Square Dancing


Long Time Member
well my wife has this great idea it would be fun to take lessons! WTF? i thought square dancing was for old f#rts or something you did in 6th grade gym class. i am totally against the idea of doing the do-si-do and promenade. I was traumatized by it as a school kid and am more afraid of it now. I NEED YOUR SUPPORT! lets hear some comments as to why its a bad idea. HELP.
"why its a bad idea"? Because it's square dancing! It IS something "for old f#rts or something you did in 6th grade gym class". You have all the reasons you need. I say make her happy and take a dance class but take a swing class or ballroom or something you can actually do once in a while when you go out. When was the last time you were at a party and the DJ started playing the cha cha slide and some square dancers got out there and did a do-si-do? Never gonna happen!

I'm telling ya F Dude, stop it now or the next thing you know you'll be dressed up in a checked shirt, overalls and lameass straw hat.
i gotta admit I.... uummm my wife watches Dancin with the Stars sometimes and some of them ballroom dances do look like a lot of fun. Checkered shirts and a straw hat aint me. Thanks
I ... ummm... my wife watches dancing with the stars too (isn't Brooke Burke a hot mama?). My wife and I tried to take a swing class once but it turns out we apparently have no natural dancing talent. That combined with the fact that she won't follow my lead (go figure) and I am not a natural leader (go figure) made it a rather painful process. We bailed out after a couple of sessions. I am very envious of those who can dance. I was at a family wedding a couple of weeks ago and my cousin and her husband are VERY good dancers. They always steal the show at those functions. They dance a lot of swing and some ballroom. Everyone just enjoys watching them. That could be you and the Mrs. However, no one, and I emphasize no one , wants to watch this:


Or this: Clogging is next.

This could be you.

Or when you gradjiate to "caller" this could be you:

Seriously man, don't do it.
Dude, NVBighorn is right. There is a reason square dancing is a lost art. lol

DON'T DO IT! Western swing...YES. Square dancing...NOOOO!
Thank KKK. I'm going to show these responses to the wife and your opinion should carry some weight.
I've only told her as much as i had to about you but she has seen some of your past posts and I may not be able to associate with you or anyone else here anymore :)
You let your wife READ the posts on this site? Are you nuts? I swear F_Lady, it's all F_Dude's fault. He brings out the worst in us. He starts posting those pictures of scantily clad women and we lose all sense. I can't be held responsbile for anything I post on this site... Can I? I mean legally? :)

Seriously F_Lady, no square dancing. Swing, ballroom, waltz, hustle, jitterbug, even the worm. But not square dancing. It has taken F_Dude months to get past the posts questioning his sexual preferences. Don't undo all that therapy.
Feleno, listen very carefully to me. DO NOT DO IT! I was stupid enough a few years ago to let my wife talk me into it. It was the biggest whip down I've ever experienced.
After lessons they want you to go to some dances and such.

Sorry you had to go through the terrible events but glad you survived to pass along your sad story. A lot of value gained and trauma avoided because of this forum!
Feleno just remind her of the completely ridiculous outfits they wear and how everyone will laugh until their throats are soar
Good Luck and Great Memories

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