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Long Time Member
The nice backside post got me thinkin... and thinkin...

click at your own risk

LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-10 AT 11:41AM (MST)[p]Nice post NV. I wouldn't mind having most of them grasp my mic
Fabulous post.

What would the B&C Buck, Bull, Ram score equivalent be to Ines Sainz's @$$?

400 plus bull
220 plus buck
200 plus ram

If there was scoring system for hind ends she would own the world record.

I still shake my head in disbeleif when I see the rear view shots of her. Mind boggling...
>Yes....but would they WANT to feleno????
> Lmao...u guys crack me

We cant hear you QT, please speak into the mic.

"Yes....but would they WANT to feleno????"

The thought of her not wanting to is.... hard to swallow.
Haha that I assume u r meaning "ur mic"....but I already got one that would be hard to beat I'm suprised u can hear me all the way to utah... oooohhh I'm a bad bad girl!

Oh QT, so much material in one post, where to begin...

"ur mic"? Nope, I said THE mic. Mine is spoken for. And to. :) Again and again.

"got one that would be hard to beat"? I bet stinky beats it like a rented mule.

"can hear me all the way to utah... " Uhhh, or Nevada.

:) UTBighorn

LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-10 AT 05:19PM (MST)[p]Roflmao! Well if the shoe fits...u tard! Haha a person of your mental capabilities is just living in the wrong state...just pointing it out

Far as stiny and his "mic", since u seem so concerned , beatings are unnecessary when you married to a chick like me....but then I guess you obviously wouldnt know about that, would you. Don't assume every man is like you, haha ;-)


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