stand together dutton road closures


Very Active Member
chock another one up for the tree huggers. i just read a map of all the road closures down on the dutton that are closed to any type of vehicle access.i know the atv's are out of hand in some places(this area not one of them) but all the bickering amongst fellow hunters these days makes it easy for the government to shut us down and limit our access to public grounds.i am so sick of bowhunting guy vs rifle guy vs muzzy guy i hunt with all three weapons and respect any hunter who contributes to the sport.the closure of immigration canyon was another example when they announced they wanted to close it to the rifle hunters. alot of my bowhunting buddies were stoked and i do not know why. duh they just took hunting rights away on that mountain range it will not be long untill there is no hunting it period up there. for some reason they could not connect the dots and for the guy who absoulutly wants to shut down every atv trail on the mountain wait untill you are 50 and try to enjoy hunting with your grandchildren we will see how far you make it up that mountain.after all you probably the one who pushed for these closures.and no i do not even own an atv but it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out the more they get away with closing stuff down the more they will push to be closed
Man, I have to say, I hunted Dutton many years ago. Killed one of my biggest bucks down there in the late 80's. Last time I was down there, I was sickened by all the ATV trails. The one going up Snowbank (I believe it was) was a bummer. I remember backpacking into that canyon to hunt deer. Now an ATV trail.....sad deal. They're everywhere down there. The Beaver Mtn. range is also over-run with ATV trails. If I were King, I would close LOTS of ATV trails during hunting season. I think it will only help wildlife quality.

A little walking isn't going to hurt anyone. That backpack trip into many of those canyons down there wasn't that far, yet ATV trails were still forced into those canyons.

Hunters have way too many advantages as it is now. Let's give back a few of those advantages and give them bucks a little more chance of survival.

Brian Latturner
i have no problem working for anilmals like i stated i don't even own an atv. i backpasck the uintas for days on in and usualy come out with a descent bull on the any bull areas.but instead of closing everything down they should first be more active in fining and patroling surtain areas before closing it all down.i will say it again anytime anything get's closed to sportsman it is never a good thing for us no matter what
Good post founder, growing up in Nevada I know exactly how you feel, I have seen a lot of changes in the last 30 plus years, and most aren't good in my opinion, it really is a good thing to give back some of our overwhelming advantages. Caring enough to make sure some prime wildlife country is still there for people in their prime years, thats the best way to preserve our western hunting tradition.
Road closures will most certainly lead to better quality animals and more opportunity. Utah has plenty of new roads and they should start somewhere
Desertpointbrian- What do you mean, close it down? maybe you should explain, because road closures can be good for wildlife and hunting.
>Desertpointbrian- What do you mean, close
>it down? maybe you should
>explain, because road closures can
>be good for wildlife and

i am worried they are going to take it to far.dont get me wrong there is way to much illegal atv trails/activity out there some that should not be there for sure.and i do like hunting the wasatch front with my other hardcore hunting buddies chasing that 30" buck. but i am also reasonable enough to understand that alot of money and contribution to our sport come from family's who go up for the camping and bonding that goes along with the hunt's.take that away and make everybody get to skyline drive by foot from highway 6 and you plain and simple are not going to have enough backing/people in the sport to keep things like wolves and community developments out of the hills.i know i am reaching out a limb on this but i am looking into the future of the sport not at how big my deer is going to be come august
there is definantly two sides to this did they go to far with these particular closures no.did they ask public opinion on what they felt should happen with the problem NO they just passed it and started closing roads in utah from washington.that is what has me worried
i was sickened by all the trails and roads on the dutton. i've always wished they had a rule that would allow roads only once every 5 miles or even more. heck i would love to see em close every friggin road down. its definitely only gonna benefit the monster bucks and bulls.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
I kinda like the idea of less 2 tracks/roads in the woods.

A couple of main access roads and close the rest doesn't seem that big an issue to me for some reason.

