Spring bear hunt



Well after 5 years I drew a tag South slope Yellowstone.
This will be my first Bear hunt in Utah hunted Bear in Colorado during an Elk hunt on year.So this will be my first Bear hunt pretty green.
Looking for any advice.
Thanks can't wait to get in the woods!!!
good luck. That hunt is tough as access is so limited because of snow on most years, and bear movement is slow as well. It is possible, but definately no slam dunk.
Yea snow is defiantly going to be a big problem this year
Went on a drive Sunday to check out some areas still to early.
There is still tons of snow and most roads a trails still impassible!
Hopefully we will get a break in the weather soon and a lot of sun?
This I know will be one of the toughest hunts I have ever done.
Thanks for the info.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-11 AT 01:19PM (MST)[p]Spot and stalk,not sure if I can use hounds on this hunt?
Don't know anything about Utah regulations or dates but do have experience with spot and stalk spring bear as that is all MT allows. Snow may be an issue but if you follow the snow line up, you'll be doing the same thing bears are. Look for greened up logging roads with good grass/clover. Also keep your eyes open for winter kills. Here in MT, I never have to leave a logging road to find bears.
Thanks for the info,
So far that's my plan we have a lot of snow still went up last weekend we where having a melt down! But last night and today it snowed!!! heading out this weekend to a different area to check snow levels and access.
My hunt starts 4-09-2011 and ends 06-05-2011.
Thanks again for the info!

MT starts 4/15 and runs through 5/30 where I hunt. I don't even try to go out until the second or third week of May usually. Then, I only hunt in the evenings. Have had real good luck getting on bears every year. If I wasnt bound and determined to get one with my recurve I'd be able to shoot one dang near every year, but I live in good bear country.

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