State of Utah, DNR, MDF, and SFW stick it to Utahns' at Wildlife Board Meeting



LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-12 AT 07:57PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-12 AT 07:38?PM (MST)

The Last Wildlife Board Meeting in Utah: EPIC FAIL of MDF, SFW, and The DNR!

I'm a little slow in getting my post out here, but I've had a much to think about since attending the last board meeting. I sat quietly as a casual observer and tried my best to make sense of the clown show taking place throughout the day at the last DNR Board Meeting in Salt Lake.

Here are my conclusions:

What little respect I had left for MDF and SFW is now completely gone. Their dog and retarded pony show at the board meeting was an absurd display of disgustingly defiant men who seem to be legends in their own minds, but not in the minds of anyone else. Let me explain.

First, when Eric, MDF President, stood and whined about the mean people here on MM bashing his organization in an unjust manner I nearly puked my guts out! Really Eric? Are you such a milquetoast that you can't handle the heat in the arena of public opinion? If so, then maybe you should find another line of work my friend. After reading numerous posts here on MM, I have concluded that most people have simply been asking for greater accountability, and transparency, regarding the use of public funds generated from the sale of Expo/Convention tags. At the board meeting, Instead of complying with UWC?s request for such, you chose to spin the issue and act like a poor picked on entitled child. In addition, you then proceeded to tell everyone how many great things your organization has done for wildlife in Utah. So, while the public screams for accountability of their money, you suggest that because your org. has done so many wonderful things that you should be exempt from having to provide a detailed report of how you use the funds generated from said tags. What are you thinking Man? You missed a golden opportunity at the board meeting to show the general public that you have heard them, respect their concerns, and that you will do everything within your power to make them happy. For hell sakes, all anyone has been asking for is greater transparency concerning the use of public funds. Honestly, Eric do you really think we are stupid enough to buy into it your lame rhetoric? I've got news for you; it seems a great majority of people are losing faith in your organization and SFW for that matter. Both groups are simply pass? in my opinion. In addition, I believe that both MDF, and SFW, may just as well have told the general public to go F-they, because it was quite obvious that you want things to be business as usual. You could have been a hero at the board meeting, but instead you turned down the wrong fork in the road. Now, before you try and tell me that you have been compliant with The Rule, please remember that more and more of us actually understand that the rule as written is a heaping pile of bull crap, and you know that I speak the truth. So stop being an arrogant, defiant, demagoguing, prestidigitator and cooperate with the UWC, or any other group or individual concerned about the use of public funds, and do the right thing. Hell, prostitution is legal in Nevada; however, does this make it ethical and moral? In Nevada private individuals pay their own money to get screwed and don't necessarily use public funds. Therefore, I can't say much about how a man spends his own money under the law in Nevada, even though I believe it to be immoral, because tax payers are not having their money doled out to the general public for visitations to the whore house. Although, here in Utah simply because the rule says that you must report tag income a certain way doesn't mean that the agreement is ethical, moral, or doesn't need to be changed; this, particularly in light of the fact that you are pimping out tags for the supposed benefit of wildlife in The State of Utah, yet you don't want to provide ALL of the details about how the revenue from these public tags is being spent. It would be one thing if the revenue generated from tag sales were from the selling of your own personal assets like the prostitutes in Nevada do, yet quite another when the assets belong to the people of Utah. Consequently, how do we the people know we're not being screwed concerning how you spend money generated from selling public tags. Do you think we are na?ve enough to simply take your word that we aren't? Why the hell is it so difficult for you to understand that all we want absolute, accountability? Do you have something to hide? I believe that if you want to pimp out tags in Utah in cooperation with the DNR, and be accountable for income generated from public resources, then by damn you should have to report how you use the money! If not, then a lawsuit should be filed against The State for allowing these funds go unchecked by way of an Independent in-depth audit in regard to every penny made from the sale of the tags and where the money was spent! How dare you try and justify not being totally accountable and transparent, while at the same time standing and telling everyone how many wonderful things your organization has done for Utah. Quite frankly, if you were really that great, then you wouldn't need to tell anyone. Stop hiding behind your good deeds man, and be accountable to the public for how you use their tag revenue. The Pharisees hid behind their good deeds too; nevertheless, they did have a hand in killing Jesus. Even so, they just kept telling everyone how great they were in order to justify their actions. My point is this: if you really are all that great, and you have something more than self-serving intentions, then buck up, stop being a hypocrite, and provide the people with what they want. Do you have something to hide? Again, why couldn't you just stand up and say that we will do whatever it takes to make the public happy and cooperate fully with our friends from The UWC? Oh, it just came to me?maybe your ego and pride simply can't handle bowing to the new kids on the block trying to do the right thing. Didn?t the UWC have over 1000 signatures asking that you pay attention to their reasonable and simple requests? Yes, as a matter of fact they did. Let me make it clear that I do not speak for anyone from the UWC, I speak for myself, but they seemed to be the only ones at the board meeting who made any real sense. Honestly, they made you look silly MDF and SFW.

Second, Mr. Bateman stood up and told everyone that SFW had been 110% compliant with The Rule, and then tried to justify why his org. shouldn't be any more accountable than they have been in the past. ARE YOUR FUGGIN KIDDING ME Mr. Bateman? Have you and The Donald lost your freaking minds? Do you really think the people of Utah are that stupid? I have a feeling that it's going to be a new ball game now guys, and it's pretty obvious that you don't have a real ?A? game. Have you not read the posts on MM the past year? Of course you have, and I'm sure that you noted the disdain that many good people have for your organization? In fact, I think you are a complete joke, and this opinion was formed only after watching your actions, and paying attention to this issue, for the past year or so. Don?t think for one minute that there are not individuals out here in the public arena who don't have the monetary resources necessary to take you on in court at The State Level. Furthermore, some of us are entirely sick of your arrogant "I will do whatever I please attitude." Go away, please just go away. Maybe Mona Vie is looking for some sales people? Maybe network marketing will be your thing, but I dunno, I just dunno. You see, folks are finally figuring out what you are all about. You would have been far better off if Mr. Bateman had just stood up and said that your intention is to work with The UWC and any other group or individual concerned about how you spend money raised from public resources. But NOOOOO! Instead, you came out with egg all over your face by continuing to justify your actions by hiding behind a rule full of accounting loop holes. I've got news for you man?you're just not that smart, because nearly everyone in the room that day saw right through your prestidigitatorial con job. Now, please stop telling us how wonderful you are in an effort to justify your actions concerning a rule that many feel needs to be changed! You appear as a bunch of amateurs? drunken with a fermented Berry Blast Kool-Aid of your own making. One last thing for Mr. Bateman, by definition no one can actually give more than 100%. So, please stop suggesting that your group was in compliance with The Rule at a level of 110%. This makes you look so silly. Basic fractions really aren't that difficult to understand?at least I don't think they are. Maybe it would be worth noting something about the comments of Delost Himsmind Christendom,but that would take at least one more complete page; although, it probably isn't necessary as his comments didn't appear to be all that coherent anyway, but he did make me chuckle. Thanks Delost.

So how does this dude really fee? Well, I'll tell you how:

1) I think that MDF and SFW should not receive any expo tags from this day moving forward, because they have shown complete disdain for the people of Utah in the arena of public opinion. Very simply, in my opinion they have been terrible stewards of the public treasury. To hell working with them moving forward ? file a suit to void their current contract. Who the hell gave them charge of our tags in the first place? Was that you Karpi?

2) There should be an immediate independent audit of all past funds generated from the expo tags in absolute detail. The same should apply in moving forward. I mean accounting for every penny and where it was spent. Hmmm, I wonder if this might embarrass someone?

3) I believe that a lawsuit should be filed against The State of Utah and The Morons at the DNR who allowed all of this to happen in the first place. The cat is out of the bag guys. Why do you not willingly do the right thing? Have you no morals and ethics? My guess is probably not, but I don't know for certain. Nevertheless, you've certainly given me cause to question your actions. I'm just calling things from my own perspective; but hey, call me out if my comments are wrong. However before you do, consider the petition showing at least 1,000 other people asking the same questions. You have seen the petition haven't you?

4) If there are any attorneys willing to get the suit filed, and make Jim Karpowitch sweat a little, I will gladly donate the first 2k in order to get the ball rolling and potentially handle other aspects of the venture concerning making the suit common public knowledge by utilizing various forms of media.

5) The State Legislature needs to be involved on a grand scale. I'm going to send a letter to every legislator in Utah, and I would kindly ask anyone else fed up with the arrogance of MDF, SFW, and The DNR, to do the same. No matter what form it comes in, poop always stinks. Notwithstanding, it is possible to clean poop stains from the floor of The DNR hallways.

That's all for now, and this is how I really feel. How about you? I have more, yet I'll save it for another day. Well, maybe one final thought; Mr. Tony Abbott, I applaud your efforts in coming clean about much of what has taken place in the past regarding this issue, but there must be more to it all. You were involved for way too long with SFW and MDF not to know more than you have already shared. Honestly though, your words were appreciated at the board meeting.

Finally, if I'm wrong about anything that I've said here, then please feel free to correct me. You see, I'm not shy and the truth doesn't scare me. I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I'm wrong.

Thank you, Wolfluvrguy
Please state your name,rank & etc.


We got an Owner,We got Moderators,Boy some of these MM'ers are Whiners

We got Warnings,We got Time-Outs,you can't Post a Damn thing once the Ball drops

Vroooooom,Vrooooooom,Vrooooooom I Love NASCAR
Put your 2k where your mouth is bubba.

Tyler K Boulter UWC Pres.
3016 Gleneagles Dr.
Syracuse, UT 84075-9781


Or are you just another UWC free loader. UWC membership is free, spouting off on MM is free, setting in a board meeting, "watching" is free, Yep your another freaking free loader, just like TOYGUN aka trollie-o, all squall and bawl.

Are you UWC free loaders ever going to get some skin in the game or are you all just a bunch of TOPGUNpussys,

Get this law suit started because up to now you just been a bunch of spoiled brats screamed your redheaded, freckled faced heads off, and getting your butts beat with a buggy whip every time you open your yaps.

