Stalk not Stock!


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-09 AT 11:35PM (MST)[p]I know this would probably be better in the generals section so the majority of hunters would actually see it, but it is more appropriate in the campfire section.

Just one of my pet peeves. You do not stock deer or elk you STALK them. Please get it right and use it appropriately when telling us your hunting story.

Now good luck hunters!
I hate hearing about the amount of HORN a deer or elk has....but then i see the included picture of hunter and said deer/elk and realize they're probably as stupid in real life as they look in the photo.

>Just one of my pet peeves.
> You do not stock
>deer or elk you STALK
>the them.

"you stalk THE THEM"

Thanks for the grammar/spelling lesson.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I'm following this nice truck down the road one day . One the tailgate is this fancy little painting , and in bold letters it states " NIGHT STOCKER " . I'm thinking he meant stalker , but who knows maybe he stocked shelves in a store at night .
My personal favorite, the tatoo that reads,


............problem is, there are several on this site that will fail to see the error, much less the humor.
Its late , but I finally got it . If I saw that tat on someone I would have a hard time not laughing out loud .
If we're taking off on a tangent about pet peeves or regarding intelligence, my all-time favorite bumper sticker (regarding planet earth): "Beam me up, Scotty...there are no intelligent life-forms down here!"
Thanks hardway. Although I was pointing out misuse of words not exactly spelling / grammar or just a typo. I fixed it though.

good to see you occasionally checking in. Did you get a buck with a ton of horn this year or what?
One of my peeves is the use of to as in "to big". When using 'to' to describe size or quantity it should be "too" as in too many or too big.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-09 AT 08:30AM (MST)[p]What if you STOCK your highfence ranch with elk and deer and then go in with your new gun with a carbon fiber STOCK a STALK them in corn STALKS? :)
Some that bug me:

Magazine - Ciip

Cartridge - Bullet

Concrete - Cement

Elevation - Altitude

Bull - Steer - Cow.
The one that drives me NUTS is "I need to sale a gun" ... Its for sale and you need to sell it, NOT "sale it"... IT DRIVES ME NUTS ! ! !


It's all about the good times...
Geeeees, Hope you guys dont ever read any of rackmaster's posts.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEW! I certainly feel more at home here now having found that I'm not the only one that thinks that if it's worth writing, it's worth writing properly. I just have to tell you this one though. A few years back I was reading a hunting story by Bob Foulkrod in which he spoke of deer using a fence 'roll' as a travel route....I'm fairly sure that what he meant was a fence 'row' not 'roll' since fence posts are set in a ROW. I got a kick out of it though.
I went out scouting today and saw a lot of deers. Does anybody know where I can buy shotgun bullets because it's almost quail season and I've been seeing lots of quails?

The one I like is when you tell somebody you've been deer hunting and they ask if you have caught any.
I've caught me a few deers with some big

I remember a post on another site and two guys were quesioning one hunter about his kill.

His reply was "I NO what I'm talking about. I was on THEY'RE property."

Obviously he had "NO" idea what he was talking about. lol

The ones that get me scratching my head are the stuff we were taught in grade school

We're(we are) - Where - wear - ware

They're(they are) - Their - There

No - Know
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-09 AT 06:42PM (MST)[p]I totally agree!!! I hate improper usage or the English language. Stock/stalk is one of my biggest peeves along with prolly instead of probably. Another one is "trout" line. Anyone that actually grew up setting TROT lines will tell you it is not pronounced trout! You are not fishing for trout with a trot line, usually catfish, bass, bream etc.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

How about this one. "He shot a 185 point ram"

Or "How many points does that ram have"

I say "What does that ram score?"

