Sppok Span Sentenced to Jail Time and...


Long Time Member
Just saw this. Looks like Jail time and no hunting for a full year.


Professional hunter and outdoors television show host William ?Spook? Spann has been sentenced to 30 days in jail and has been banned from hunting worldwide for one year.

Spann, 50, of Dickson, Tenn., received the sentence for violating conditions of a probation for a poaching violation he received last year in U.S. District Court in Kansas City, Mo.

His jail time can be spent through assorted nights and weekends and must be completed by Feb. 28, 2014. The U.S. Bureau of Prisons will decide where Spann serves his time.

According to a court document, U.S. Magistrate Judge James P. O?Hara ruled Spann had violated a probation that forbid him from hunting anywhere in the United States for about the first half of this year. Federal game wardens obtained video footage and Facebook photos of Spann dressed in camoflauge and assisting other turkey hunters this spring in Tennessee.

Though Spann was not carrying a weapon and did not kill a turkey, he was ruled to be hunting because he was calling to turkeys, carrying hunting equipment, carrying dead turkeys and illegally spreading bait to attract turkeys.

In November 2012, Spann pled guilty to a 2007 violation of the Lacey Act, when he transported an illegally-tagged buck from Kansas to Tennessee. In November 2007, Spann shot a whitetail buck in Stafford County that carried non-typical antlers that gross-scored about 230 inches of antler on the Pope & Young scoring system, making it one of the biggest bucks killed in the world.

The buck was shot during the Kansas archery deer season, with proper equipment and where Spann had permission to hunt. The permit he used, though, was specifically restricted to land Spann owned and/or leased for agricultural purposes.

When Spann plead guilty in November to the Lacey Act violation, he was ordered to pay $20,000 in fines and restitution. He was then banned from hunting anywhere in the U.S. for six months and from hunting in Kansas for an entire year. He was also ordered to forfeit the antlers of the illegally-tagged buck, and any replicas that had been made of the rack.
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Oh the things guys do for a little fame and glory....

He was interesting to watch on TV but it's too bad he had to turn to poaching to fuel his ego.

Between ego-driven maniacs and not-so-bright hunters, it's a wonder we can still have a good hunt nowadays.

....and another one bites the dust.

I think those TV shows go to their head. I was in a place hunting and there was a well known dude in camp ...what a joke ! If people knew what some of these jokers do for the camera/magazine they wouldn't believe it. This guy was an UNETHICAL hunter for sure. I don't even have any hunting shows in my TV package anymore.
He and his show always seemed to just kinda rub me the wrong way... I never knew why exactly, I just didn't like the guy... This just gives me one more reason...

Guess there will be no more "Spook Nation"...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
>I think those TV shows go
>to their head. I was
>in a place hunting and
>there was a well known
>dude in camp ...what a
>joke ! If people knew
>what some of these jokers
>do for the camera/magazine they
>wouldn't believe it. This guy
>was an UNETHICAL hunter for
>sure. I don't even have
>any hunting shows in my
>TV package anymore.

I agree.
I'm about sick of them all! Most TV hunting guys just seem to be a bunch of egotistical clowns with enough money to do a few hunts that most can't. Yup, I'm pretty disgusted with them all.
I hope his show is done. If I have to hear that stupid theme song one more time....the remote is going through the television.
I have no knowledge of this particular man or his show as I cannot stand to watch any of the TV "hunt" shows, but these comments are spot on with the observations that led me to this conclusion years ago. There is no doubt that these shows recruit hunters in a population that would otherwise spend more time indoors, but they mostly do a poor job of teaching this new generation of recruits. Thank God for dads and grandpas! Take your's hunting, today.
>If I have to hear
>that stupid theme song one
>more time....

Does your remote not currently have a channel change button or mute

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