Sportsmen Take Action



California?s Hound Hunting Ban Bill Heads To The Governor?s Desk
Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

If California Governor (MoonBeam) Jerry Brown signs Senate Bill 1221, sportsmen in California are headed for trouble.

Bill 1221 which will ban the use of hounds to hunt bears and bobcats is going to hit Governor Jerry Brown?s desk any day. He has until September 30th to make a decision one way or the other.

This bill is nothing more than another way to chip away at our hunting rights. Sportsmen in California and across America need to take action ASAP. Governor Brown could sign this bill any day.

Please flood Governor Brown?s email box asking him to VETO Senate Bill 1221. Click here to send Jerry (MoonBeam) Brown an email:

Leave a message for Governor Jerry Brown at (916) 445-2841. Ask him to VETO SB 1221.

Write the governor at: State Capitol, Suite 1173, Sacramento, CA 95814. Explain how SB 1221 is bad for California, its citizens and its wildlife.

Sportsmen in California and sportsmen across America please take action and help our fellow sportsmen in California. These types of bills will continue to spread across America unless we shoot them down. ? Hunters Against PETA
Thanks for the heads-up.
I sent an email supporting our Cali hunting brothers!
This is what I sent him:

The Honorable Governor Brown,
Please accept my encouragement to veto Senate Bill 1221. As the governor of one of our more progressive states, I encourage you to support individual rights and to discourage the use of the legislative system, rather than science based programing, to determine wildlife management. Support of this bill would be a black eye on both citizen rights and the evidenced based wildlife approaches of qualified management agencies.

Thank you for your consideration.
...ever heard the saying...."pissing up a rope"???

LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-12 AT 00:11AM (MST)[p]Didn't you take any science in high school? Based on principles of adhesion and cohesion, enough piss will climb up a rope...
>AT 00:11?AM (MST)

>Didn't you take any science in
>high school? Based on principles
>of adhesion and cohesion, enough
>piss will climb up a
Not with Gov.Brown he want's to leave a legacy in his name,just look at all the Bills he has signed.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-12 AT 08:26AM (MST)[p]It took me as long to send an email as it does to make a post on MM.Come on,D13er & 264mag!-Don't be one of the apathetic ones!

PETA relies on our indifference!Hunter apathy keeps them going!!

With all the fighting we do over SFW and all that crap,this is one fight we should all be united in!Let's flood Brown's inbox with our comments!

Sadly,this post will garner few responses.Too bad hunters can't take as much interest in the demise of hunting as we do in who killed the biggest buck or bull.

I've said it before-apathy is the biggest threat to huntin!

I think it's Hossblur that has the best catch-phrase!Read it!

Just because you don't live there doesn't mean it doesn't affect you!
Its the same reason that many don't vote. They don't think it makes a difference. It might not every time, but if enough make noise enough of the time, the general movement shifts. Some people have more fight in them than others.
Email and phone call made a while ago. I spent 30 years hunting and fishing California and I'm ashamed to admit but I spent too many of those years only doing the minimal for our wildlife. I agree hunter apathy is a huge problem throughout our ranks, for several reasons. Those of us who are proactive spend precious time and resources squabbling amongst ourselves, while those who have us targeted for extinction move forward, one step at a time. And that gentlemen is unacceptable. What will it take to motivate the rank and file to step up? I wish I knew...
Me too, stillhunterman. Right now, we have a chance to bombard Jerry Brown while the antis are resting on their laurels.

Governor Brown is big time into where the money goes, historically, he has made many decisions based on fiscal impact alone.

He needs to be aware that this bill will result in loss of revenue, there are no gains to be made from this in California. It is a lose only situation when it comes to money.

I'm urging as many folks at possible to weigh in on this.

Best of Luck,
>Email and phone call made a
>while ago. I spent
>30 years hunting and fishing
>California and I'm ashamed to
>admit but I spent too
>many of those years only
>doing the minimal for our
>wildlife. I agree hunter
>apathy is a huge problem
>throughout our ranks, for several
>reasons. Those of us
>who are proactive spend precious
>time and resources squabbling amongst
>ourselves, while those who have
>us targeted for extinction move
>forward, one step at a
>time. And that gentlemen
>is unacceptable. What will
>it take to motivate the
>rank and file to step
>up? I wish I

Unfortunately, it'll take the exporting of this California bill to Utah and surrounding states. And believe me, it'll come! The people pushing this bill use California as a laboratory to see what they need to do to get it going.

email sent!
Can anyone provide specific details of the law... are there other restirctions in the law etc. I say hunt for yourself, never understood why dogs are allowed to hunt certain game animals like bears, lions, and hogs anyway. Doesn't seem to be less sportsman like to me, more appropriately "enforces fair chase".

Kinda reminds me of a scene where a prison escapee is chased by a bunch of hounds; the criminal deserves to be caught by any means other than fair chase...
Is there any large, politically powerful sportsman's organization in California that could being their strength against this issue?
I get that animals occasionally attack people, and that will continue as long as we turn traditionally wild spaces into residential areas. More specifically, bears and lions "eating" people are the exception and suffer some sort of nutritional/genetic/parasitic health issue that causes them to target humans instead of natural game.

I am ALL for hunting but come on, the dogs are doing the hunting... shooting a hog occupied with 2-3 dogs on it or a bear or lion sitting up in a tree looking down at you, really. Hunt for yourself.

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