Spring Bears


Very Active Member
I've always wanted to hunt bears in the Greys River area. Hunted deer and elk there for years. Have seen sign of bears, but never have caught a glimpse of one.

Been thinking about doing a spring hunt there. Wondering if there is enough of a bear population to warrant getting the out of state tag and all the costs involved?

I check Nontypical Outfitters website now and then. Seems like they hammer some big bears. I don't have the 4 grand to go guided though.

Anyhow, anybody have much luck in the Greys River during spring? Willing to point me in the right direction?

It would be pretty tough to just show up to the Grey's river area and kill a good bear. The outfitters and locals have a lot of established bait sites the bears are working, the open country has a ton of snow until late season so spot and stalk is challenging, bears are mostly in the timber, hence all the baiting. The Greys has a lot of bears just not a lot easy to kill big bears.

My recommendation would be to pm Buzz H he claims to know where the bears are so thick he can spot a dozen a day. Or if you could access the wilderness area out of Jackson Hole in the Gros Ventre area. Good numbers of bears with no baiting because of the wilderness. You would have to watch out for hump back bears too. You would also need a resident to go with you...

Hope this helps...
Remember no baiting where Grizzly bears are located. check the regs. It takes some effort to find a good black bear hunting spot when grizzly bears are in the area. I always pack a gun when I horn hunt and hope to get lucky but I always run into cubs.
That's kinda what I was thinking anyhow bout the Greys.

I'm taking my boy to Idaho the first week of May and then we have our Canada trip the last week. It'd be a stretch to get a 3rd bear hunt in anyhow. But, I've always wanted to hunt Wyoming. I might have to get rich and book a hunt. Nontypical kills some big bears. Hell, they kill big everything.
You can bait where Grizzlies are present, you are just supposed to pull your bait if you see or find evidence a grizzly is hitting it is how the rules state it. You can't bait in Wilderness areas period. Im heading out at daylight to go put out some baits using my sled with the snow still on the ground, makes hauling gear nice an easy.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-14 AT 02:51PM (MST)[p]Might be a fun hunt. It might be a tough hunt. Just roll the dice and have fun.

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