Or " That ram is a 185 inch ram" or "That is a 185 ram"
I bess not post to this one then. Holy crap! We were out scouting the other day for a rifle hunt when we came across these two bow hunters from Texas . One of them had stuck a forky and were dragging him out each had a hind leg. We talked about there hunt and all then one of them mentioed that dragging the deer out like that was a biatch. I says hey why dont you each grab a HORN and pull that way. Late that afternoon we say them again and chatted as they still had the deer with them . They said that our tip made it a whole lot easier but it was taking them a hell of long way from the truck dragging it that way .
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn?t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

The bigger the buck in the photo, the less I care about misspelled words.
...being called a "looser" by some loser whose BCS team is "loosing" to my mid-major... ;-)
Antler vs horn is bad, but seen vs saw is the absolute worst. "I seen a big bull with huge horns and I put a stock on him." It's "saw" you idiots. "I saw a big bull with huge antlers and I put a stalk on him. "Seen" always follows his buddy "have". I will see. I have seen. I saw. Learn it. Live it. Love it. And don't act like I'm a jerk for pointing out the fact your stupid. It's not my fault you're an idiot. :)
> "And don't act
>like I'm a jerk for
>pointing out the fact your
>stupid. It's not my
>fault you're an idiot. :)"................?
I like the way Founder put it in another thread;

"My thoughts are, "Who cares!!!" Post your photos regardless if you know how to score or not!! ???? That's like saying people should learn how to spell before posting on the site....(scoreing, befor, jugeing, ture, its, post) LOL......WHO CARES!!! We know what you're saying, just as we can look at a photo,..."

This is a "HUNTING WEBSITE"! Those that "care" and can't get over it need to get some of Manny's Chill Pills! lol

Those that somehow feel Superior because they take their English seriously, congratulations to you but don't get too excited about it. I for one, judge a man by what he has done and how he goes about doing it. There's been a few very great and well respected men in my life that could not even read the written word. Think about that!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-09 AT 07:13AM (MST)[p]This was rich:

"And don't act like I'm a jerk for pointing out the fact [font color="red" size="16"]your[/font] stupid."

...please don't act like I'm a jerk... ;-)
>I like the way Founder put
>it in another thread;
>"My thoughts are, "Who cares!!!" Post
>your photos regardless if you
>know how to score or
>not!! ???? That's like saying
>people should learn how to
>spell before posting on the
>site....(scoreing, befor, jugeing, ture, its,
>post) LOL......WHO CARES!!! We know
>what you're saying, just as
>we can look at a
>This is a "HUNTING WEBSITE"! Those
>that "care" and can't get
>over it need to get
>some of Manny's Chill Pills!
>Those that somehow feel Superior because
>they take their English seriously,
>congratulations to you but don't
>get too excited about it.
>I for one, judge a
>man by what he has
>done and how he goes
>about doing it. There's been
>a few very great and
>well respected men in my
>life that could not even
>read the written word. Think
>about that!

>>I like the way Founder put
>>it in another thread;
>>"My thoughts are, "Who cares!!!" Post
>>your photos regardless if you
>>know how to score or
>>not!! ???? That's like saying
>>people should learn how to
>>spell before posting on the
>>site....(scoreing, befor, jugeing, ture, its,
>>post) LOL......WHO CARES!!! We know
>>what you're saying, just as
>>we can look at a
>>This is a "HUNTING WEBSITE"! Those
>>that "care" and can't get
>>over it need to get
>>some of Manny's Chill Pills!
>>Those that somehow feel Superior because
>>they take their English seriously,
>>congratulations to you but don't
>>get too excited about it.
>>I for one, judge a
>>man by what he has
>>done and how he goes
>>about doing it. There's been
>>a few very great and
>>well respected men in my
>>life that could not even
>>read the written word. Think
>>about that!

>I like the way Founder put
>it in another thread;
>"My thoughts are, "Who cares!!!" Post
>your photos regardless if you
>know how to score or
>not!! ???? That's like saying
>people should learn how to
>spell before posting on the
>site....(scoreing, befor, jugeing, ture, its,
>post) LOL......WHO CARES!!! We know
>what you're saying, just as
>we can look at a
>This is a "HUNTING WEBSITE"! Those
>that "care" and can't get
>over it need to get
>some of Manny's Chill Pills!
>Those that somehow feel Superior because
>they take their English seriously,
>congratulations to you but don't
>get too excited about it.
>I for one, judge a
>man by what he has
>done and how he goes
>about doing it. There's been
>a few very great and
>well respected men in my
>life that could not even
>read the written word. Think
>about that!

In reality, it is not that people who possess command of the English language feel superior, it is that those who do not, feel inferior.

I personally find it humorous, that someone would post a fervent opinion on a site and expect to be taken seriously when they don't even pay attention to 4th grade spelling.

