SS for illegal aliens


Long Time Member
I just received an e-mail advising that the senate has passed a bill that will allow illegal aliens access to social Security benefits. It seems that the Democrat majority have already started their give away program that will shorten the benefits to American citizens that have paid into the program most of their life. I hope President Bush will veto this bill when it gets to his desk. If we had a Democrat president in office, I am sure the bill would pass and we would take it again in the pocket book. I am glad I got out of the social securty program years ago. There will be no money in it by the time I am 65.
Does anyone have more information on this bill.

They passed the bill knowing he'd veto it, or he'd better, to give them even more traction with the Hispanic Voters. The Dem's are playing Russian Roulette with our future.

You are aware I'm sure that Huckabee a Republican who many on this site support favors, in-state tutition for illegal immigrants as well as taxpayer scholarship for the children of illegals. Another words both sides seem to want to give the illegals everything. I haven't researched the bill you are referring to or who sponsored it yet.
corncobb the dem. base will give away the USA givin the chance. Yes lets compair ole huck to your whole base.
Russian Roulette, HELL.

In that game only one cylinder has a live round.

In theirs, All cylinders are LOADED.

Boy's and Girl's.....this is the future of our
country we're talking about here. Period Paragraph.

We need to point the loaded Revolver in the Other

Brother let me tell you , I'm, Hispanic, my last name is GARCIA and they gained NO TRACTION WITH MYSELF or any of my family. I live in NM were illegal people have done nothing but put our public school systems completely in the gutter. I now live in Rio Rancho but moved here from Santa Fe were the mayor has declared Santa Fe a safe haven( his words) for illegal immagrants.The schools up there are going in the gutter , most native Santa Feans are putting thier kids in private schools where they do not cater to spanish only speaking kids. The hospital in SF is pretty much a joke too. Well fare has increased , so those people who rely on that program to work should be happy, they seem to offer every and any assistance to all illegal families regardless of paper work. Need groceries???No problem , just sign the dotted line!
Build that phuqin wall already! And I can tell any of you whom I may offend ,I DON'T GIVE A CRAP! I live where it's very noticable the negative impact of illegal immagration....
I talked last night to a friend that works for county near mine that is a small N.CA. county with only about 150,000 population. They have to budget just over 3 million dollars out of their general fund to pay for the illegals in their county. Most of it is health services and welfare aid. American citizens applying for the aid has to go though certain steps to obtain it. The illegals do not have to go though all the steps and do not have to produce documents to show they are citizens. Now the Dems want to give them Social Security benefits. What has this country come too.


Blow it out your tail pipe as far as
I'm concerned.

J.B. has earned the right to say anything
he wants to on here as far a I'M concerned.

I may not agree with everything he says, but I
BACK every thing he has to say, 'til the f'n cows
come home. And if you don't like it, I advise you
to hit the LONG road a'winding.

You new breed of Young Punks coming on this sight better
BEWARE. Some of y'all are DISRESPECTFULL as heck and it aint

Do what you want to do. But you'd serve yourselves, and the
rest of us well, by not acting like a bunch of Gangster Thugs.

Larry Venable lve2143
Hamilton, Texas.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-07 AT 07:47PM (MST)[p]>I'm not allowed to comment on
>race. The rocky mountain jews
>get offended.


I was bad while you were gone. I'm a bigoted racist or at least thats what I was told.
Did you get your bull?

larry i think you must taken it the wrong way. I was just givin larry crap for the word he used. And his comment was aimed at ne and some others. He and i take jabs at each other all the time. Where as you, i havent seen many of your post so i cant say much to you.
The bill also if it is same one I read about extends benefits to living relatives regardless of whether or not they lived in our country. This is not good from the donkeys or elephants!!!

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