgery. :)

Hope you get better soon buddy!

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