If you want to see behind the current because theres something rotten in Denmark, lets see if a judge agrees with you, you been bawling your two year old eyes out for years, WRITE THAT CHECK, or you prove you just another punk with a keyboard.
Wolfluvrgut, you sound like thousands of other people disgusted by what a relatively small group of egocentric morally vacant people have been doing to Western hunting for way too long. I would imagine there will be more people like you popping from now on. If you are looking for maximun credibility, I would consider changing your handle. Virtually all of the people that support wealth tag reform and accountability are also strongly against wolves (even though we know it is the rally cry used by one conservation group in question).

Everyone that has responded to your thread so far is strongly against the accountability-free system and would like to see change. I think it is important that the people that want to see change support the other good guys. Some people rant, others provide bullet points. Some just read and send letters behind the scenes. The UWC really are doing good work and anyone wishing to see change should support rather than criticize them. Good guys do the whole team a disservice when they fight with each other, especially when the fights are related to communication style differences.

I would encourage everyone to take an active role and consider doing the following.

- Stop buying expo tags until the system is changed
- Stop supporting the vendors at the expo
- Make future expo tag winners feel embarassed for buying the tickets and selling out the people with principles
- Ask the UT DWR and Forest Service for trail cam reform (primarily for guides), these are tools of the wealth tag marketing machine
- Ask the UT DWR to consider baiting reform - this ties in with trail cam use

The conservation groups perpetrating this scam were built to defend this gravy train. They are actually using public money against the interests of 95% of public hunters. There are dozens of hunters who are attorneys, CPAs, MBAs and even politicians that are fighting back against these con orgs on their home field. The fight is tough because the refs (state attorneys/DWR directors etc) have been "seasoned" by the con orgs. At some point legal intervention will fix things but that takes time and the con orgs will continue to build their war chest in the interim. I predict the crooked guys that have been running things for so long will be buying more auction tags this year, they must realize this system will be going away soon and their years of hunting health are limited. Average Joes need to work the grassroots countermarketing angle if they want to really make a difference sny time soon. Every time a guys an expo tag he is mortgaging his future hunt opportunity and those of his kids. No decent person would knowingly do that.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-01-12 AT 06:04PM (MST)[p]On the other hand, I would encourage everyone to take an active role and consider doing the following:

- Wait a few weeks until the meetings take place between MDF, UWC, SFW, and UDWR before deciding whether or not to pay your $5 per application for the EXPO tags. Let's find out what MDF (and SFW) intends to do with it first. If those funds (90%) go back to wildlife, then buy as many applications (not tags) as you can if you want.

-Continue to SUPPORT the EXPO and the vendors as that is not the issue. It's the accountability for the use of those $5 application fees ONLY. (About $1 million per year.) UWC doesn't want to shut down the EXPO, nor the vendors, nor the auction tags, nor MDF, nor SFW, nor UDWR, nor even the EXPO tags. UWC just wants to make sure those funds go where they were intended to go when the EXPO was set up.

-Don't embarass anyone! We all have our agency and we don't need any more opponants. You back someone into a corner and you both lose. And if you embarass them in the process, you've lost them for life.

-DON'T EVEN MENTION trail camera or baiting reform. That's throwing out the baby with the bath water. MANY of us 95%ers rely on them, not just the guides. And guiding services are a legitimate/legal business only remotely tied to these EXPO tags. They were around long before the EXPO or auction tags and will still be around even if the EXPO or the tags go away.

-Do as joeaveragehunter suggests (even though I highly doubt he's an average joe hunter or that he actually likes UWC) and donate $100 to UWC to continue the fight to keep the 95% of us in the policy making circles. FWIW, I just donated $200. UWC doesn't want to take over the system. We are a COOPERATIVE and just want to make sure that the 95% (your figure) have a strong voice in hunting and fishing matters.

Anyway, those are my personal suggestions. Do with them as you choose.

Wow. What a first post. Time to get more popcorn and sit back and watch. I swear this just keeps getting rewritten in different forms in different threads saying the same thing time and time again. If you want results, use your money and pursue it legally.
A few things-

1. Welcome to MM and thank you for posting.
2. I agree completely (except for your username. I hate wolves.)
3. Paragraphs are your friend

Vi Et Armis Invictus Maneo
Wolfluvr, WA, WA, WA~ I take it you cant draw a tag? You can rant and rave all you want, buts that's all it will ever be. At least Eric and Byron had the balls to get up and face the pubic and face the wildlife board, instead of hiding behind a computer screen and tearing people down just because your butt hurt. It sounded like the MDF gave everyone and the UWC exactly what they were looking for. The UWC publicly thanked and gave props the MDF for finally giving them what they have been requesting for years. They took a shot at them for doing it at the last hr. But they still did it. Get off your soap box and do something about it. You truly have no idea what these groups have done for wildlife in our state. You have no idea of the money and the projects that have been put on the ground. What have you done?
Take your two grand and go get an attorney. Lets see how long you will last going up against state government.
Go get your hero Tony abbot to help. You Applaud Tony for what? Getting up and telling the board 4 times how he stared this whole mess. Who Cares.
You are a little late with your opinion, As you can see in this post not a lot of people care what you have to say. All you do is spread hate which does nothing for no one~ Again put your money where your mouth is. As soon as you have lifted a finger for wildlife in Utah you may be relevant, but I doubt it. Just keep on typing, WA, WA, WA
Thats a classic first post the only thing he was missing was the MDF's desperation for support by offering a FREE hat to those who supported them.
You guys sound like the BCS. IF your not into 100+ post or a certain conference you aren't worth a crap.

I don't care if its 1st or 10,000th. He has a right to post his feelings and thoughts. How do you know he has not done tons for wildlife. Post up all the wonderful things you all have done. Looks like all that you have done has plussed up the deer herd by thousands if not millions. Keep tearing the new guys down so the elite posters here on MM can look good.

I would chalange each of you nay sayers to post pics and details of projects you have done. How much $$$ have you guys donated or put forth?

I was at the meeting. I dont speak well in public so I tend to stay quiet.

I would suggest a name change, but other than that, welcome aboard and keep up the posts.
Interesting post. Wish there were more paragraphs so the points could be easily followed. Was lost after the 1st couple inches....LOL.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"

One more child who is blinded by greed, and has no concept of what the "public trust" is or how state governments operate. Yo, loboluva, the more you cry about this junk the less the state has to do about actually providing solutions for the real problems.

Dang, I can't believe I read all that.
>One more child who is blinded
>by greed, and has no
>concept of what the "public
>trust" is or how state
>governments operate. Yo, loboluva,
>the more you cry about
>this junk the less the
>state has to do about
>actually providing solutions for the
>real problems.
>Dang, I can't believe I read
>all that.

I can't believe you know how to read anything that isn't in your "I WALK ON WATER FOR WILDLIFE" dialect.
the name of this first post may tell you something. WolfLover.

I don't know many that frequent this site that would be wolf lovers.
"I can't believe you know how to read anything that isn't in your "I WALK ON WATER FOR WILDLIFE" dialect."

What do you think the first post was?????:7
>"I can't believe you know how
>to read anything that isn't
>in your "I WALK ON
>What do you think the first
>post was?????:7

Oh, I don't know....the TRUTH? Aren't you supposed to be planning a sheep hunt for Ross Perott or Janet Reno? Have a nice day!
"Oh, I don't know"

Thats a first. :7

"....the TRUTH?"

Nope just more blahblah opinion.

" Aren't you supposed to be planning a sheep hunt"

Never sheep hunted in my life.

" for Ross Perott or Janet Reno? Have a nice day!"

Never met either of these people. Did you forget to take your pills this morning?
>"Oh, I don't know"
>Thats a first. :7
>"....the TRUTH?"
>Nope just more blahblah opinion.
>" Aren't you supposed to be
>planning a sheep hunt"
>Never sheep hunted in my life.
>" for Ross Perott or Janet
>Reno? Have a nice day!"
>Never met either of these people.
> Did you forget to
>take your pills this morning?
> make everyone tired. Your junk is boring so I'll just let you go and have a great day!

I need to clarify a few things:

First, although I do admire some of the natural traits that wolves exhibit given to them by The God of nature, I have complete disdain for the wolf roaming free throughout our National Parks and forests. In addition, one might say that wolfluvrguy actually hates wolves. Nevertheless, I chose this name to get under the skin of anyone associated with SFW and MDF, because I despise these groups nearly as much as the wolf. Moreover, I can't say for certain, yet it has been said by many that SFW has used funds generated from our tags to fight against wolves on a National Scale. Great, but don't use our tag money to push your own personal agenda on wolves and privatization of hunting!

Moving along now, a lone wolf has the ability to terrorize an elk herd and people for that matter. However, a pack of wolves working together can completely decimate nearly anything they choose working as a collective. Wolves are opportunists seeking to do nothing more than satisfy their lust for blood, food, and power for their own personal gain from the general populous of elk, and such, in the wilderness. I draw the same conclusion about hunting groups seeking to profit off of the general public for their own personal gain ? these people are loathsome vermin hiding behind their good deeds, while profiting handsomely off of public funds and utilizing these profits to push other hidden, and absurd out in the open, agendas in a corrupt political arena merely for personal gain.

As such, I don't see much of a distinction between wolves, MDF, and SFW. All seek to benefit personally and fill their bellies off of unsuspecting, uneducated, Prey. I hope this clears a few things up. Once again, to sum up, I like wolves about as much as Obama, The DNR, The Wildlife Board, MDF, SFW, and The Late not so great Chairman Mao. These men, and groups, seek to impose their will on the rest of us, even while we are screaming for simple accountability. Notwithstanding, I would personally like to see any over sight concerning tag revenue completely taken away from MDF and SFW; this, mostly in light of their arrogant disregard for public concern surrounding their actions. DNR you suck too.

Second, I apologize for not breaking my first post in this thread down into paragraphs so that it would be easier to read. I just had much on my mind that the thoughts needed to flow out. I promise to be more careful in the future.

Third, someone suggested that the Presidents of MDF and SFW had real balls to stand up say what they think at the wildlife board meeting. I agree only in the sense that these men had balls enough to stand and look like fools to all in attendance that day. In fact, I will stand at the next board meeting and make my thoughts known to everyone in attendance. Unlike some others, I actually have rather nice big balls PLUS a good brain with solid gray matter. So, maybe those guys from MDF and SFW had balls, but to what end without an ?A? game? To stand up and tell the general public, in so many words to get phukced, because it's going to be business as usual shows a real lack of brains! Balls, Balls, and more ODD Balls everywhere! I'll leave Delost Himsmind Christiandumb out of this at the moment.

