stereo abuse



adult language!!

watch past the silver in the beggining and it gets REAL GOOD!!

LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-09 AT 03:47PM (MST)[p]Me thinks crying into a camera will fix everything.......

-edit...just so you know i didn't listen to all 10 minutes of the rant, i only got to about 45 seconds....he might have had some genius insight after i couldn't take it anymore.


"maybe it will? i dont know, worth a shot anyway."
the only thing i found funny about it was that it reminded me of the time my best buddy growing up got into his parents booze and was out in the garage busting stuff up....he was 14 when he did that, and he was crying over some stupid girl...seriously thats what it reminded me of. And yes that was one FUNNY night, i'll never forget it.

I'm 60 and life is too short. If tageater can't take it for more than 45 seconds, I believe I'll pass.:)

LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-09 AT 07:09PM (MST)[p]Oh give it 30 seconds, Eel...i hear he's got some good points!

plus it'd be rude to ignore a link that elkantler75 has taken the time to post.

Alright tag. I did it just for you. LMAO! That was hilarious, and worth the listen!!!! His whole garage got the Barry Bonds treatment. Too funny! Thanks elkantler75!

me thinks he should become a mexican and try out for the olympic piniata team.....
ok, elkantler75, I said if Eel, could stomach it i'd try it was what i thought it would be.

he'd do ok on the piniata team.

maybe some of the liberal commies on this site should watch these videos and then STFU!
He looks like he was dipping his back shoulder a little bit - typical softball bad habits!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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