Spring has Sprung


Long Time Member
Well it was time to go find those spring Toms. I got hooked up with TP&W game wardens in tandem with NWTF for my oldest daughters first turkey hunt. Her little brother has killed a few birds and she has got the itch to do it herself. Last Friday we headed down around Goliad Texas. Grandma got to come along and so did my brother and niece. We stopped for lunch and sight seeing before going out to the ranch.

This is the actual county "Hanging Tree" in front of the courthouse for Goliad County.


We patterned shotguns and met the game wardens who would be our guides. They were really nice fellas who I already knew. It ended up they are pretty dang good turkey callers.

It rained hard Friday night and we woke up to cold temps and very high winds. We didn't here a single gobble on Saturday but right off the bat we had a nice Tom come in to a decoy spread but made it out before my girl could pull the trigger on him.

That afternoon my niece did kill a nice bird though and we all had fun around the campfire that night.

Sunday rolled in and we had to make the last morning count. We set up in a beautiful crossroads area with a big dirt tank in the center. At about 8:30 two hens walked out into the clearing about 150 yards away. Our guide played the cards right and started a cutting war with one of the hens. She soon trotted over to our setup and started scratching for bugs. As she was walking closer I noticed a big ol' tom turkey walk up on top of the tank damn. He was in full strut and flying the flag as high as he could. Soon he spotted our decoys which had one very live hen right in the middle of them and he strutted down the hill to meet destiny. Within a few minutes he was standing and drumming fifteen yards in front of us. When he showed us his butt I had my girl ready the shotgun and when he spun back around she pole axed him. What a first hunt!


Back at the house we set up both the girls birds and the Game wardens posed with them. I think they were happier than the kids.


After lunch we packed everything up to go. Five minutes into the trip home my daughter asked if we can do it again next year. YOU BET!

Thanks again to TP&W and NWTF.
Give those young ladies a pat on the back from all of us for a job well done and welcome to the hunting world.
I am sure you were far happier to see them take two great toms then if you had taken them. Thanks for sharing the story and photos.

Thanks for the kind words guys. I'll pass them on. Been having a ton of fun finding and calling birds for other people lately. Haven't killed on myself for a few years now, but I can't remember getting this excited when I did. Taking my boy again this weekend. I'll try and report if I have any luck.

Hey Tri?

Were you being Good & Obeying all Laws/Rules & Regulations while hunting with the Wardens?:D

Nice Job there with the Kids!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Great job with them youngns

"If the DWR was just doing its job, and
wildlife and hunting were the actual focus,
none of this process would even matter.
But that is not the focus or the goal in any
of this. The current DWR regime, and
SFW were born out of wildlife declines,
and are currently operated and funded
under that paradigm. Those 200 Expo
tags would not even be worth anything if
the focus was where it was supposed to
be, and wildlife and tags were plentiful.
But under the current business model,
that is how the money and power is
generated. It is generated through the
rising "value"(monitization) of a declining
resource. A resource that is supposed to
be being beneficially managed for the
masses that own that resource, ie. US.
The problem is obvious, hedging is not a
long term sustainable strategy, and
others have to lose, for some to win. In
this case it is us, the many, and our
resources, that are being forced to lose,
because there is a minority who's power
and money is derived from our loses."

LONETREE 3/15/16

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