Spring Lake Fire (So. Utah County)


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-08 AT 01:33PM (MST)[p]So I am sure that you guys here in utah have heard of the spring lake fire that started Friday. Well that is just south of my house, it was quite interesting to watch. All the planes and helicopters droping water and retardant on it. Well that was until the wind started blowing to the North. Then things started to get really interesting. At about 11 pm the fire / police department started going around the neighbor hood just to the south of us and on the loud speakers (bull horns) they were telling people to gather there belongings and that they needed to evacuate.

That fire was moving and fast. A police officer cam by our house at about 11:30 pm and told us that we were to be on alert and that if it came any closer or jumped the road into the hollow near our house then we would be evacuating as well. What?

What in the world do you even grab for something like that. I put our important documents in a bag with some clothes, and we just had to wait it out. There were a few housese that I thought for sure were going to fall victim to the fire, but the fire fighters did an amazing job and saved them. Them guys sure did earn there keep last night.

Well last night the choppers were going full boar. I was standing in my kitchen and heard one fly over and then it sounded like it was right on top of us just hoovering. I ran out side and the thing was across the street filling his tank in the retention pond right next to the house. Talk about cool. So us and about 20 of the other neighbors sat on the lawn and watched as they went back and fourth filling and dumping filling and dumping. Thought you guys might like to see some photos of the events. Enjoy.











Great pics! What's the status of the fire now? I hope no homes were lost and that no one was injured. Wow! Exciting times for you guys!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The news stations are reporting it to be 50% contained. No homes were lost, but they sure did come close. The house that we watched most of the night from our front lawn had the flames go all the way around the home, coming as close as probably 20 feet. The only injury I know of is one of the firefighters suffered from some dehydration.

My hat goes off to those guys for the amazing job they did.

Awesome photos, especially that first one! It looks like a lot of wires those chopper pilots had to avoid.

Our fires here in northern CA are still going strong. Very slow headway it seems. Much of the National Forest where I blacktail hunt is closed until Sept.1, then they will reassess the situation. I don't think things will be much better. I hope I'm wrong.


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