States that allow muzzleloaders with scopes


Long Time Member
What western states allow hunting with muzzleloaders topped with a scope...whether 1 power or more? Thanks.

T&A Inspector
New Mexico allows muzzleloaders with scopes. New Mexico also has restricted muzzleloader hunts (in-line ignition, sabots, pelleted powder, belted bullets, multiple projectiles and scope are illegal).

LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-10 AT 07:30AM (MST)[p]Utah will not allow anything over one power. The area I hunted last year in New Mexico there were no restrictions on scope power.
Every state is different. Utah you can have a fixed 1 power scope or open sights.

I am thinking of buying an inline muzzleloader and I want to get an idea of how many different states that I can hunt with a scope on it. I'm borrowing one of my Dads inline for the NV hunt and it is open sights. I'm good out to about 125 yards but anything past that the sights swallow up the target. Last thing I want to do is wound a deer for lack of good sights/target vision.
Even a one power scope makes a huge difference in my opinion. Just trying to see what states allow the scopes. Thanks for the info guys.

T&A Inspector
OK Wisz,
Here's where we must argue again!:D
Don't know how familiar you are with 1X scopes?
Just to clue you in a little!
A 1x Scope is actually a de-magnification to the average Human eye!
An average good human eye is 1.5X

You wanna look through my 1x Scope?
If you've hunted alot with lets say an average 3x9 scope,you get in a habit of raising your gun to get a better look right?The object you're looking at gets closer right?
Well with a 1X scope,your instinct is to raise your gun to get a better look right?
You raise your gun,as you look through the 1X scope everything just got 50 yards further away,DAMN how'd that happen?

Yes it's true Wisz,My eyes ain't worth a damn anymore but they still beat a 1X scope!

Good Luck on the Hunts!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
B-BOP-A-LOO-BOPPER-KALAMA-KA-ZOOPER, - I have never looked through a 1x scope so I had no idea the magnification was less than the human eye. I also am not a science dork, either! :) Also, my Dad taught me at a young age to never raise your rifle towards any animal you don't intend to pull the trigger on. So, no, I don't raise my rifle to look at game. That is what I use my Leupold binos for. Social Security must be pretty bad if you can't afford binos. HaHa. Just kidding, of course.
So, are you saying that there is an advantage to using iron sights compared to a 1x scope?
I know you can't use a scope in Cali, from what I understand, and NV also does not allow the use of a scope, from what I understand.

T&A Inspector
What I'm saying is Wisz:

Lots of people are quick to buy a TARD approved 1X scope.
I just hate the part of raising my gun & seeing whatever I'm looking at move backwards 50 yards!

Oh and by the way,I do have a pair of CHEAP Bino's,REDDOG keeps reminding me how cheap they are,then I mentioned my spotting scope,LOL!

Just sayin Wisz,
I think We'd both be better off with a higher quality Peep sight if we could find one?
Most stock Iron sights on Muzzle loaders don't impress me much!

On my old Hawkins,back 30 years ago when I had 20-10 vision,I filed my front sight in to a thin point,worked good until my vision started fading a couple years ago.

Maybe Utah will approve a Scope for a smokepole someday that's worth a damn,but I'm not impressed with 1X scopes!

If you get to a sports store,ask the guy if you can look through one,pick something out on the other side of the store,look with your bare eye & then look with your whoppin 1X scope & you'll see I'm not bullshippin you!

Oh,and don't cheat with your Bino's!:D

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Lets just put it this way Wisz!
I think You'll understand this better anyway!

A 1X Scope would be a Poor piece of equipment for a T & A Inspector on a Beach!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
BBop, I think he understands now?:)

Kilo and I are looking for States that allow you to shoot from the truck. Let us know if you know any.

Eel- Half of the hunters in tardville shoot from their trucks. They got it down to a science. They've got a 4 1/2 foot 2x4 in the cab with them they can use as a monopod as well!

B-Bop- I know your're not bullshippin' me. I beleive you. It's funny though how states want to make the primitive hunts SO primitive....almost to where they're putting equipment in hunters hands that may wound a lot of animals if not responsible "shooters". I know my limit with my ML with iron sights. I'm sure theres a lot of hunters out there would try to stretch that limit 50 yards past where they should. It's a fine line I suppose and may cause others to argue so just forget what I said.:)

T&A Inspector
I would never bring a 1X scope to the beach. My eyes are trained to calculate a womans measurements out to 400 yards....

T&A Inspector
Hey eel,
I know the PERFECT place!:D

I hear ya Wisz,don't get me wrong,I currently have a 1X scope on my Inline,Camo & all,looks impressive until you look through it!

Well I'll give you credit Wisz,you know your range/limitations,unlike the Stick Flippin assshole I seen opening morning of LE Elk Archery Hunt this year,the JOKER took a 175 yard shot at a Bull,seen it with my own eyes,IS THAT ETHICAL?
I keep wondering if he's took his Archery Ethics class?


I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
175 yards? LOL!!! If it's someone on this site, he probably swears he practices at that distance. I wonder what part of the bottom limb he uses as his pin? :)

T&A Inspector
Just some general info for traditional muzzle loader hunts in OREGON--
NO scopes- open sights only
NO pelletized powder- loose black or subsititutes only
No 209 primers-- #11 or musket ok
No copper or sabots on bullets-- lead or lead alloy ok
Open ignition ( primer exposed to the weather) only-

They have us in a pretty tight box here-
hope this helps--gg
gunguy- Ya...I'd say they limit the ML hunters to the hilt! Thanks for the info.

T&A Inspector
Wished I had that 175 yard BS shot on film!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Bet it was the Best of The West guys, I here that they are getting into Bow hunting-

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