The technology that allows these websites to exist, provides a service called "spellcheck"........look into it!

Regardless of what YOU may think, poor spelling and grammar, are the basis for defining hunters and fishermen as "under educated, beer drinking, Redneck idiots", by today's media.

I'm not understanding why anyone, with a child's portion of intellect, would want to contribute to that theory.

I seriously doubt that Jeff Foxworthy, the wealthiest comic of our time, stays in character when a serious discussion is underway.

If you are capable of making basic errors on here, then you are probably doing the same thing in your daily lives and not believing that it makes a difference in how others perceive you.

I realize that we are not doing EIR's, planning organ transplants, or developing multi level stock exchanges on here, so pointing out spelling errors IS somewhat anal.

All this being said, I absolutely promise to refrain from pointing out the issue on this site ever again and I apologise to any who have taken offense.

"You loosers no hoo you arr"
I could pull out my Professor card and go to work on every single post on this whole website if I wanted. But the point is, it doesn't matter - sometimes you have to hear the person telling the story as you read it. These little errors bother me, but I have learned to let it go - just let it go. I am not getting paid to be an editor on this site, if I were, things would be differnt - very different indeed! So go ahead fellers (yes - a coloquial use and spelling of the word "fellows" - but one that if I used it on this site would get me laughed off of here in a heartbeat!) and make your spelling and grammatical errors. I will never overtly point out your mistake, but if I do reply back with the correct grammar and spelling - please take the hint!!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
know problemo, I right reports fer an living an still mak missteaks all the tiem. Im shore its do to my upbringin. And I no I seen that dear run cross the rode, to...
Nickman, thanks for posting, have a nice day! :)

I give not a care how someone wraps the's what's inside!

I like a story for it's content, not it's grammar!

A man with no money in his pocket is far better off that a man who cheated for the millions in his.

Some of the most highly read, well written, and spoken people in this country are now living in prison!

I know some ignorant SOBs with a lot of money, I also know some poor people who are are exceptionally versed. I have a gentleman who works for us that you have to decipher his writing and math, but damn he is good at his job!
I hope I never see this on MM but when I hear the word axed I want to use an ax on them then axed them if they know why that just happened.
Easy fellas, this is just for fun....

My biggest pet peeve is the phrase "I could care less".

The correct phrase for the intended meaning is "I couldn't care less".

If you "could" care less, then you do care to some degree. If that is the case, why say anything?

I clipped an article out of Utah Hunter magazine when it was in print,took a red pen to it, and sent it back to them. It was so poorly written and edited that I could not follow the story. We do ourselves no favors when we confirm the "stupid redneck" image that some have of hunters in general.

That being said, I reelly could care less when guys misspell an misuse werds on a huntin bothers me more in spoken form...;)

i didnt realize how many dipchits there really was on a hunting forum. maybe if you spend a little less time spell checking someones post, and a little more time in the woods , you could contribute to A HUNTING SITE with some pictures of your hunt.

most of the time i spend my entire post looking at the dam keyboard. and rarely re-read my post before i hit "post message"

many times it is simply a typing error. who gives a chit? if it bothers you that bad, you should go to a more gay orientaded forum. sounds like it suits your style a little better.
This is a very interesting post to say the least. No real surprise that some pay close attention to grammar and spelling and some don't. Just like in real life. I'm no elitist and,like Joey, have known hunters who were some of the best in the country who couldn't read or write.Heck,I grew up in the Pineywoods of east TX and will be a Redneck at heart till I die.

Having said that,if you are trying to communicate with or persuade someone using the written word to me it seems obvious you would want to put your best foot forward by using at least somewhat proper grammar/spelling. Sure,not everyone is put off by it but some clearly are so why not use the spellchecker every now and then? But,hey,that's just me....
>"gay orientaded"????? I hope
>that was a feeble attempt
>at humor.

thanks for making my point:)

hey, if "spell check" was available on this forum, sure i "might" use it. but if you think i'm going to write a 5 word post in "word perfect", than copy and paste it here, just so you feel better, your smoking crack.

and hold that thought, i need to get my websters dictionary to see if you spelled "feeble" correctly, and if you used it in a proper term.................

i will not sleep until i can catch someone with a spelling/ grammer error.
c'mon, is anyone really that much of an azz?

it's not the cheap binos your using, its the fact that some of you have had your head so far up your azz , that you cannot see game that well. and the most expensive binos in the world will not fix your problem.

now can we get back to hunting.........
Oh deer, their is a spell checker on hear? I just come hear to look at dears with big racks...
If you use firefox any misspelled words will be highlighted in red. Just right click on it and it will give you correct spelling options. Just saying.