The road closures since the big fire has made the Dutton what is is as far as quality goes.
I say keep the main roads open and shut down all the side dead end roads......and don't stop on just the Dutton, keep going.[/IMG]
I don't think we need to worry about "too many" roads or trails being closed. Many of the ATV trails in southern Utah were never even meant to exist. Lots of them were created illegally when ATV's first came about and because the Forest Service didn't have the man power or money to enforce the law, they just turned them into "trails". The F.S. was not prepared for all the new trails that ATVer's created.

It's quite difficult anymore to find a place to hunt that is more than a mile or two from a road or trail. Roads and trails are everywhere!
I personally have always felt that one of the best things the UDWR could do for deer quality in this state is push for some seasonal road and ATV trail closures. Maybe just close some during hunting seasons....????

Not only would Utah have a more healthy deer herd, but we would also have more healthy sportsmen. Everything is just too darn accessible in Utah. Very little "backcountry".

Brian Latturner
This is a real tight-rope walk.
I too want more true back-country but where do we stop? Where do we start? My trail? Your trail?
Too many trails are illegal and should be closed but what about all the DIRT ROADS that a car can travel on but not a quad? Silly for sure.
I say close the illegal trails, close some back roads and OPEN gravel/dirt roads to quads.

Better solution: (or combine both)
Jack the deer tags to $200+ and allow a kill every 2 or 3 years.
If we are trying to limit the competition then let's do it financially and keep the antis and butthuggers out of our lives! If it's quality and a "private" experience that we're after then let's dig into our wallets and pay to play!
Oh....extend the season for me also!

We can all make an argument pro and con on all these points.

Regardless, I will find a way to have a great hunt!
Nicholas Glidden of the Dixie National Forest is in charge of getting those roads closed. He saw the threads on the site and sent me over a PDF file that give some insight on the road closures.
31% of miles will be closed and 59% of roads on the Dutton. Looking at the PDF, most are very short roads/trails of less than a mile. Some are logging roads that only FS will have access to.
I'm guessing that when it's all said and done, you guys who like roads and trails won't loose much, but a few calories if you hike.

Hopefully when all is said and done, there are a few little holes on that mountain where some bucks can grow old again.

Brian Latturner
heck i wish they would shut down more atv trails. i hate nothing more than hikin my guts out and to walk up on an atv trail or have to listen to people burning up the trails all day long trying to bow hunt on a 4 wheeler.
i dont mind the more main roads able to have 4 wheelers but when there is little atv trails in every canyon its annoying. i like to get as far from people as possible and its almost impossible to now.
i dont think it would hurt a thing to make people get off there atvs and hike into a canyon or not do it and leave the people willing to hike it some peace and quiet.
i dont mind the 4 wheelers as much (still dislike it)on rifle hunts but on archery its pretty ridiculous.
From looking at the PDF's and making some phone calls, all they are closing is the routes that were never legally on the route system. Routes that are legally on the system will have to go through the public comment process before they can be closed. What exactly is bad about that?
Amen to what you just said. WHERE IS THE MAP YOU READ THE ROAD CLOSURES ON??
I'm always a fan of closing atv trails and roads. Tougher access = better quality animals and less people hiking in.
>I'm always a fan of closing
>atv trails and roads.
>Tougher access = better quality
>animals and less people hiking

Thats very very good way to look at it.
I'm 59 and it is becoming more difficult to access the backcountry (so I bought llamas and work out a little more). I never even sat on a 4-wheeler until 2 years ago (it is kind of fun to ride although I don't consider them hunting tools).\

I wish we had less new roads. I (have reasonable evidence) believe a reduction in predators will do more for animal numbers and size than will road closures.

BUT Founder is right. We ALL need to be on the same side. I, too hunt with a rifle (MY favorite), bow and muzzleloader. I'd hunt with a spear if there was a season......yeah, I've even thrown rocks.

The "bad guys" ARE united.

Within the shadows, go quietly.

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