Spotters for Antelope

Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
Now that the consenses is I need a rangefinder for lope hunting, how many of you use a spotting scope for hunting antelope? I know they would be helpful if truly trophy hunting but how many folks use them when looking for a "good" or better than average goat.

Phantom Hunter
"First things First",you have to find-em,that is where Your Binos come in.Not hard with quality light to see "Lopes" 3,4 miles away.Of course one can't tell how big they are at that long range but you have found them ??? Now when you close the distance,that is where Your Spotter comes in,as not to have to get within rifle range before you yea or ney on this buck.On your spotter,don't worry about high magnification as 45-60 power as the heat waves will wash out the image,usually 20 to 30 power is plenty for most Big Game hunts,taking most weather into consideration.And another thing,buy the Best spotter money can buy ??? Won't make abit of difference unless it is mounted on a Quality tripod to take the movement out of the equasion.Good Luck on your purchases --- Bruce & SilverGrand
LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-11 AT 10:09AM (MST)[p]Using a spotter last year in Wyoming saved us a lot of unnecessary walking.
As was mentioned above, they will save you lots of time and wasted effort on sub-par trophies. IMO a good spotter is more important than almost any other equipment, because it will help you find the "Right" animal to go after.
I think that is true with any Western big game, because finding the right animal is the hardest part. So, I would buy the very best you can afford.
Spotting scope a must unless you are just out to have a fun hunt and shoot the first goat that looks nice.

With a spotter, you wil pick out the best ones and pass on some that you would have shot without.

Remember mass and diggers score. Tall appears better, but is real deceiving!!!!

Spend two or three days scouting and hunting with a spotting scope and you will know the best goats in the area come opening day. Them scouting days make the hunt!!!
Absolutely a MUST have! Unless, like previously mentioned, you are just out having a good time.

Every hunt I pack my big tripod on my shoulder with my scope. A scope is only as good as your tripod. So now that you know you need a scope, start looking for a good tripod as well.

Last year I ended up having blisters on my shoulder from packing my tripod and scope on it. I could have put them on my pack, but it ended up being easier to just throw them on my shoulder and hike.

You may want to check out the Vortex Skyline ED at They are having a sale and it is a great scope at an incredible price. It is a bigger scope, so figure out your needs and what you will most commonly be using it for. What kind of hunter are you? If you do a lot of backpacking trips you may not want a scope this big. If you are only going to use it for antelope and pre-season scouting you will be fine.

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
Contrary to popular opinion, i don't believe a spotting scope is as important on a Lope hunt as it is on a muley hunt. Maybe my Lope hunts have been the exception but it seems that most of the shooter lopes we've spotted were close enough to tell that they were good shooters with good Field Glasses. I've carried the spotter along on every hunt and have used it plenty but the rangefinder, to me, is the more important tool to have if you are really limited on funds.

Certainly, having a spotting scope along is a good idea. I just last year replaced my Bushnell Spacemaster after 35 years of reliable service. I bought another Spacemaster! No, it's nowhere near the best, but it was about $300., i like it, i'm good to go!

I believe a good spotting scope is a MUST for antelope hunting. I would not hunt antelope without mine.
Here is the difference when you have a good spotting scope. It goes from "hunting antelope" to hunting "one antelope". Pick a target buck early in the summer and hunt only him. That's what makes antelope hunting one of the highest quality hunts we have in the west.

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