Fourth, I called Mr. Boulter and we had a nice conversation. We agreed on many issues, but we certainly didn't see eye to eye on everything. He wants greater accountability from the groups mentioned earlier in my post, yet he doesn't want to see the expo tags taken away and put back into the general draw. On the other hand, I would like to see every expo/convention tag put back into the general draw where they belong. The Expo will survive just fine without the tag revenue; at least this is what I'm told by an inside source. If the organizations helping the DNR, and The State of Utah, pimp out our tags can't survive, then maybe they should pack it up and go fleece the hunters in a different state by starting another expo from scratch. Oh yeah, almost forgot, I think they already tried that in Arizona, and they were told to get the hell out! Gotta love those folks from Arizona?Don?t ya;) Unlike the ignorant masses of apathetic hunters in Utah who have allowed private individuals to dictate public wildlife policy, Arizonans have the Balls, and REAL Brains, to stop these groups in their tracks; although, Old Man McCain hasn't been too much help in this regard, because he seems to love cutting political deals.

Finally, if The UWC ever seeks to take any legal action, then I have pledged my support in an amount much greater than 2k. I will put my money where my mouth is, and Mr. Boulter knows that I have the means to make it happen. So, just call me back when you need the money UWC and I will write a personal check. Heck, you can even post a photo of my check here on MM if you want, but please black out my name and account number. My position in State Government could come as a real shock to some ? or maybe not.

Thank you for your time. I hope that the format of this post was much easier to follow.

Wolfluvrguy ? NOT
Well bubba, you had your visit did you. Mr. Boulter turned down your 2k (plus a lot more) offer for a law suit? Why. What's the deal bubba, why won't UWC take your money. Here's a novel idea, take that check with your name on it down to your bank and get cash. Take your 20 plus 100 dollar bills to the post office, put it in a small US Postal Service box (it will cost you another $6.00 and another $1.50 for postage).

Then address it to:

Tyler K Boulter - UWC
Gleneagles Dr
Syracuse, UT 84075-9781

Leave your name and return address off so Mr. Boulter doesn't know who its from, so he can't return it to anybody.

Tell him it's specifically for the law suit. He's trust worthy so we know it will get used for what you said you wanted done.

Or are you really an internet coyote, cause so far your all wolfluvr, all yip and yap, no bite.

Bubba, so far you and CORKGUN are nothing more than tinking brass, speaking with the tongues of hollow threats and empty promises. Shouting for action but lacking the conviction to put your money where your ratchet mouth are. Wanting others to pony up but lack the conviction to do so yourselves.

I sent my $100, as promised. You going to put up or p!ss you pants like TOPTROLLIE-O has been doing for months. The world hasn't got much more time to listen to a coyote that thinks he's a wolfluvr-NOT. The pack doesn't have much use for another frecking howler, bubba. We need meat, talk sucks. Between SPENTGUN's Michigan State Pension check and your State check, send the money you boasted so proudly you would give for a law suit against the MDF, the SWF and the DNR and every other rotten group that's getting rich off government (public property). (Not you though, by GAWD you deserve your government pay.) Neither one of you are two faced, now that's a fact.

Listen, UWC members, as I understand it, after listing to the entire audio of the last Board meeting, you have a least two attorneys that both made on the record claims that the Utah Wildlife Board, the Utah Attorney General's assistant, the Director of the DWR where wrong, they claimed that the $xpo contact could be amended or rewritten to require more than the current level of transparency. Now, if that is true, and all these blood suckers are as you claim, WHERE'S THE FRECKING LAW SUIT, to prove those two attorney's right.

Either, we got a case we can win, or we don't. Man, if PETA sue's a government agency and wins even the least of there claims, they get every penny of there costs of the law suit reimbursed by said gov. agency. Where's the risk, unless we don't have a case.

Lets lay this turnip right on the table and cut it open, waiting until your deer hunts over tells the rest of us just how determined you really are. Sue them right now and get this stopped or admit the UWC are just another cluster of yipping yotes. All howlers, gumming there hot cereal.

And Lee, no fair calling your fuel expense a donation, helps not one ounce, as you learned at the meeting. Take some of that janitor's pension and send it to Mr. Boulter. Consider this Lee, leave that bow hung in the closet for a couple of weeks and send that gas money where it will accomplishing what you claim you so desperately need. I doubt it.
averagejackwagon...I pledged to match your donation. Still haven't heard from Tye on it and we talk frequently when we aren't hunting. Uhmmmmm, on the other stuff, why don't you use one username and cut the crap, dkpeay? You're getting to be like a morphing strain of herpes on this forum's butt.

"...I pledged to match your donation. "

American dollars are part of the public trust! You are stealing money from the public. I demand open disclosure by the UWC for every red cent people give them! Put that money back in the trust and let people draw for it. :7
>"...I pledged to match your donation.
>American dollars are part of the
>public trust! You are
>stealing money from the public.
> I demand open disclosure
>by the UWC for every
>red cent people give them!
> Put that money back
>in the trust and let
>people draw for it.

I'm certain, you bonehead, that if you ask Tye or Kris for our financials, they will provide them. Outside of the fact that they aren't hard to get anyway. The difference between what we do and what you do is we don't STEAL from the public trust in order to pay our bills. Again, you're a herpe, a mere itch in the scheme of things so how about you stop with the bloody throbbing already? Have a superb evening!
Thanks Shawn, another $100 promised. Your promise will be keep, we know, because your a UWC VP, unlike trollieo-oGUN and the lonesomewuf who make empty promises, like MDF and $FW. All howl and growl, still, no meat for the pack.

Go ahead and send the $100 on up to:

Tyler K Boulter UWC
3016 Gleneagles Dr.
Syracuse, UT 84075-9781

He's had mine for over a week, so if your waiting on me your headed backwards.

I've communicated with him as well, never has mentioned any reluctance to accepting law suit money. His only request was that I post his cell phone number. Maybe you haven't asked him anything of significance in your conversations. You claim your all in on getting the illegal, unethical, the MDF, $FW, the Wildlife Board, the DWR, the DNR and the Assistant Attorney's General all cleaned up, and get the $xpo tags back in the public draw. Your the one wanting a law suit to get these rotten suckers there just rewards. And while your meeting with your friends, see if you can't get Lee to fork out a little hard cash too, seeing as how he's so committed to the task.

Let's up the anti a more little tonight, bubba boys. Come pay day, that will be Sept. 30, I'll mail Mr. Boulter another $100. (See I'm not flush but I can come up with a little every month.) You going to take a card or fold.

Besides TRISTATEluvr, why you waiting on me to send Mr. Boulter your $100, are you motivated by me or by the principles you espouse. You going to crawfish too or pay up like a man.
>The difference between what we
>do and what you do
>is we don't STEAL from
>the public trust in order
>to pay our bills.

Care to expand on that stateMent, boy. Care
To tell these people how, when, or where I stole. You haven't got the slightest clue do you.
>Thanks Shawn, another $100 promised.
>Your promise will be keep,
>we know, because your a
>UWC VP, unlike trollieo-oGUN and
>the lonesomewuf who make empty
>promises, like MDF and $FW.
> All howl and growl,
>still, no meat for the
>Go ahead and send the $100
>on up to:
>Tyler K Boulter UWC
>3016 Gleneagles Dr.
>Syracuse, UT 84075-9781
>He's had mine for over a
>week, so if your waiting
>on me your headed backwards.
>I've communicated with him as well,
>never has mentioned any reluctance
>to accepting law suit money.
> His only request was
>that I post his cell
>phone number. Maybe you
>haven't asked him anything of
>significance in your conversations.
>You claim your all in
>on getting the illegal, unethical,
>the MDF, $FW, the Wildlife
>Board, the DWR, the DNR
>and the Assistant Attorney's General
>all cleaned up, and get
>the $xpo tags back in
>the public draw. Your
>the one wanting a law
>suit to get these rotten
>suckers there just rewards.
>And while your meeting with
>your friends, see if you
>can't get Lee to fork
>out a little hard cash
>too, seeing as how he's
>so committed to the task.
>Let's up the anti a more
>little tonight, bubba boys.
>Come pay day, that will
>be Sept. 30, I'll mail
>Mr. Boulter another $100.
>(See I'm not flush but
>I can come up with
>a little every month.)
>You going to take a
>card or fold.
>Besides TRISTATEluvr, why you waiting on
>me to send Mr. Boulter
>your $100, are you motivated
>by me or by the
>principles you espouse. You
>going to crawfish too or
>pay up like a

You don't have to worry about me, Shawn certainly doesn't. (I just sent $200 nine days ago.) And I don't worry about him. He's donated more than I have this past year.

Lee Tracy
Southern Region Chair
>>The difference between what we
>>do and what you do
>>is we don't STEAL from
>>the public trust in order
>>to pay our bills.
>Care to expand on that stateMent,
>boy. Care
> To tell these people how,
>when, or where I stole.
> You haven't got the
>slightest clue do you.

"boy"......that's precious. Its Sunday and I have better things to attend to that a forum troll. Have a great day, dkpeay, you puke.
>You claim your all in
>on getting the illegal, unethical,
>the MDF, $FW, the Wildlife
>Board, the DWR, the DNR
>and the Assistant Attorney's General
>all cleaned up, and get
>the $xpo tags back in
>the public draw. Your
>the one wanting a law
>suit to get these rotten
>suckers there just rewards.
>And while your meeting with
>your friends, see if you
>can't get Lee to fork
>out a little hard cash
>too, seeing as how he's
>so committed to the task.

Ummmmmm......I don't remember myself or anyone else mentioning a lawsuit or wanting the tags back into the public draw. If tags ARE going to be taken out of the public draw, all we ask for is accountability and in the public trust, we want it from an independent party NOT beholden to those you mention. I'm also not the VP of UWC, I'm the Southern Region Co-Chair. AND again, its Sunday, I have better thing to attend to. Have a peaceful afternoon.
>>Care to expand on that stateMent,
>>boy. Care
>> To tell these people how,
>>when, or where I stole.
>> You haven't got the
>>slightest clue do you.
>"boy"......that's precious. Its Sunday and
>I have better things to
>attend to that a forum
>troll. Have a great
>day, dkpeay, you puke.