Now saying that, I just re-read my mountain goat post over in the general forum and I had a typo where I used there where I should have used their. Boy, do I feel stupid. :eek:
what is this "firefox" you speak of?

i simply click on "reply" type while looking at my keyboard, then hit "submit"

i see no where a firefox button, a spellchecker, or a jackass proof reader button.--just sayin'

nvbighorn- c'mon you can do better than that:) you guys that made it to nationals in the spelling bee were the last in your class to get **** just sayin'

i never met a deer or elk that could care how i typed on a computer, funny thing is: most of my spelling errors are simply hitting the wrong key. what can i say? my fingers are better fit for a trigger or a release? some of yours are better fit for fingernail polish and a$$holes:)

lastly , i really and truly dont give a crap if someone doesn't like something i post, i really dont. in fact, once i know you dont like it, if your a big enough ass to point it out- i'll be a big enough ass to make it a point to keep it up.
Killerbee.........wins the discussion.

From now on we should all "dumb" down so everyone can read these posts, otherwise we will be labeled as "gays', wearing nail polish.

That is serious intelligence right there.
ah no, nick. i dont think many of you guys are lacking any "dumbness" at all....

you just need to learn to "focus" that dumbness, on more important things in life than on if someone used a a "," instead of a ";" or someone who was really excited to share there awsome hunt with you {which you would think most would just be gratful} so istead of taking the extra time to make sure they typed it " stalked" they got in a hurry and made a booboo and typed " stocked"

i mean really.........
thats funny:) exactly what my paper looked like in high school.

hopefully my reply's are coming back as they are meant. who cares if it bothers some about some spelling, and who cares if the guys who point it out bother others. i probably could have eliminated all my replys by just saying "c'mon guys- get off your high horse a relaxe a little"

another thing i've noticed: there been times ,on another forum, where someone was extremly bad at spelling/typing. while goes by and they post up a picture. come to find out- it's some 12 yr old kid thats doing the posting. shouldn't we be excited that this kid is getting interested in hunting at that age and not his playstation instead of pointing out his screwups on the forum?
but i'm o.k. with the 90% who say they notice all those errors, but are more interested in the story to point it out. this world would be alot more screwed up if there wasn't people smarter than me living on it. i just dont want to hear someone try to tell me they are.
Killerbee - Firefox is a different web browser program that you can use instead of Internet Explorer or whatever you use. It is probably already installed on your computer, if not just google "firefox" and you can download it for free.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-09 AT 11:30AM (MST)[p]If anyone wants a good FREE spell checker to use here or on other similar message board sites, download Iespell from here:

Once you install it, you will find the link to use under the IE TOOLS menu.

To use it after you write a message, it's a simple matter of putting your cursor in the message box and clicking the Iespell link. It works just like the spell checker in Outlook or Word.

It's not a grammar checker, however, and it won't hit on such errors as loose/loss/lost, their/there/they're, to/too/two, stock/stalk, site/sight, it/it's, dear/deer, hear/here, etc. But it can tell the difference between such 'typos' as "reply's/replys" and the correct spelling of "replies." ;-)


How To Hunt Coues Deer
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-09 AT 10:03PM (MST)[p]thats great info. i honestly had no clue you could use a spell check while replying on the site. i never claimed to be a computer smart guy, now you see why....;)
if it's that handy, sure i'd use it here and there. just to make some guys happy. but i think some guys should lighten up a little themselves and just take a story for what it is- a good read on someones great hunt.

can't we all just just have a hug
>never claimed to be a
>comuter smart guy, now you
>see why....;)

To be a smart commuter. You need to get a buddy to ride with you, so you can drive in the carpool lane. Save times and money. Kinda like Geico

All in fun
dang it, i really need to download that spellchecker fast!

:) i'll go edit that for you....

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