sportsmans tag



i drew the sportsmans tag for desert bighorn, witch units are the best?
Contact Randy Johnson or Adam Bronson and they could probably point you in the right direction.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-13 AT 01:20PM (MST)[p]Congratulations on beating astronomical drawing odds!
I am guessing, since you have to ask what units are best that you are probably a novice to sheep hunting. It is my opinion, if you want to do it right, you will need to get to know Utah desert sheep. Knowing what units are best is the tip of the iceberg.
There are no waltz in and shoot a monster ram areas in Utah. They are all rugged desert landscapes holding limited numbers of sheep. Even in the best units, Desert Sheep hunting is hard and way different than deer or elk hunting. Being successful either takes serious dumb luck, or a good deal of experience by your side.
Hiring a guide will solve all of that for you if you can. There are several who are good, as was previously mentioned.
I am far from an expert, but I am willing to share what I know through a PM.
Good luck
i live in moab and i work down potash and i see rams all the time. so i may not be expert at at them i know what a nice one looks like, and i know what it take to hunt one i have been on three sheep hunt befor. so i know what units are the best iwas just wondering what other people thought about it.
No disrespect intended. Living/working in sheep country gives you a big leg up on most. There have been some fine rams killed on all Utah units, including the Potash, so I wouldn't overlook starting in your own neighborhood. The nice thing about your permit is you have lots of time. Good luck
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-13 AT 00:36AM (MST)[p]
"i live in moab and i work down potash and i see rams all the time."


+1 on that
Contact Shawn Lasbrum, he's down in that country and has taken a number of good desert rams, and the one he hung his own tag on was number two state record last I heard............
I would stick with the unit you know best. I hear a lot of people saying the Zion is best but it is a very hard unit to hunt and many(probably over 70%) of the sheep stay inside the NP boundry year round. So your just hoping a few will come out of the park to replace the ones that were killed the last couple years.

There's always next year
You lucky skunk!
Give me a ring and we can talk.
If you want to shoot the largest ram possible there are 2 units, maybe 3 you should consider.
However if there is an area you just love, and want to hunt go for that. Getting a nice ram is great, but it is not everything. The chase, the location, and the people you go with are the coolest part of the deal.

Call me and we can talk.
801 368 3427

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