"stiff leg"


Very Active Member
No I am not talking about "hog legs" or "3rd legs", but kill shots. I have shot numerous coyotes and bobcats where they "stiff legged" and fell right over. This past fall out calling I shot a coyote in the neck at about 40 yrds and I swear he stayed sitting on his haunches for a 2-3 seconds before he fell over. Also on a whitey this year I shot him in the neck and he rolled completely over on his other side. What it boils down to is a good clean kill with respect for and no suffering of the animal. What are your stories of "stiff leggin" any wildlife. It feels real good when you dont have to do any tracking!
My favorite shot is to the neck, hit the vertabrae and the lights go out. A couple of years ago in wyoming my dad hit a buck through the spine on his back, tipped right over stiff legged. Same year I shot a 29" 3 by 4 at the base of the neck at 236 yards, rolled the buck down the hill till he came to rest with all 4 feet sticking straight up. Shot other deer, elk with similar results. Best place to hit an animal in my opinion
Archery deer. I took him from a good distance 45 yards or there about. The arrow went clear through him but he had no clue he was hit, he stood there, started to wobble and tipped over. It was pretty cool.

Shot my 1st bull elk like that. Drivin down the dirt track and a bunch of cows get up and start leavin tracks. I notice a young bull with em and hit the park brake, grab my .300 win mag, jump out the door as I beat my model 70 against the standard trans gear shifter thing, pull up and squished the trigger. I swear I watched that 180 gn. fail safe all the way to that bulls shoulder. I next seen the hair part like the red sea. Young bull didn't take another step, just stood their and rocked side to side about 4 times and fell down the little hill stiff legged as hell. Never forget it .
My little brother and sister were shooting at this little dink 2 point on opening morning, both had missed but thought TripleK had hit him, he was heading for a canyon and getting away fast, not wanting to haul a wounded dink on my back up that canyon, decided I would help out. 175 yard dead run quatering away shot, touched the .06 off and by the time I came back down from the recoil all I could see were legs sticking straight in the air. Got up to him - one hit, just mine. TripleK had missed bigger than Dallas. Tagged out at 7:15AM on opening day on the only hunt I actually had the full two weeks to hunt without any interruptions or obligations to get back to.

Also, the first think I ever killed with that rifle was a coyote - also a quatering away shot. Flipped it end over end, tore the whole side out of it. Dead before it hit the ground.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
So Roy?
After you shot the Buck?
Did TTK say: That ain't the Pisscutter I was shooting at?
....I like shooting them through the spine at about the last rib......totally freezes the back half but with a little prodding you can usually get them to drag themselves to the truck for a humane neck shot.....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON May-12-10 AT 10:07PM (MST)[p]I'm sorta with JB on this one. If you shoot real well you can blow the stiff legs right out from under them at the knees. Then herd them to the truck. One quick shot to the head & you are on your way.

PETA!!!! Of course I'm talking about your cat.. not wild animals.

As I recall, any animal I've seen shot in the spin collapsed without the stiff leg behavior however I've seen the "stiff leg" thing on heart shots as opposed to the jump-kick reflex that some animals do when hit in or near the heart. Not sure if it relates to anything in particular but a vet. or med, doctor could most likely provide an explanation. My guess is it would have to do with some kind of shocked nerve/brain response.

When I was younger, I watched my dad shoot a deer at about 100 yards with a muzzleloader. The deer had its head down grazing, and the way it was standing, it never moved again, it's antlers got stuck in the ground, until it tipped back and flipped down the hill.

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