So I guess that's the answer. You have time to be a liar but no balls, brains, or time tO support your lies.
As mentioned on one of the post's, if you do not reply to the troll's, sooner than later, they do go away.
>As mentioned on one of the
>post's, if you do not
>reply to the troll's, sooner
>than later, they do go

True that......thanks for the reminder:) Catch ya later.
>As mentioned on one of the
>post's, if you do not
>reply to the troll's, sooner
>than later, they do go

Excellent buttshot. You saved a liar from having to defend his lies. And you wonder why the UWC is getting its butt kicked????? Supporters like klzbad have no credibility.
>>As mentioned on one of the
>>post's, if you do not
>>reply to the troll's, sooner
>>than later, they do go
>Excellent buttshot. You saved a
>liar from having to defend
>his lies. And you
>wonder why the UWC is
>getting its butt kicked?????
>Supporters like klzbad have no

Actually, UWC seems to be doing quite well, thank you! We're the first group to challenge the broken Expo tag process, the first group to function without the use of public permits or membership dues and the first private group to publicly promote wildlife related projects, the first private group to promote the DWR at an EXPO (Southern Outdoor Expo) when they didn't have a booth (They did have their poaching trailer, but no other literature). And we're just getting started!

As for the accountability of the Expo tags funds, the Wildlife Board has asked (almost insisted), per our proposal, that UWC, MDF, and SFW put a meeting (or meetings) together to come to some mutual agreement to present to the DWR/Wildlife Board and those meetings are in process, if not already scheduled. The lawsuit you're so sure will happen, likely will not!

As for responding to a troll, Shawn (and a lot of others) doesn't like to take a bunch of crap, especially on a Sunday when he has church and family things going on. But I look at it this way. A troll allows me to make a point or two to the readers, so I'm really not responding to Tristate or joeaveragehunter personally because I know they don't/can't/won't get it and I also don't take their responses to me personally for the same reason. They're just a sounding board for getting the truth out to the forum readers. Keep it up boys, so we can keep growing!
Great post EFA! Being called a liar by someone who hides behind a vail of anonymity is hilarious to me. I'm certainly not shy about stating my opinion on anything but there's nothing I'll write on here that I won't say to some goober's face. Have a great night!
>Actually, UWC seems to be doing
>quite well, thank you! We're
>the first group to challenge
>the broken Expo tag process,
>the first group to function
>without the use of public
>permits or membership dues and
>the first private group to
>publicly promote wildlife related projects,
>the first private group to
>promote the DWR at an
>EXPO (Southern Outdoor Expo) when
>they didn't have a booth
>(They did have their poaching
>trailer, but no other literature).
>And we're just getting started!

Blahblahblah. Fewer deer, fewer available tags, more tension between hunters. The proof is in the pudding and instead of pudding you are selling BS
>As for the accountability of the
>Expo tags funds, the Wildlife
>Board has asked (almost insisted),
>per our proposal, that UWC,
>MDF, and SFW put a
>meeting (or meetings) together to
>come to some mutual agreement
>to present to the DWR/Wildlife
>Board and those meetings are
>in process, if not already
>scheduled. The lawsuit you're so
>sure will happen, likely will

When did I ever say I was sure a lawsuit would happen? What's the temp like in fantasy land tonight?

>As for responding to a troll,
>Shawn (and a lot of
>others) doesn't like to take
>a bunch of crap, especially
>on a Sunday when he
>has church and family things
>going on.

Where in the church was your BOY Shawn today when he decided to start calling people herpes sores. Maybe it was all the family time that gets his crude juices flowing.
>Great post EFA! Being called a
>liar by someone who hides
>behind a vail of anonymity
>is hilarious to me.
>I'm certainly not shy about
>stating my opinion on anything
>but there's nothing I'll write
>on here that I won't
>say to some goober's face.
> Have a great night!

Learn how to read boy. Pretty much everybody on here knows who I am. I have repeated multiple times who I am, even though I have been accused of being many other posters and people on these forums including by you. So go back and read and then know, I would look you right in the eye and still tell you that you are a liar! Just because you are so ignorant that you believe your own lies does not negate them from still being lies, boy. If you can't read my posts contact your buddy flop gun and he can tell you exactly who I am and where to find me. He spent weeks thinking he needed to investigate my identity instead of dropping his balls and just asking me.
>Ditto that klbzdad!!!

Why ditto? Did you read the post? Or do you blindly say ditto to anything anti-tristate? He says I am hiding behind the Internet when you, know exactly who I am and have even sent me e-mails saying someone was going to drive to Texas and kick my ass. You and these other children know exactly who I am.
As a UWC VP your a tough man to keep track of, on Aug 23 you said, the UWC will not let "them" go without getting this (transparency- by UWC's definition) sorted out, ..............if not then in some court.

Today you say: The lawsuit you're so sure will happen, likely will not!

It was you and the other free loading UWC membership that were calling for court action, wanting to pool funds, get something going...................ya! As far as I can tell joeaveragehunter has been the only person on earth that's sent earmarked money to UWC cash money to get started.

Read the copy and pasted quotes from UWC freeloader listed below. Taken out of context you'll say, however, every quote is available to pull up and read on MM. You'll find the full context there.

You call all me a troll and worse for putting my money where my mouth is, what does that make you, after months of your comments calling for court action.. Pack howlers, all wimper and whime, still no meat for the pack.

None of you are worth as pinch of wufsh!t. Your all a bunch of $fw wantabes. Just like I figured, after my first post. Frecking hypocrites. No different than TRIBUTTFAIL MDF and $WF, DNR DWR, Safari Club, Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, Mule Deer Working Group and others yet to be named. just a different pack but worthless wufs all the same. All want another free lunch.

I'll say it one last time, if UWC is what you claim, send Mr. Boulter your ear marked law suit money, anyone with an ounce of common sense will see you for that your beginning, cry babies without a valid case.

Read your own frecking words before you call someone else out for attempting to goat you into doing what you claimed you wanted to do.

Last comment, save it. UWC VP said:

As for the accountability of the Expo tags funds, the Wildlife Board has asked (almost insisted), per our proposal, that UWC, MDF, and SFW put a meeting (or meetings) together to come to some mutual agreement to present to the DWR/Wildlife Board and those meetings are in process, if not already scheduled.

SCHEDULED OR NOT----MDF and SFW is NEVER going to give you the level of transparency we want. NEVER!

Want to bet another $100.

Read your own words, bubbas!

elkfromabove (102 posts) Aug-23-12, 03:53 PM (MST)
31. "RE: Let your dollars talk"
The Wildlife Board skirted the decision, but recommended (practically insisted) that the opposing parties sit down to get this sorted out and UWC will not let that go by. If MDF and SFW resist the request, they'll find this issue of transparency being discussed in other RAC and Wildlife Board meetings and/or in some court.

TOPGUN (4918 posts) Aug-22-12, 12:16 PM (MST)
184. "RE: Utah and t,he little Circus"
LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-12 AT 12:24 PM (MST)
I, and no other member associated with UWC, has said anything about a lawsuit agains SFW, MDF or any other organization.

PleaseDear (5819 posts) Jul-06-12, 03:58 PM (MST)
16. "RE: The Expo Contract Between the DWR and MDF"
Thanks Hawkeye.
But after the Mr. Jim K---(Don Peay written??) Respones to RMEF...
We all know The $$$ is with-in that small 'protect u$' group.
It will take a law suit--UDWR--State of Utah--- to finally get these rip-offs to open up the 'Check Book Register' of whom is on the payroll.
So very sad...

wileywapati (986 posts) Aug-16-12, 03:26 PM (MST)
22. "RE: Listen to the Utah Wildlife Board meeting"
I hope these groups are smart enough to comply... It's headed for court


gleninaz (1595 posts) Aug-16-12, 03:12 PM (MST)
20. "RE: Listen to the Utah Wildlife Board meeting"
Politics at its worst. I hope you can get a few of the groups together for a class action lawsuit forcing an accounting for the sale of a public resource. That is the only way to force the political plants out of your game management. I am sure there is a public interest law group there that would help.

PleaseDear (5819 posts) Aug-16-12, 04:00 PM (MST)
27. "RE: Listen to the Utah Wildlife Board meeting"
Is there a link to donate money for the lawsuit against the State of Utah?
I have lost all respect for Mr. Jim K..simply a puppet bought and paid for...

gleninaz (1595 posts) Jun-06-12, 08:14 AM (MST)
22. "RE: Don Peay - Randy Newberg Debate - Postponed"
A classic tactic of non-profits is to load costs in administration so there is zero pofit thus a non-profit. Unless you see the actual books no one will ever know the administrative costs or if purchases are made for the benefit of the board members. "Trust me" doesn't really stack up as credible when a public resource is involved. A class action lawsuit is what is needed to settle this mess.

DBLung (113 posts) Jun-06-12, 12:45 PM (MST)
32. "RE: Don Peay - Randy Newberg Debate - Postponed"
All of us regular guys who really care about wildlife won't have a prayer in heaven's chance of changing what don is doing. He is sitting back laughing at all this crap anyway. He's got a few puppets on the wildlife board so he's good to go.
If we want to change what the D.W.R does with S.F.W a Law suit is the the only way. Sorry, I can't afford it. Neither can most of you. If you could you would be on don's side.

buglinbilly (837 posts) Jun-14-12, 12:52 PM (MST)
62. "RE: Don Peay - Randy Newberg Debate - Postponed"
And its time that all sportsman donate some money, to get a law suit started, to end this robbery of our public resources.
Shame on all us Utah sportsman if we just let the dust settle!!!!
Don is sure he can just let things slide, as its always worked in the past.
I will the first to donate to a well planned lawsuit!!! What about you?
And thanks Randy for forcing his hand. And thanks for your time Hawkeye!
Have a good one. BB

deadibob (848 posts) Jun-12-12, 04:34 PM (MST)
9. "RE: UDWR Board June meeting"
If the DWR is breaking their own rules on this one, it seems a lawsuit would be a slam dunk to bring them into line.

gleninaz (1595 posts) Jun-06-12, 08:19 AM (MST)
4. "RE: sfw books"
You Utah residents need to contact a public interest legal foundation and start a class action lawsuit to expose the books. It would force the issue on the use or misuse of a public resource and if Don is clean he will see his group grow. If not then you can force them to become legitimate. Would free up a lot of internet space either way.

