
Long Time Member

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LUCK bet he can't do that 10 times in a row.
BUT a good result.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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>the MM green signature club.[font/]
THIS is an ad....

Some of you may have seen my wife?s post?Opener weekend was crazy..first off, sad to have shot this cat but you must know?this was self defense, and pic could not be ?prettied up? as Fish and Game was investigating?as I finished a set of cow calling for elk, I walked over and retrieved my decoy. As I returned to my bow and pack I caught movement ahead?CAT, running at me! I screamed at it, but it had no reaction. In just 1 second time, I dropped the decoy, grabbed my bow with an arrow still nocked (luckily), drew and raised the V of the EZ V Sight. As the shoulders of the cat filled the V I released?CRACK! And the cat veered and ran to the right. I grabbed my gear and scurried to my buddy a few hundred yard away to tell him what happened..

Once I gathered my thoughts, we trailed the blood and found the cat dead, amazed I had hit it square in the nose! CRAZY!

Immediately we called Fish and Game and they came out, investigated, and took the cat?no fault of mine, although dramatic and sad?
I will say, if I had any pin sight?if my mind said ?how far? or ?which pin?, I likely would not have survived..HONESTLY, the V saved my a running pace and at 16 yards?instinct took over?not to make this an EZ V commercial, but it simply is the fastest ?bowhunting sight? ever built?no matter what the situation.

The next day had a better ending, taking a nice 5X5 elk with my buddy Jake?exhausting weekend, but very rewarding..

Either way, I don't believe the dudes story. Who hasn't been followed by a cat in the hills? Whether you know it or not. Usually it's a yearling and just curious what you are. When they're caught they just stand there still or crouch behind a bush and stare at you. The cat in the picture was not charging when shot. Imo And I'd have to say that someone saw an opportunity for an add...
Yeah, If the cat was running, the arrow would have a better angle up into its brain. This looks like it was just standing there, looking at the hunter. But hey, a dead cat is a good cat.
I had a run in with a kitty the other day and thought I was going to have to do this to it, I've been sitting a water hole for elk in a brushed in blind, as I'm sitting there I catch movement out the corner of my eye, turn my head to see a lion that was walking down to the water only 6 yards away, He hadn't noticed me until I turned my head.

We have a short stare down and I finally decide I better get my bow ready just in case.

I reach out and grab my bow and bring it around to face the cat, He stayed a couple more seconds so I start to draw as at 6 yards he could be on me in no time, as I started to draw he finally ran off.

Needless to say I was a little on nerve after that. LOL

I knew he was in the area as I had seen his tracks on the pond and I did have one trail cam pic of him from the morning before.

Jake H.

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