Sportsmans Warehouse inventory


Very Active Member
Is anyone else tired of going into sportsmans and not finding the brand or item you are interested in? I know they went through bankruptcy and burned some of their suppliers, which is part of the issue, but when are they going to get better?

-Case in point, wanted to compare some high end optics. They only had two binos from the same brand.

-Went in there several times to get some reloading supplies, shelves were practically empty.

-Went in to get some predator brand green camo, which they now do not carry.

-I wanted to try on some horn hunter packs, they do not carry that line. Same with Wac-em broadheads, not a line they carry.

I have made some phone calls and will be heading out to Smith and Edwards to get what I need. Just my little rant, thanks for reading.
It was the same way in Anchorage, the ammo shelves were damn near empty all the time except for like 2 times I went in there and I went into Sportsmans at least 2-3 times a week for 4 YEARS! Their selection in other departments was alright, but their archery department wasn't great, but had a better selection than some of the pro shops in the Anchorage area. My wife God bless her drove close to an hour away from Anchorage to go to the Sportsmans in Wasilla to pickup my rangefinder since they were out of them at the one in Anchorage. My point is the store needs to stock what the people want, if not they will be in a world of hurt.
I wanted to purchase an over/under shotgun, I went in to look at two different locations, between the two stores there were 4 shotguns, all of them were the same brand. I took my money elsewhere.
I am heading out to Smittys tomorrow to get some more predator green camo as well. I called first to make sure it was a brand they carry and had the size I need in stock.

I understand that some of the brands I am interested in are not mainstream, nation wide brands. But, they are quality locally made brands that should be carried in the local sporting goods store.

Still, sportsmans is better than Dicks and other so called sporting good stores. But, they are not what they used to be when it comes to inventory or even prices.

Thanks for listening, I am done ranting.
Truly a joke the same dvds from five years ago setting on the shelf very disappionted with there inventory.
>How's the Sportsman's Warehouse doing in
>Grand Junction? I haven't been
>there in years.

From what we see they seem to be doing pretty well. Shelves are full of supplies. We actually do more shopping there than Cabelas. Sportsman's is cheaper and with good products too. We have noticed the Cabela's brand to be declining in quality and they are getting real proud of themselves with their prices reflecting.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
I have never had a problem with sportsmans. I'm suprised to hear about this. I guess by dumb luck they always have what I'm looking for.

I always have problems with cabelas never having anything in stock. They always tell me they'll have to order it. One time I even called cabelas to see if they had a pistol I wanted in stock. They said they did but when I got there (15 minutes later) they said they would have to order it. So your dislike for sportmans I have for Cabelas.

Smith and Edwards sounds good. Never been. I'll have to check it out.
I live in Missoula, MT and i believe 2 years ago they closed our Sportsmans warehosue and a company named Wholesale Sports bought it and has since then stocked the shelves like crazy. when Sportsmans owned it you would go into as well and find nothing. isle with barely anything on the shelves. i have not had a problem since the new owners. Find the horn Goose!
The nearest sportsman's is about a two hour drive from here. The nearest Cabela's five hours. I definitely stop when I can to window shop when in the neighborhood of one, but most of what I need I have the local guy order. Between shipping and taxes his prices still tend to be competitive with the big name outfits.
For you guys in SE Id.; northern Ut, and SW Wy.- i have found the little sporting goods store in the old Jubilee grocery store in Evanston is VERY well stocked, with as good of prices as anywhere i have shopped at the big stores- although it has been awhile since I have been to Smith and Edwards- they MIGHT have better prices on guns.
....another thing you'll notice at all those stores is alot less framers, drywallers, roofers, plumbers and landscapers with money dripping out of their pockets walking the aisles.....

JB....Up here they all head to Big 5 anyways as soon as they find out they dont carry soccer balls.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Stu got totally arrogant and blind same as the rest of America did in 2006. He got away with his arrogance..........cuz it was borrowed money.........with little to no risk except to his lender...........same as the rest of America did on their McMansions. much of this is his lender's fault. And we all are......suffering due to their ineptitude and egos and emotions.

He ended up selling 1/3 of his stores to a Canadian Company......and closing 1/3 of them..........and then keeping 1/3 of them open to try to resurrect the SW legacy.

I remember when he opened the Grand Junction store in about 2000. He had only about 10 stores or so at that time..........and very quickly moved on to 50+. All in the name of ego and that order. I'm bigger and better than Cabelas.....thought he.

Nothing that grows that quickly is sustainable for very long in any economy. This simple principle is "Life 101".

The difference in this present worldwide economic disaster versus previous ones is that the decent folks are having to pay for this kind of irresponsible sh$t also..........
Sportsmans wharehouse is so out of touch with what hunters and fisherman need and use, just pitiful, theyre more of a clothing store than a sporting goods store.
Whiskeyman, no offense, but your statements are not all correct.
"with little to no risk except to his lender".
"and then keeping 1/3 of them open to try to resurrect the SW legacy."
He is no longer affiliated with SW in any way, shape or form.
Stu lost everything, and I mean EVERYTHING.
Arrogant? Absolutely.
Huge ego? Absolutely.
Inept? Not even close. Believe me, if you had a business that you wanted to grow he would be a great person to consult with.