TOPGUN (4910 posts) Jun-06-12, 03:00 PM (MST)
8. "RE: sfw books"
glenaz stated:"You Utah residents need to contact a public interest legal foundation and start a class action lawsuit to expose the books. It would force the issue on the use or misuse of a public resource and if Don is clean he will see his group grow. If not then you can force them to become legitimate. Would free up a lot of internet space either way."
Exactly, and if there are enough MMers on here during the day to make posts there should be one or two that can meet and get the ball rolling at very little expense. I would imagine donations alone would more than take care of any associated costs that should be minimal going that route. Stick it to Don and end this BS once and for all or things will just get worse!

DBLung (113 posts) Jun-06-12, 12:33 PM (MST)
3. "RE: SFW - The end of their raping and pillaging is coming"

If we want to change what the D.W.R does with S.F.W a Law suit is the the only way.

desertcathunter (9 posts) Jun-02-12, 02:18 PM (MST)
35. "RE: Don Peay - Randy Newberg Debate - Update"
If SFW is not complying with the law anyone with a vested interest, member, supporter or in this case Utah hunter has a right to file a lawsuit. Start a fund get a warchest and file a class action suite. They have done a lot of good but just like most organizations, money and power corrupt no matter the cause. I have attempted to bring many valueable projects and ideas to their attention over the years but unless they invent it they wont touch it...just an extension of the Utah DWR.

gleninaz (1595 posts) Aug-17-12, 07:30 AM (MST)
16. "RE: Utah and the little Circus"
Tristate-you said it all when you said the "wildlife conservation business". That is the real problem when the states allow a private business to exist on the money from selling tags. We got so pissed off here that we wrote all the legislature, hounded the media, bombarded Game & Fish and in general created so much pressure that SFW/MDF had to tuck tail and run. You can do the same thing. Use pressure on the politicians in both parties, get someone in the media to start sniffing around the money trail. Get a public interest law group to take a case forward pro bono. Plenty can be done if you all figure out how to organize the pressure. Go after it like a real fight and don't let them up for air. Good luck.

TOPGUN (4918 posts) Aug-17-12, 08:15 AM (MST)
21. "RE: Utah and the little Circus"
They obviously also have the AG's Office in their pocket

TheElitehornhunter (616 posts) Aug-17-12, 08:41 AM (MST)
24. "RE: Utah and the little Circus"
LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-12 AT 08:43 AM (MST)
A lawsuit will be filed against the DWR and Don Peay/SFW. Books will be opened and the the truth will come out. Other Lawyers have also said that Lawyer Marty is wrong.

hossblur (791 posts) Aug-17-12, 09:55 AM (MST)
29. "RE: Utah and the little Circus"
Sounds about the way we all believed it to be. I am curious about the threat of a lawsuit however, will SFW/MDF be able to use the money they make from the tags given to them by the public, to sue the public?? Yeah I agree it would be bad for SFW/MDF to sue the state and divert valuable assests from the state to courts, so now I have to wonder aloud again, if the wording in the previous contract allows for changes and the the wildlife board refuses to do so, perhaps its time to let the wildlife board know that we(the public via class action) plan to sue the DWR, and SFW/MDF.

hossblur (791 posts) Aug-03-12, 07:48 AM (MST)
9. "RE: Why Didn't the DWR Require Annual Audits as Directed by the Wildlife Board?"
I wonder though if somewhere in you presentation if it was slipped in that if the DWR and the groups don't remedy the situation that they all agreed upon at the meeting on the 16th, and immediately put into action, that the courts will be the next step.

hossblur (791 posts) Aug-03-12, 10:13 AM (MST)
18. "RE: Why Didn't the DWR Require Annual Audits as Directed by the Wildlife Board?"
was a need to force the audits via the court system.

fishon (924 posts) Apr-27-12, 01:04 PM (MST)
31. "RE: SFW expeditures"
courts can over rule the Wildlife Board.

dryflyelk (763 posts) Aug-03-12, 06:12 AM (MST)
5. "RE: Why Didn't the DWR Require Annual Audits as Directed by the Wildlife Board?"
This reeks of impropriety and it points directly at the DWR, the MDF and SFW. I would not be surprised if somebody ends up in jail when this thing is over.

buttshot (1137 posts) Aug-03-12, 08:48 AM (MST)
13. "RE: Why Didn't the DWR Require Annual Audits as Directed by the Wildlife Board?"
Makes one wonder if Mr. Morrieti will attend , and if the county sherrif should attend as well. Mr. Morrieti should go straight to jail,

BuzzH (1226 posts) Aug-22-12, 09:27 AM (MST)
24. "RE: Let your dollars talk"

Do not assume that I believe there should be no accounting; however, this things has been beat to death. If someone has done something wrong, then charge them in a court of law. Otherwise, keep working to ensure that necessary changes are made and be prepared to make them when the time presents itself.
Thats exactly what will happen. However, it takes time and effort to uncover what exactly has happened. You dont build a case in a few hours. Also, the recent meeting with the board was just a step in the over-all process of getting agreed to accountability into the expo funds. If the board is afraid to act, which I believe they are, then you just take the next step.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-12 AT 06:40AM (MST)[p]Talk about liars! All I had to do was google your taxi shop and check ownership records, which took all of five friggin minutes, LOL!!! A troll is a troll regardless of what your name is! You and JoeBlowHunter ought to get married, LOL!!!
Good morning troll! I see you're still at it! It sure will be nice to be gone hunting out in Wyoming and North Dakota for three months starting Wednesday without computer access so I don't have to read all the crap you and Tri post!!! Too bad this site doesn't have an ignore list!
>AT 06:40?AM (MST)

>Talk about liars! All I
>had to do was google
>your taxi shop and check
>ownership records, which took all
>of five friggin minutes, LOL!!!
> A troll is a
>troll regardless of what your
>name is! You and
>JoeBlowHunter ought to get married,

Are you running back to the Peewee Herman rule of debate? "I know you are but what am I". Between you and Klzbad yall couldn't scrape together enough brains to grease a door hinge.
>Good morning troll! I see you're
>still at it! It
>sure will be nice to
>be gone hunting out in
>Wyoming and North Dakota for
>three months starting Wednesday without
>computer access so I don't
>have to read all the
>crap you and Tri post!!!
> Too bad this site
>doesn't have an ignore list!

Right? Here's the bottom line. Nobody appreciates or likes either of you because your substance here is vile and against the majority of the beliefs of the people on this forum. In other words...its okay do agree to disagree but you bozos belong in a circus, not on here. While there are a very wide set of beliefs on here on many subjects, you two clowns have focused on UWC and those who support it....jealous much? Its pretty clear your motives are simply to antagonize and frustrate otherwise calm and demeanor people and while you've succeeded with me a couple of times, I for one am over your coward taunts and will not be replying.

Tri, wanna look me in the eye and call me a liar, come to Utah with your bullshhhhittt talk. Otherwise, stay in, well, where ever it is you call "under my rock" and you'll remain a troll. I'm done with these clowns, can I get a hell ya from everyone else who would like to see them go away?
"Right? Here's the bottom line. Nobody appreciates or likes either of you because your substance here is vile and against the majority of the beliefs of the people on this forum."

That's your opinion.

" In other words...its okay do agree to disagree but you bozos belong in a circus, not on here. While there are a very wide set of beliefs on here on many subjects, you two clowns have focused on UWC and those who support it....jealous much?"

Not jealous at all. Just scared out of my witts of stupid people thinking they know how to fix government and wildlife when reality they have no clue.

" Its pretty clear your motives are simply to antagonize and frustrate otherwise calm and demeanor people and while you've succeeded with me a couple of times, I for one am over your coward taunts and will not be replying."

No your not, boy. You'll be right back here with Flopgun offering no substance and a bunch of filthy talk.

"Tri, wanna look me in the eye and call me a liar, come to Utah with your bullshhhhittt talk. Otherwise, stay in, well, where ever it is you call "under my rock" and you'll remain a troll. I'm done with these clowns, can I get a hell ya from everyone else who would like to see them go away?"

Why do I have to buy a ticket to Utah, you're the one that's insulted. You sure are high and mighty to think your ego is worth long distance travel, boy. But if you were a man you wouldn't be searching for affirmation on an internet forum from a bunch of foul mouth children giving you a "Hell Yeah".
>As a UWC VP your a
>tough man to keep track
>of, on Aug 23 you
>said, the UWC will not
>let "them" go without getting
>this (transparency- by UWC's definition)
>sorted out, ..............if not then
>in some court.
>Today you say: The lawsuit
>you're so sure will happen,
>likely will not!
>It was you and the other
>free loading UWC membership that
>were calling for court action,
>wanting to pool funds, get
>something going...................ya! As far
>as I can tell joeaveragehunter
>has been the only person
>on earth that's sent earmarked
>money to UWC cash money
>to get started.
>Read the copy and pasted quotes
>from UWC freeloader listed below.
> Taken out of context
>you'll say, however, every quote
>is available to pull up
>and read on MM.
>You'll find the full context
>You call all me a troll
>and worse for putting my
>money where my mouth is,
>what does that make you,
>after months of your comments
>calling for court action..
>Pack howlers, all wimper and
>whime, still no meat for
>the pack.
>None of you are worth as
>pinch of wufsh!t. Your
>all a bunch of $fw
>wantabes. Just like I
>figured, after my first post.
> Frecking hypocrites. No
>different than TRIBUTTFAIL MDF and
>$WF, DNR DWR, Safari Club,
>Western Association of Fish &
>Wildlife Agencies, Mule Deer Working
>Group and others yet to
>be named. just a
>different pack but worthless wufs
>all the same. All
>want another free lunch.
>I'll say it one last time,
>if UWC is what you
>claim, send Mr. Boulter your
>ear marked law suit money,
>anyone with an ounce of
>common sense will see you
>for that your beginning, cry
>babies without a valid case.
>Read your own frecking words before
>you call someone else out
>for attempting to goat you
>into doing what you claimed
>you wanted to do.
>Last comment, save it. UWC
>VP said:
>As for the accountability of the
>Expo tags funds, the Wildlife
>Board has asked (almost insisted),
>per our proposal, that UWC,
>MDF, and SFW put a
>meeting (or meetings) together to
>come to some mutual agreement
>to present to the DWR/Wildlife
>Board and those meetings are
>in process, if not already
>NEVER going to give you
>the level of transparency we
>want. NEVER!
>Want to bet another $100.
>Read your own words, bubbas!
>elkfromabove (102 posts)
> Aug-23-12, 03:53 PM
>31. "RE: Let your dollars talk"
>The Wildlife Board skirted the decision,
>but recommended (practically insisted) that
>the opposing parties sit down
>to get this sorted out
>and UWC will not let
>that go by. If MDF
>and SFW resist the request,
>they'll find this issue of
>transparency being discussed in other
>RAC and Wildlife Board meetings
>and/or in some court.

