Starbuck's Policy of No guns in Coffee Shop



I have been watching the news regarding the no gun policy of Starbuck's in their coffee shop. Just wondering what the members of MM's take is on people carrying their sidearm visible in public places.

I wish more people would. I think it would help keep people long as whoever is packing is level headed.


Its their property, they can allow or disallow just about whatever they want. If you want to carry your gun in a coffee shop, just find a new one :)

I don't drink there coffee anyway. But at the start they did not discourage open carry but now they are getting pressure.
As a person who is out in the public eye a lot and attends a lot of functions I have to say, regardless of my support of the second amendment, not everyone should be carrying a gun, either concealed or in plain view. Some people are just not that smart and there really is no good "Stupidity Test".

Besdies, as was said earlier, it is their property and their business (in so many ways).
I guess I am a little concerned that even though we have the right to bear arms, individuals that decide to carry pistols on their side in plain view into public places are only creating problems for the rest of us. I am referring to folks that are not members of law enforcement. Do we really need to antagonize a situation when individuals that want to pack can obtain a consealed weapon permit. I just don't think we need to stir up the anti-gun folks anymore than they already are. Really how many of you run around town with a side arm strapped to your side??? That is just my concern and I am a strong proponent for the right to bear arms.

I am a big proponent of private-property rights....Starbucks (and everyone else) should OWN their property.

Something that EVERYONE should keep clearly in focus is that every single person or group that wants to limit someone's right to possess or carry (any type of) a weapon is relying on an armed (with ALL KINDS of weapons) force to enforce their desires.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I just ignore any stores no gun policy. All the years I have been carrying concealed, no one has spotted the gun on me. If they do, all they can do is ask me to leave.
Carrying a unloaded gun in plain view is stupid at best. I am waiting on a gang banger to start holding them up at gunpoint to rob them of their unloaded gun.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-10 AT 10:06PM (MST)[p]

SAN FRANCISCO (March 3) -- The Starbucks coffee chain announced today that it will continue letting customers openly wear unloaded handguns in its coffee shops.

At the same time, the company asked members of the "open carry" gun movement and their opponents to refrain from putting Starbucks in the firing line of the national debate over the right to bear arms.

"The political, policy and legal debates around these issues belong in the legislatures and courts, not in our stores," the Seattle-based company said in a statement released to the media.
funny this came up...

I carry a handgun. Was in starbucks just a couple months ago and the cashier noticed it in my jacket on my belt, not purposely exposing it. Next thing I know the "manager" asked me to leave! I asked what for? He said it made his employees uncomfortable that I would carry a gun. I said what if the guy in front of me drew a gun, asked for the cashier to give them all their $$$? I said wouldn't it be nice to know that I would have no issue "taking the idiot out"! His only comment was, "well that will never happen"! Three days later, right next door at a small resale store, it was held up at gun point! I made a point to go back into Starbucks and ask for the manager. I asked him how he felt about what happened next door. His reply was "it was there own fault they didn't have an alarm under the counter they could activate"!!! I was floored and just walked out...

"...........there is really no good stupidity test",....sure there is.....

If you would be caught dead in a Starbuck's, you are probably too stupid to own a gun in the first place!
Come on, Nickman! Are you sure Lucinda's never been in a Starbucks? You better be careful what you say!!

"Reply all is stupid!"....ask her about it!

Starbucks caters to the liberal queers that are screwing up this country. I wll never step foot into a Starbucks as long as I live. If every single Starbucks burnt to the ground right now I wouldn't even miss them. That narrow minded manager that kicked muleyman out will have his day, mark my words. You simply can't go through life that stupid and not get the sh** kicked out of you sooner or later.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
I guess no one can read. Starbucks IS NOT against guns. They say if its legal its ok with them. Gezzus.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

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