Stansbury Bighorns


Very Active Member
I was "lucky" enough to draw a tag this year. I live in Grantsville, so I will be spending a lot of time on the mountain. I really respent the knowledge and insite from so many of you and am hoping to have a few basic questions answered. About sheep behavior. What two weeks do the rams go into peak rut or when do the rams on Antelope Island rut? I would guess they would be close to the same. When will the groups of rams usually separate and move in on the ewes, is it a few weeks before the rut? For anyone who has been watching these sheep or know a lot about them, would you mind getting hold of me to talk more?

Thanks and looking foreward to sharing my adventure with you guys, Koby
Another question. With these sheep being the California sub species. How many inches of score can be gained over the summer and fall on a ram in the 8-12 year range? Can they gain over 10 points at this age group? I'm guessing they really slow down on growth as they mature but at what age does this happen?
Congratulations on a tag of a lifetime. You should have a pretty easy time as sheep hunts go because they live only a few minutes from your home. I know the guy that drew the Expo tag out there.
I don't know about the rut with those particular sheep. I imagine that they will be like all sheep. Rams will be banded up by themselves until the rut starts. If you find a ram band in the summer they will probably be in a similar area until they break up to go find the ewes. I saw a map that indicated that the Stansbury herd has stayed pretty close in one general area so scouting them and hunting them should be pretty easy.
Good luck on a great adventure! Please share the results with us.
I have never been on Stansbury Island, but I have photographed quite a few sheep and by late Oct. the rams start rutting and it just gets more intense each week from there. By around Thanksgiving and thru early December is when I have noticed the most rut activity.

You should have a great hunt and good luck to you.

Here's a couple photos for you. I took these on 11-30-09


Have a good one. BB
Ridgetops...You will see minimal growth in rams in the 8-12 year range, sheep have their greatest growth from 3-8. You actually see a lot of older rams losing inches due to brooming. As far as the rut goes you can expect to see the California's starting in mid September and going into November. The cali's start earlier than our Rockies, like some of our Deserts rut in July and August rather than November. Congrats on your tag! It will be a fun hunt.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-10 AT 10:26PM (MST)[p]Thanks for the info. guys. I will post about my hunt and scouting trips. Does anyone know who drew the (1) max point tag for this unit..
LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-10 AT 04:24PM (MST)[p]I think you ended up with my tag! I was sure it would be mine this year since I had 2 whole points! LOL
Congrats on drawing the tag. All sheep are way cool.
It will be a fabulous year for you especially because you live so close to the sheep!
>If you didn't have max points,
>how many did you have?

I had 4 points. That's why I said I was really "lucky" to draw in my first post. It still seems like a dream.

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