Steelhead fishing trip!



Hey guys just wanted to say that i am headed to Forks here in washington to do some steelhead fishing for 3 days with my dad. Cant wait. I should have some good pics when i get home.

Knock em dead! I landed a couple of dinks (6-8 lbs) on the Cowlitz yesterday. It is pretty slow. Saw the first springer of the year at the hatchery. It was about 25 lbs. I wish that I was heading out to the Penninsula.
Have fun!
I Gotta Git up there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys are killing me!
The Peninsula is the best thing goin outside B.C!
A lucky guy that lives in my old hometown,was just fishing the Smith River here in Nor Cal,and landed a 25lber! (the state record is 25lbs)
I am going to make a serious run at catching a hog steelie next winter.
We have some summer run steelies that will go over 20 lbs. Now that is a kick in the pants! I hooked a 22 lb summer run on the Wynoochie a couple of years ago that fought about as hard as a 50 lb king. (with a few more acrobatics) It makes your heart stop every time a big-un like that jumps 3-5 feet out of the water.
WHOOPS! in my post I said the Ca. state record is 25lbs, it is actually 27lbs.
That summer run has potential Eric!
When is the peak of that run?
Don't forget the north sound rivers in Wa. We caught some nice fish out of the Sky. this year before she shut down one went 43 inches. Been gettin a few out of the Sauk also put one in my boat that was 41" and 23 lbs. Three weeks ago. Wamuleyhunter If I remember correctly you were headed to the lower Q. I hope to see some big fish pics when you get back. Ironhead
I told you I couldn't stand it anymore!
Today,I booked a trip with an Indian guide to take me and my buddy down the Quinault next year to try to land one of those pigs!
Weeeeeel Seeeee!!!!!!!!!!
Kick A$$ H-H! Let me know when you are up and we will have to meet. Maybe even wet a line. You are going to love it!
Have fun and good luck. A couple of years ago I took my wife up to Forks and went on a guided steelhead fishing trip with Three rivers fishing guides. We fished the Bougishel ( spelling ? ). We had a great time and caught 3 nice steelhead. My wife caught 2 and I caught 1. I still hear about her catching more fish then me. Bring warm clothes it gets cold on the river.
We're headed over to the Salmon next week for some steelhead. Those fish arent near as bright as the peninsula fish, but still fun to catch for a Wyoming boy. If its anything like last year it will be tremendous.

I think Hunter Harry suggested posting pics. Lets do that.
Hey guys thought i would tell you about my trip. left wed. afternoon. got there it was rainy. when we left friday afternoon it was raining. it raind 5 inches in 2 1/2 days we were there. non stop. So i am sure you can figure out most of the rest.
Couldnt fish the Bogey or Hoh. Didnt want to fish the Sol Duc, it was bumper boats. So we drove 30 or so minutes to the Clearwater. Launched thursday morning at upper clearwater. Long drift to where we could start fishing. Gorgeous river, had to start high, because it was starting to rise and get a little color. got down put the lines in and had 2 native steelhead in 30 minutes. 18 pound hen and a 21 pound buck. Awesome fish!!! so we limit out and get to the pull out. get up to the truck to load the boat. both trailer tires slashed and one on the truck. Sweet really happy now. fix that tire so we could go up and get the other truck up at the launch. 30 minutes later they return with only 1 truck. All 4 tires slashed on that one. That truck is my dads brand new crew cab GMC. now we are really pissed. go in to forks get 2 new trailer tires, and one new one for the guide/friend truck. call a tow truck with the flatbed. told him to meet us up there. go back up there load dads truck get the boat. get back to forks about 4:00. get 700 dollars worth of new tires on dads truck and head to the bar to find out who did it. Apparently somebody has done it to 2 other guides from forks and their clients trucks. Friday morning we couldnt fish, and didnt want to go back to the clearwater. so we packed up and headed home. Good fishing, lots and lots of rain. One hell of a story to tell. plenty more details. just not for the internet.

thanks guys.

Good fish, but the tire incedent is a pisser. Hope you find the guys and give them an attitude adjustment.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I'd trade the tires for a 21lb Buck Steelhead!
I am burning for a 20+ to put on my wall!
Sorry to hear bout the rubber!
I'd love to catch the dirty bastards in the act!
The Clearwater is one pretty drift and great fishing! We have shot (with our bows) a lot of nice bulls out of that area too.
Sorry to hear about the tires. Probably some local idiot kids that arent smart enough to know better. I have never had tires slashed but, while fishing the Chehalis we had out side windows broken out and the rig ram-sacked. That has happened twice at the same spot to my buddy too. Someone needs to sit back in the woods with a cell phone and a rifle (for shooting holes in their rig) and catch those little pr!cks!
ya thanks guys, the fishing was awesome, always is. My dad has a 26 1/2 out of the bogey that Dave Cambell mounted for him. i will have to scan a picture for ya. So we really wanted to get one like that again. Anyways ya rick our guide/good friend wanted to do the same thing the next day but be sitting in the brush with shot guns. when they came back. And get our moneys worth on their truck. We saw a lot of elk over there adn some blacktails. the elk had huge bodies. i wish they still had their antlers. i have never seen a bull Roosevelt elk in person before.
You were in the right place to see Roosies in good shape. The Queets River valley is another prime place to see some nice bulls. All the bulls around my place still have their headgear on. I wish they would hurry up and drop em so the kids and I can go git em.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-04 AT 07:43AM (MST)[p]there were a couple small bulls but i didnt see anything huge like i wanted.

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