Sorry to delete all your hard work, but it was a long list of quotes to have to read through again and I didn't think it was necessary to make my points.

You apparently did a lot of homework in order to challenge us again, but, IMHO, it was the wrong homework.

First off, you refer to many of us as freeloading UWC members. What makes you think we haven't been donating time, effort and money to UWC long before this issue arose? My latest donation ain't my first and won't be my last. Every member is told and knows that we don't have membership dues, but will accept money donations as well as time, material and out-of-pocket donations. Whether or not that money will go to a lawsuit or something else isn't my concern because I know the leaders well enough to know they will use it in the best way to promote our cause and this presumed lawsuit is only one issue. And I also know no one is employed by UWC. We are all volunteers. But I also
know that several have made major financial contributions and/or sacrifices to the group and have done so since the beginning.

You keep insisting we want in on the public take, but I guess that's only because that's what you would do if you were in our shoes. Well, guess what? WE AIN"T YOU!!!

While you presume to know the financial workings of the group even though you aren't a member yourself, you don't even know the structure, let alone the finances. FWIW, I'm not a VP, I'm only one of 5 current or yet to be filled Regional Chairpersons and I report to Perry Hanks who's title I'm not even sure of. And at the RAC's and Wildlife Board Meetings, I can speak for our chapter or as an individual, but when speaking for the state organization, I am either asked to do it or I run it through Perry or Tye (Pres) first. If I were to speak out of turn, you can bet I'd hear about it (and accept it).

However, on these forums, most of us speak as individuals, so for you to quote so many people "associated with UWC" as if they are official UWC statements is misleading to the readers, though I can understand why you would think that. We are a very diverse group of individuals and don't always agree, but we know the caliber of the people attracted to our cooperative and find a lot of common ground with each other. I just wanted to point out that nothing "offical" has been stated.

As for the fast road to a court trial attitude taken by some of you, it just doesn't happen that way. I'm no lawyer, but even I know the court system doesn't allow it. And all of my statements take that into consideration (other RAC and WB meetings, if not, and/or, likely). Long before the court trial, there are indictments, mediations, arbitrations, commissioners, hearings, grand juries, cooling off periods and/or pre-trials. The courts don't have the time, money or personell to try every case, so they make sure everything has been done to eleviate it. In this case, we have the RAC's and Wildlife Board meetings, the scheduled (or soon to be scheduled) arbitration meeting(s) between the parties and any other court ordered meetings necessary before trial. You say MDF and SFW will NEVER allow their books to be opened, but that remains to be seen. The very threat of a trial per the number of posts you presented is likely to have an effect and may make them change their minds. If not, then at least we have met the criteria needed to go to trial. And if it comes to that, then UWC will do what's neccessary to make our case, which doesn't seem too hard given the minutes of the meetings during the Expo set up. And, as has been pointed out, we do have several lawyers in our group and/or on our side as well as several first hand witnesses.

MDF and SFW claim to use this money in the way it was intended anyway, so what's the big deal about showing their books to the public? If that's the case, they would be foolish to take this to trial given the bad PR they're currently experiencing from other issues. On the one hand, they say they have nothing to hide while on the other, they are hiding them even though they originally agreed not to. Let's go through the legal (and resonable) process before we make this a general public process.
Hopefully, we'll get this taken care of without a trial.

Anyway, thanks again, Sounding Board. Keep up the good/bad work!

Lee Tracy
United Wildlife Cooperative
Southern Region Chairman
"I just wanted to point out that nothing "offical" has been stated."

That's hillarious. You call yourself "chairperson" of an organization that apparently is either so dis-organized, or castrated for that matter, that yall can't even determine official positions at the core of your most spotlighted battle. Is this what happened to the little kids that where in the "He-man's woman Hater club" when they finaly grew up? Do yall talk to each other in your tree houses with tomato cans and string? :7
Wolfluvrguy ? NOT,

Love your analagy about wolves and the orgs...classic. Also appreciate your post and the passion behind it.
UWC/MDF/DWR Service Project! Let me repeat! for all you illiterates.

UWC/MDF/DWR Service Project!

YA Boyz this is how we roll! Either get on board or get rolled over

UWC/MDF/DWR Service Project!

UWC/MDF/DWR Service Project!

UWC/MDF/DWR Service Project!

This is for all you idiotluvrs who do not understand the big picture.

UWC/MDF/DWR Service Project!

UWC/MDF/DWR Service Project!

UWC/MDF/DWR Service Project!

This is for all you idiotluvrs who do not understand the big picture.

I don't understand the little picture. Bunch of people standing around a banner no one can read on ground no mule deer can live on??????

I do understand you fit right in with the UWC. You have followed your leaders and started posting right away with insults calling people "idiotluvrs". You people are a PR disaster. You do more harm than any anti-hunter ever dreamed.
>UWC/MDF/DWR Service Project!
>UWC/MDF/DWR Service Project!
>UWC/MDF/DWR Service Project!
>This is for all you idiotluvrs
>who do not understand the
>big picture.

I would like to reiterate what you've already so eloquently reiterated! Thank for reiterating buddy!!!!! LOL
"I would like to reiterate, we can take pictures on a apartment jobsite in North Carolina and as long as we hold a Mule Deer Foundation banner in front of us, to make us look important. After all everyone else is just a bunch of idiotluvrs".

I haven't been following this quarrel too long but long enough to be confused already.

I thought the United Wildlife Cooperative just brought the Mule Deer Foundation before the Utah Wildlife Board because they were at odds over income/expenditure disclosures.

Yet it seems as you are posting a picture of a Mule Deer Foundation work project, suggesting it is a shared work project.

Help me understand how the two groups are working together and are having what seems to be serious distrust and open hostilities.
Welcome to the crazy train. Very little of any of this makes any since. All I know is you have now stepped into the craziest circle I have ever scene in the hunting community. You don't know it yet but the fact that you have questioned the UWC powers that be, you will now be called every name in the book. For what ever reason they will hate your guts also since this is only your second post. Then they will spend weeks trying to figure out who you really are, and at some point they will accuse you of being someone else on this forum. Don't be surprised if they accuse you of being me. Then they will decide they don't know who you are but need to call you every name they can think of and even belittle where you are from. Then they will start sending you e-mails saying someone is going to come kick your ass. And somehow in their jumbled up logic they will wonder why the hunting community doesn't embrace them. As best I can tell you is somehow a bunch of anti-hunters are running a hunting forum.
>I haven't been following this quarrel
>too long but long enough
>to be confused already.
> I thought the United Wildlife
>Cooperative just brought the Mule
>Deer Foundation before the Utah
>Wildlife Board because they were
>at odds over income/expenditure disclosures.
>Yet it seems as you are
>posting a picture of a
>Mule Deer Foundation work project,
>suggesting it is a shared
>work project.
>Help me understand how the two
>groups are working together and
>are having what seems to
>be serious distrust and open

Fair question komanfisher, and I can certainly understand your confusion, given that there are those who's only purpose for posting on threads discussing these issues is to divide, sidestep and add the confusion of which you speak to a highly emotional and important issue to thousands of sportsmen and women here in Utah. It's pretty simple really. The UWC brought forth a proposal to the Wildlife Board (along with a petition with over a thousand signatures) asking that the monies collected from the 200 expo tags at the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo be accounted for.

This has been an issue for years, and is nothing new, only the call for accountability via the WB is. It's really too bad that it took formal posturing to bring forth any headway on this issue, but it is what it is. The MDF brought their proposal at the same board meeting that shed some light on the monies collected from the tags, which I applaud and thank them for doing. Some folks are doing all they can to make this issue out to be more than what it is, so yeah, it can be a bit confusing to follow on the internet.

The UWC has worked service projects along side of MDF, RMEF and SFW volunteers who care about our wildlife just as much as anyone, and the UWC was proud to be associated with those fine folks. The "serious distrust and hostilities" of which you speak are really formed here on the internet, mostly by those who seek to derail any real headway on this issue. Since the Wildlife Board saw fit to reject the UWC proposal for various reasons AND called for the UWC, MDF, SFW and DWR to meet to see if things can be worked out, that's exactly what will be done.

There is no "lawsuit" being talked about or contemplated as some on this board are pushing, which I'm glad to say. I find that when reasonable men with common grounds sit down together with open minds, much can be accomplished, and that is the hope I have to putting this issue to bed. Only the future will tell what direction things will go. If you have any other questions, fell free to email me and we can go from their.

Perry Hanks
[email protected]
"Fair question komanfisher, and I can certainly understand your confusion, given that there are those who's only purpose for posting on threads discussing these issues is to divide, sidestep and add the confusion of which you speak to a highly emotional and important issue to thousands of sportsmen and women here in Utah."

And most of them claim they are either members of UWC or UWC supporters.

"It's pretty simple really. The UWC brought forth a proposal to the Wildlife Board (along with a petition with over a thousand signatures) asking that the monies collected from the 200 expo tags at the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo be accounted for."

But that isn't all that yall were after. So please tell the whole truth.

"This has been an issue for years, and is nothing new, only the call for accountability via the WB is. It's really too bad that it took formal posturing to bring forth any headway on this issue, but it is what it is. The MDF brought their proposal at the same board meeting that shed some light on the monies collected from the tags, which I applaud and thank them for doing. Some folks are doing all they can to make this issue out to be more than what it is, so yeah, it can be a bit confusing to follow on the internet."

