Spookin game in the woods



This is a new product I came across that really helps me in the woods which I found at eztrailmarker.com. Any and every advantage we can get to out smart the deer works to our favor. I've seen these markers in the conventional style but have never seen these. This trail marker comes with a reflective arrow. I put the marker in the tree pointed in the direction of my next marker and follow the arrows to my tree stand. What I really like about these markers opposed to the conventional ones is that I'm not shinning my flashlight all over the woods trying to locate the next one. When I come up to my arrow marker, I know exactly what direction to shine my light to locate the next one. When you're trying to get in the woods quietly and stealthy without spooking deer, the less I'm shinning my flashlight looking for markers the better chance I have going to my stand unnoticed. I also put two markers with the arrows pointed down to let me know that I'm at my location. They were also a good price at $4.99
Let me guess, You're selling them. Never really had a problem finding my way around in the woods. In fact, I habitually remove flagging tape and other trash I find left in the woods. I'd rather see you use a GPS with waypoints than put up a bunch of reflective arrows that get left out.
+1 bean.



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A SPAM Sammy!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I'm old. What's wrong with bread crumbs?

And I don't want to start a war but, if you have placed ANY animal on a level where it might be "smarter" than you.......how did you start your computer?

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