I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, I just don't like to see inaccurate information.
"""Whiskeyman, no offense, but your statements are not all correct.
"with little to no risk except to his lender".
"and then keeping 1/3 of them open to try to resurrect the SW legacy."
He is no longer affiliated with SW in any way, shape or form.
Stu lost everything, and I mean EVERYTHING.
Arrogant? Absolutely.
Huge ego? Absolutely.
Inept? Not even close. Believe me, if you had a business that you wanted to grow he would be a great person to consult with.

I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, I just don't like to see inaccurate information."""

Sooooooo.....the guy loses everything.......after haphazardly and blindly expanding during the greatest economy this country has seen since the post WWII years....and you wanna brag about his business prowess??? Are you kidding me.............
I feel bad for the employee's as you go ask one of them for a certain very popular item and they say the do not carry it----anymore as the head office decides what all the stores can carry.

I really try and support the local bsns/vendors but ya get so use to going there and them not having what ya want.......

Hell---I have gone across the street and found some items at the freaking Walmart sports department......

The Sportmans Warehouse here in Reno, NV seems to be doing fine. When ever we go in there they usually have what need, their DVD section does kind of suck though.

"Elk dont know how many feet a horse had" - Bear Claw
>I feel bad for the employee's
>as you go ask one
>of them for a certain
>very popular item and they
>say the do not carry
>it----anymore as the head office
>decides what all the stores
>can carry.
>I really try and support the
>local bsns/vendors but ya get
>so use to going there
>and them not having what
>ya want.......

That is totally true. Good example of this is the store in Anchorage carried of all things on the shelves SNAKE BITE KITS. There isn't a wild poisonous snake anywhere in the state. I asked the guy there and he said "We have to carry what they ship us". I should have known there was something fishy with the store with an answer like that.
I have two Cabela's relatively close so I don't usually go to Sportsmans Warehouse. I was in Grand Junction 3 weeks ago and went to both Sportsmans and Cabela's since there so close to each other. I didn't think Sportsmans had a very good selection. They were cheaper than Cabela's by a few bucks on some things, I picked up at Cabelas. To suggest the quality of the products they receive from their suppliers is the same is in my opinion simply not true.
Bash them if you will, but their prices are usually a lot better than Cabelas. I've found bullets and any other items I've been looking for and when looking for the clear fishing bubbles, they were the only ones that carry the plastolite bubbles. Cabelas and the other stores only carry the cheap rainbow bubbles which don't hold water very well. I purchased Coleman camp chairs there a while back for $29.00, Cabelas were selling the same chair for $42.00. Hope they stay in business in Provo.
Be lucky that you have one. There used to be one here in Las Cruces NM, it closed down and the closest one is about 4 hours away I believe.
>....another thing you'll notice at all
>those stores is alot less
>framers, drywallers, roofers, plumbers and
>landscapers with money dripping out
>of their pockets walking the

I know what you mean, I had so damn much money in my pockets I gave it to kids just because it was pulling down the pants! I thought the riverdale store had come back pretty good from where they were. I haven't had to look for my reloading anywhere else.

When they came for the road hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the oppurtunists I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for the public land hunters I was not one so I said nothing. When they came for me there was no one left to say anything!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-11 AT 05:16PM (MST)[p]The Sportsman's Warehouse in Victorville was well stocked but damn expensive. Was probably one of the contributing factors for going belly up. Luckily, there's a Bass Pro Shop closer to me now.

I enjoy Sportsmans and it is one of my favorite stores. Every been to a Bass Pro lately? You are lucky if the cashier speaks English.

I agree they got caught up in the boom like everyone else in America and they are paying for it now. I tend to believe the reloading supplies are always running low due to the fanatics that buy it up as quick as it hits the shelves.
That's odd, I have never have had any problems checking out at the Bass Pro Shop in my area. The cashiers have always been helpful and knowledgeable.

For what it is worth, I went to the local Cabelas outlet 3 times before the Utah archery opener and couldn't find the items I wanted. They could order them from their catelog, but didn't carry them...
So maybe everyone is suffering right now! I still try to support Sportsman's. They were the first in our area to my needs.
I have usually had better luck at finding what I want when I go to Sportsman's than when I go to Cabela's. However, that is probably mainly cause I like to check out the catalog, find what I want, and then go and pick it up at the store.

When I go to Sportsman's I usually am going to get something specific that I know they have (not looking through a catalog).

That being said, does anybody here truly realize what it would mean to a Cabela's to carry everything they offer in their catalogs in their stores?

Do you realize how big the stores would have to be?

Do you also realize that Sportsman's would be stupid to simply carry a bunch of stuff that someone "might" buy someday with the current economic conditions?

For me I like to try and plan ahead as much as possible. If I need something for an upcoming hunt or trip I will try and order it in advance.

I also find that both of the above mentioned tend to carry a good range of the "basics" when I am in a pinch and need something unplanned in a hurry.

Sportsman's DVD selection is terrible, but so is Cabela's. Another item that tends to be a hard thing to try and guess at what the demand is going to be!


"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Not long after Cabelas opened I stoped in to buy a set of LEUPOLD DUAL DOVETAIL Rings & Bases!

The Know-Nothin JOKER looked on the Shelf acting like He knew what he was looking for & then said:LEUPOLD dosen't make them!



Then to top it all off is Buying a Gun at Cabelas,NO THANK YOU!

I'm not waiting that long just to buy a f'n Gun!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

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