Especially when your supporters call people names when all they did was ask a question about your petition, and then your "chairperson" claims the UWC doesn't have an official take on the whole mess.

"The UWC has worked service projects along side of MDF, RMEF and SFW volunteers who care about our wildlife just as much as anyone, and the UWC was proud to be associated with those fine folks. The "serious distrust and hostilities" of which you speak are really formed here on the internet, mostly by those who seek to derail any real headway on this issue."

Sounds like you have a serious PR problem.

"Since the Wildlife Board saw fit to reject the UWC proposal for various reasons AND called for the UWC, MDF, SFW and DWR to meet to see if things can be worked out, that's exactly what will be done."

"There is no "lawsuit" being talked about or contemplated as some on this board are pushing, which I'm glad to say."

Your "chairperson" talked about it just a few posts ago.

"I find that when reasonable men with common grounds sit down together with open minds, much can be accomplished, and that is the hope I have to putting this issue to bed. Only the future will tell what direction things will go. If you have any other questions, fell free to email me and we can go from their.

Perry Hanks"
>I haven't been following this quarrel
>too long but long enough
>to be confused already.
> I thought the United Wildlife
>Cooperative just brought the Mule
>Deer Foundation before the Utah
>Wildlife Board because they were
>at odds over income/expenditure disclosures.
>Yet it seems as you are
>posting a picture of a
>Mule Deer Foundation work project,
>suggesting it is a shared
>work project.
>Help me understand how the two
>groups are working together and
>are having what seems to
>be serious distrust and open

Thanks for asking, especially in such a civil manner. When you ask because you really want a civil answer, that's what you'll get. Hopefully, I can help you out.

Actually, it's really quite simple. We are first and foremost a Wildlife COOPERATIVE. When an issue or project arises that is beneficial to wildlife and to the general hunting/fishing/wildlife viewing public, we relish the chance to participate and promote it. (In fact, sometimes we initiate it.) I'm not sure about this particular project because I was not able to attend, but it had NOTHING to do with the issue on this thread, thus this picture.

But when an issue or project is either detrimental or wastefull to wildlife and the general hunting/fishing/wildlife viewing public, we oppose it. And that's the case with the Expo tag funds talked about on this threat.

Admittedly, some posters on both sides get carried away sometimes because we are such a diverse group of posters, and are passionate about certain issues, but think of it this way, Just because you have a major disagreement with one of your children, doesn't mean you kick them out of your life (at least most of us wouldn't).

Additionally, some of these projects may have been scheduled before this issue came up and many will be scheduled after this issue is resolved. Also, local UWC leaders/members have good relationships with many leaders/members of other local groups (MDF, RMEF, SFW, DWR, Forest Service, BLM) and this issue is statewide and doesn't impact those relationships much.

Hopefully, this has been helpful.

Lee Tracy
Southern Region Chairman
"When you ask because you really want a civil answer, that's what you'll get."

Oh that must be why yall dog cussed me whenever I asked a question. It was because "I" didn't really want a civil answer, and some how the UWC and all of their omniscience devined that over the internet. The arrogance that you display by letting us know when we "want" a civil answer and how you decide whether we deserve your civility is disgusting. You sir, are a snob.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-12 AT 03:43PM (MST)[p]Thanks Perry. I appreciate your taking the time to respond. I can understand how people with different points of view could occasionally have disagreements. It sure would be nice if sportsman could all work together like you've indicated your all trying to do.

I wonder why the heads of each of these clubs or groups or whatever they all are couldn't ask there members to refrain from airing these issues on these hunting forums, it really makes us all look like pretty narrow minded people.

Here's just one little example. There is a post on here from a guy in Calif. asking for help with some hunting issues there. My goodness, if every Calif. sportsman marched on their legislature, in unison, think of the force for good that would be.

Another post asking sportsman to support a woman hunter removed from some kind of National Geographic TV program. What an influence for hunting a united group of sportsmen could be if all sportsmen, from all states came together to show our support for her and our sport.

Why don't you ask the leadership from these other groups that you meeting with to come on here and ask each of there members to support each other like those that are meeting together are doing.

It sure seems to me like a call for working together by you leaders would go a long along ways to get us all on the same page.
>>I haven't been following this quarrel
>>too long but long enough
>>to be confused already.
>> I thought the United Wildlife
>>Cooperative just brought the Mule
>>Deer Foundation before the Utah
>>Wildlife Board because they were
>>at odds over income/expenditure disclosures.
>>Yet it seems as you are
>>posting a picture of a
>>Mule Deer Foundation work project,
>>suggesting it is a shared
>>work project.
>>Help me understand how the two
>>groups are working together and
>>are having what seems to
>>be serious distrust and open
>Fair question komanfisher, and I can
>certainly understand your confusion, given
>that there are those who's
>only purpose for posting
>on threads discussing these issues
>is to divide, sidestep and
>add the confusion of which
>you speak to a highly
>emotional and important issue to
>thousands of sportsmen and women
>here in Utah. It's
>pretty simple really. The
>UWC brought forth a proposal
>to the Wildlife Board (along
>with a petition with over
>a thousand signatures) asking that
>the monies collected from the
>200 expo tags at the
>Western Hunting and Conservation Expo
>be accounted for.
>This has been an issue for
>years, and is nothing new,
>only the call for accountability
>via the WB is.
>It's really too bad that
>it took formal posturing to
>bring forth any headway on
>this issue, but it is
>what it is. The
>MDF brought their proposal at
>the same board meeting that
>shed some light on the
>monies collected from the tags,
>which I applaud and thank
>them for doing. Some
>folks are doing all they
>can to make this issue
>out to be more than
>what it is, so yeah,
>it can be a bit
>confusing to follow on the
>The UWC has worked service projects
>along side of MDF, RMEF
>and SFW volunteers who care
>about our wildlife just as
>much as anyone, and the
>UWC was proud to be
>associated with those fine folks.
> The "serious distrust and
>hostilities" of which you speak
>are really formed here on
>the internet, mostly by those
>who seek to derail any
>real headway on this issue.
> Since the Wildlife Board
>saw fit to reject the
>UWC proposal for various reasons
>AND called for the UWC,
>MDF, SFW and DWR to
>meet to see if things
>can be worked out, that's
>exactly what will be done.
>There is no "lawsuit" being talked
>about or contemplated as some
>on this board are pushing,
>which I'm glad to say.
> I find that when
>reasonable men with common grounds
>sit down together with open
>minds, much can be accomplished,
>and that is the hope
>I have to putting this
>issue to bed. Only
>the future will tell what
>direction things will go.
>If you have any other
>questions, fell free to email
>me and we can go
>from their.
>Perry Hanks
>[email protected]

>>I haven't been following this quarrel
>>too long but long enough
>>to be confused already.
>> I thought the United Wildlife
>>Cooperative just brought the Mule
>>Deer Foundation before the Utah
>>Wildlife Board because they were
>>at odds over income/expenditure disclosures.
>>Yet it seems as you are
>>posting a picture of a
>>Mule Deer Foundation work project,
>>suggesting it is a shared
>>work project.
>>Help me understand how the two
>>groups are working together and
>>are having what seems to
>>be serious distrust and open
>Thanks for asking, especially in such
>a civil manner. When you
>ask because you really want
>a civil answer, that's what
>you'll get. Hopefully, I can
>help you out.
>Actually, it's really quite simple. We
>are first and foremost a
>Wildlife COOPERATIVE. When an issue
>or project arises that is
>beneficial to wildlife and to
>the general hunting/fishing/wildlife viewing public,
>we relish the chance to
>participate and promote it. (In
>fact, sometimes we initiate it.)
>I'm not sure about this
>particular project because I was
>not able to attend, but
>it had NOTHING to do
>with the issue on this
>thread, thus this picture.
>But when an issue or project
>is either detrimental or wastefull
>to wildlife and the general
>hunting/fishing/wildlife viewing public, we oppose
>it. And that's the case
>with the Expo tag funds
>talked about on this threat.
>Admittedly, some posters on both sides
>get carried away sometimes because
>we are such a diverse
>group of posters, and are
>passionate about certain issues, but
>think of it this way,
>Just because you have a
>major disagreement with one of
>your children, doesn't mean you
>kick them out of your
>life (at least most of
>us wouldn't).
>Additionally, some of these projects may
>have been scheduled before this
>issue came up and many
>will be scheduled after this
>issue is resolved. Also, local
>UWC leaders/members have good relationships
>with many leaders/members of other
>local groups (MDF, RMEF, SFW,
>DWR, Forest Service, BLM) and
>this issue is statewide and
>doesn't impact those relationships much.
>Hopefully, this has been helpful.
>Lee Tracy
>Southern Region Chairman

Well said, Lee. I'm one of those who's passion sometimes can over-ride common sense. Like responding to trolls and idiots who have zero idea what they are talking about in UTAH. One key thing to note is that our relationships with LOCAL leaders of other groups, government agencies, and even some of our relationships with politicians has everything to do with this being a LOCAL issue. While we can appreciate that out of state hunters enjoy what we do have here in UTAH, it is those who do the hard work LOCALLY that will make the biggest difference outside of a board room or other state. Thanks again for your response Lee. I'm think I will call it good on this thread and move along. Lots of LOCAL hunters posting pics of their LOCALLY harvested animals and that is very exciting to see.

Shawn Spring
Southern Region Co-Chair
LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-12 AT 06:33AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-12 AT 06:16?AM (MST)

"Well said, Lee. I'm one of those who's passion sometimes can over-ride common sense. Like responding to trolls and idiots who have zero idea what they are talking about in UTAH. One key thing to note is that our relationships with LOCAL leaders of other groups, government agencies, and even some of our relationships with politicians has everything to do with this being a LOCAL issue. While we can appreciate that out of state hunters enjoy what we do have here in UTAH, it is those who do the hard work LOCALLY that will make the biggest difference outside of a board room or other state. Thanks again for your response Lee. I'm think I will call it good on this thread and move along. Lots of LOCAL hunters posting pics of their LOCALLY harvested animals and that is very exciting to see."

