Stansbury Sheep hunters

Same with me ridge---

By now I have normally heard from at least 1 of the tag holders from the BARETOP unit or the Sheep Creek Rocky Ram units over by Flaming Gorge but nothing as of yet----

How many tags did the issue this year on the Stansbury?

That is kinda goofy that not 1 of the 3 have reach out to ya--as you are the Guru on that Sheep hunt----

I got a text today saying that they reduced the BARETOP tags from 3 to 1.....

And some 16 year old young lady drew it----

I am thinking She is in good hands with "Mrs. PleaeDear" and "Ms. Predator" very willing to spend time with her over there----

Keep the faith ridge----

How did a 16 year old draw it? I was under the impression they can't draw until 18? Or am I off in left field like the president on this matter.
If you are old enough to hunt, you are old enough to draw.

If I were a hunter on the Stansbury or Bare Top, Koby and Robb would be first contacts.
That being said, lots of tag winners still have spinning heads, but it's only a matter of time before they figure who the "masters of the mountains" are. LOL

Great for you both to reach out!
>If you are old enough to
>hunt, you are old enough
>to draw.
>If I were a hunter on
>the Stansbury or Bare Top,
>Koby and Robb would be
>first contacts.
>That being said, lots of tag
>winners still have spinning heads,
>but it's only a matter
>of time before they figure
>who the "masters of the
>mountains" are. LOL
>Great for you both to reach

Decided to check the regs you got to be 14 years old to apply, why not just let the 12 year olds apply for them, chances are slim anyways that they would draw.
__88 you have done this BS--challenge a couple times here lately....

Come on man----join us up front instead of challenging us and then coming back on with your normal ..................ya know.


PS a simple and easy PM could save you a lot of Red Face after the fact-----
The point of a form is to ask questions/share info. A BS challenge would be to argue what you know is incorrect, as being truthful. If you know the regs state 14 years old and someone asks a question like mine (valid because I was unaware). Then the prudent thing to do would be to post the age how hard can that be?
That 16 year old girl will have the time of her life if she's into sheep hunting at all.
Best of luck to her!!!!
I know who I'd call if I had the tag!
LAST EDITED ON May-27-14 AT 07:00PM (MST)[p]>__88
>Yeh that is what I mean--thanks
>for the example.


I refused to get into a internet fight with you to prove who is the bigger Jack A$$ you can have the title.
deerslayer88, your the one that started out with the first post (besides the OP)being a smart guy remark.

I love to help out other hunters.

It has broken my heart to see some of the young rams that have been taken on the Stansbury the last couple years. While the older rams will be dying off of old age in a couple years.

And Yet Another perfect example----thanks again for your effort.

Ridge---I have come to the conclusion, over the years that most sheep tag holders do not want to eat the tag and are not real sure on how to age nor score a Ram which can take years to do, so that is understandable.

Sheep Shape is more than 2-3 days hoofing it out early harvests maybe played out because of that-----

They are a beautiful animal and when a tag holder see's one that looks good enough---the hunt is over.

Nothing wrong with that as they look great on the wall and it is after all a OIL type tag.

Everyday I get closer to being An Old Ram.....haha

Robb, I get what your saying. I just worry that if younger rams keep getting killed. On paper, it looks like it's a hard unit to kill a big, older ram. So the DWR won't increase tags until the average age rises. All the while rams are dying of old age.
I have the same feeling about many of the LE elk and premium LE deer units that are age based.
That is a very valid point Ridge----

Age class of harvest certainly comes into tag allocation.

I believe it was Trammer that had some insight into this very topic of young vs old Ram harvests.

Given the number of 5/6 year old rams we saw on your hunt, I would project that there are now lots of older rams to choose from on that unit.
The trick is to help novice sheep hunters recognize the difference between a long thin horned ram, and an old broomed off bruiser! That's why experience like yours is so valuable to an inexperienced hunter.

The sheep management plans give the biologists different options on what to look at for tag allocations. They can look at overall ram numbers or age class. Hopefully that unit will get a tag increase soon, because I too hate to see old rams die of old age, and even older hunters die without an opportunity of a tag!

Keep after it!
I know one guy that was lucky enough to draw a Stansbury sheep tag. I'll let him know if he is wanting any info that he can jump on here and PM you.

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