Oh this is just a "Local" issue.?????? I guess you don't appreciate all those not "Local" signatures on your UWC ballot that was presented to your WB. Maybe you think all those other non-local e-mails that went to the board voicing their pro UWC rhetoric would be better off minding their own business too. Maybe you hate outsiders so much you should just tell them not to bother sending any donations to the UWC to aid in your problems. Maybe non-locals should only care about issues in their states because after all wildlife respects borders and we all know that mule deer stop right before they walk into Nevada and all of your ducks live year round in Utah. I like how you have said the UWC is a "wildlife COOPERATIVE", but now somehow it is only a cooperative for people who live where you want them to, and if you don't live in Utah then your just a "troll" or "herpes", to quote you. Like I said before, the UWC is a PR nightmare for hunters, because of people like you who can't think before they spew filth out of their holes.
Shawan and Lee---Have a good Fall guys and don't pay any attention to these trolls trying to cause dissension within the ranks! I'm heading for my honeyholes in Wyoming and North Dakota tonight for 9 weeks and thankfully won't have internet access to read all the BS these two trolls keep posting on the Forums. It really breaks my heart to have to say adios to these two yahoos---NOT!!!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-12 AT 07:14AM (MST)[p]"Shawan and Lee---Have a good Fall guys and don't pay any attention to these trolls trying to cause dissension within the ranks! I'm heading for my honeyholes in Wyoming and North Dakota tonight for 9 weeks and thankfully won't have internet access to read all the BS these two trolls keep posting on the Forums. It really breaks my heart to have to say adios to these two yahoos---NOT!!!"

You don't listen to well do you, boy. Shawn, UWC co-chair, said this is a "LOCAL" issue and you ain't local so butt out!
>Shawan and Lee---Have a good Fall
>guys and don't pay any
>attention to these trolls trying
>to cause dissension within the
>ranks! I'm heading for
>my honeyholes in Wyoming and
>North Dakota tonight for 9
>weeks and thankfully won't have
>internet access to read all
>the BS these two trolls
>keep posting on the Forums.
> It really breaks my
>heart to have to say
>adios to these two yahoos---NOT!!!

GOOD LUCK BUDDY! We are all done with them until they are here in Utah to be worth a crap to this thread and discussion. I'd rather sandpaper my butthole and sit in a bleach bath than read this thread ever again!
"We are all done with them until they are here in Utah to be worth a crap to this thread and discussion. I'd rather sandpaper my butthole and sit in a bleach bath than read this thread ever again!"

Another fine statement from the co-chair of the UWC "wildlife cooperative".
Wow, I read this entire thread (can you believe I did it again) and I am amazed that the same two people are so angry and upset and can cause so much grief. Why do some respond to these people? In reading their comments, you can tell they have nothing better to do than cause discontent and agruement. And their arguements are baseless and ridiculous. My recommendation is to ignore their comments and continue the discussion. Sad state of affairs when someone has nothing to say but negative comments- nothing to solve a problem. Good luck with that.
"Wow, I read this entire thread (can you believe I did it again) and I am amazed that the same two people are so angry and upset and can cause so much grief. Why do some respond to these people? In reading their comments, you can tell they have nothing better to do than cause discontent and agruement. And their arguements are baseless and ridiculous. My recommendation is to ignore their comments and continue the discussion. Sad state of affairs when someone has nothing to say but negative comments- nothing to solve a problem. Good luck with that."

Wait a minute. You want to talk about discontent?????? I am talking about the UWC. These guys have petitioned a state wildlife board. Accused other conservation organizations of theft, lying, missapropriation of funds, and corruption. Their supporters have talked about law suits and getting rid of the hunting Expo all together, while slandering anyone who questions them on the internet. And guess what. They have offered nothing to solve the real problems facing wildlife and hunting in their state yet. All they have done is torn a rift between them and a lot of other hunters. If you think these guys are victims I want some of what you're smoking.
Last posting on this subject by me (can't believe I am not taking my own advice).

To begin, it is funny how I mentioned in my previous post that there are a couple of discontent and agruementative individuals and Tristate responds. Now thats a hoot.

My take on the whole issue is so much different than Tristate's. I see the UWC having one objective in this mess, and it is to require the SFC and MDF to explain where and how the expo tag application money is spent. Nothing more, nothing less. I did not see where the UWC is asking for a lawsuit, where they are lying or decieving anyone, or how they are causing a rift between hunters. I am not a member of any of these organizations and do not intend to defend anyone, just saying that your take on this is totally different than mine. To me the UWC is offering a solution- a solution to where the cash is being spent. I personally do not apply for the tags (have not for the past few years) and do not intend to in the future. If SFW and MDF spend the cash on their own personal stuff, great, at least it is not my money they are spending. I vote with my pocketbook. As far as the EXPO, I attend and enjoy the whole experience. I see the EXPO and the tag money issue as seperate things. I do not take anyone's response to heart, it doesn't matter what you think behind your computer. Lets see some actual action on your part, not just negative comments with no solution in mind.
Note to self:
Never, ever subscribe to a thread tristate is involved in. The monstermuleys email spam will never stop.

Vi Et Armis Invictus Maneo
>To begin, it is funny how
>I mentioned in my previous
>post that there are a
>couple of discontent and agruementative
>individuals and Tristate responds. Now
>thats a hoot.

Did you actually read what I posted. Do you think that behavior by the UWC is behavior that should be displayed by co-chairs of the organization to the public?

>My take on the whole issue
>is so much different than
>Tristate's. I see the UWC
>having one objective in this
>mess, and it is to
>require the SFC and MDF
>to explain where and how
>the expo tag application money
>is spent. Nothing more, nothing

Obviously you have not read previous threads on their quest for control of %90 of five dollars. Also on other threads there have been calls for getting rid of all "wealth tags". Which is nothing more than class welfare. Some of their supporters on other threads have called for the end of the expo.

I did not see
>where the UWC is asking
>for a lawsuit,

Supporters and members on other threads on this website have called for a lawsuit. I am sure they are working feverishly at the moment to delete those posts at this moment but you may still be able to find them. I believe a previous poster on this thread quoted a bunch of them.

where they
>are lying or decieving anyone,

They tall you all they want is clarity and opening the books but don't tell you they want control of the $5 fees.

>or how they are causing
>a rift between hunters.

You think their co-chairs calling hunters, "trolls", other names and even "herpes" is an act that really brings the hunting community together??????? How about when their members send threatening e-mails to other hunters??????

>am not a member of
>any of these organizations and
>do not intend to defend
>anyone, just saying that your
>take on this is totally
>different than mine. To me
>the UWC is offering a
>solution- a solution to where
>the cash is being spent.

You are being blinded by a petty war while real wildlife issues go unresolved.

>I personally do not apply
>for the tags (have not
>for the past few years)
>and do not intend to
>in the future. If SFW
>and MDF spend the cash
>on their own personal stuff,
>great, at least it is
>not my money they are
>spending. I vote with my

Excellent choice

As far as the
>EXPO, I attend and enjoy
>the whole experience.

Excellent choice again.

I see
>the EXPO and the tag
>money issue as seperate things.
>I do not take anyone's
>response to heart, it doesn't
>matter what you think behind
>your computer. Lets see some
>actual action on your part,
>not just negative comments with
>no solution in mind.

If you go back and read other threads I have offered other more important issues that need to be addressed along with some solutions. I have offered a lot more than just negative comments. I answer any of their questions anytime they ask although they rarely answer mine.
>>My take on the whole issue
>>is so much different than
>>Tristate's. I see the UWC
>>having one objective in this
>>mess, and it is to
>>require the SFC and MDF
>>to explain where and how
>>the expo tag application money
>>is spent. Nothing more, nothing
>Obviously you have not read previous
>threads on their quest for
>control of %90 of five
>dollars. Also on other
>threads there have been calls
>for getting rid of all
>"wealth tags". Which is
>nothing more than class welfare.
> Some of their supporters
>on other threads have called
>for the end of the
>> where they
>>are lying or decieving anyone,
>They tall you all they want
>is clarity and opening the
>books but don't tell you
>they want control of the
>$5 fees.
>>am not a member of
>>any of these organizations and
>>do not intend to defend
>>anyone, just saying that your
>>take on this is totally
>>different than mine. To me
>>the UWC is offering a
>>solution- a solution to where
>>the cash is being spent.
>You are being blinded by a
>petty war while real wildlife
>issues go unresolved.
This issue of UWC wanting to "control" 90% of the $5 Convention permit application fees seems to persist with some people, but hopefully an explanation of the process asked for in the proposal will put this issue to rest. Even if it were true, which it isn't, the proposal would not only NOT allow it, the proposal was initiated and written to prevent it.

Currently, MDF and SFW not only have complete control of 90% of the $5 fees, they actually have control of 100% of them without any legally required accounting to either the DWR or the public.
The proposal would change that.

The proposal would duplicate the system currently in place for the Conservation (auction) permit funds, which is as follows:

1) 30% of those funds goes directly back to the DWR to use as they determine, though I think DWR has some limitations on their use. In any case, MDF and SFW don't have control of those funds whatsoever.

2) 60% of those funds is retained by MDF and SFW, but are designated to go back to wildlife in the form of wildlife beneficial projects and programs proposed by MDF and SFW, but only with the approval of DWR. In other words, MDF and SFW cannot use those funds without the approval of DWR and they have to be used for wildlife. (I think those funds may be species specific per the permits.) In any case, MDF and SFW has control only to the extent they can make the project/program recommendations, but they don't have the final say.

3) 10% of those funds is retained by MDF and SFW to use for administrative purposes which basically means they can use that 10% for whatever they want.

As you can see, under UWC's proposal it's no longer possible for anyone, not even UWC, to control 90% of these $5 application funds, let alone 100%.

The only other aspect of this proposal is to call for an independent public accessable audit as per the current Conservation permit program.

Under this proposal, MDF and SFW would still receive the income from the $5 Convention fees, but would just be publically responsible for the accounting of those funds. Whether or not they would have to make some changes in how they spend those funds remains to be seen, but according to them, they are already using those funds to benefit wildlife. If that is the case, the only difference would be the audit.

Hopefully, this will be a good enough explanation to put to rest this accusation of UWC wanting to control these funds. This proposal simply requires DWR, MDF (and SFW) to comply with the aspects of the Convention permit program as was initially agreed to when the program was formed.
Pretty much anyone that has been following this discussion knows that this is all that is wanted from MDF, SFW, and DWR. There are just a couple individuals that want to spin the issue away from reality.;-)

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