Spook Nation Charged For Poaching

I had that hunt recorded for a while. One of the best 3 minutes of whitetail footage I've seen. Never really cared for the guy though, especially after promoting that 100+ yard archery mule deer with the Nufltech and a horrible angle; then bragging about it. Right up there with "Mr Ricochet" (Craig Morgan) in ethics and ego.
I had it recorded as well.Once again,greed and lust for fame have taken down another hunting celebrity.Birds of a feather flock together(Brownlee).
I remeber this, yes he poached it. On the other hand it was some crazy ass law. He owned property right next to the land he leased or vice versa (something like that). He had persmission for both property's but his tag was valid on only one of the property's??? He shot the buck on the other property which his tag wasn't valid for even though he had permission/leased/owned (one of these) the property.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?

"It is my penis, and I will wash it as fast and as long as I want to!" :)
Not any different than hunting on the edge of unit boundaries. If a unit boundary was a river and you were drawn for one side of the river but you saw a monster on the other side, would it be okay to bend the rules because you were close enough????
I don't understand the 6 month hunting suspension. If he is sentenced in Feb. then he can hunt in Aug??? Fines seem a bit small for poaching the largest whity bow kill. Also if he promoted his business and gained anything from the use of the video that is now evidence he should loose alot more. Just my opinion but when a guy like this gets nailed, I think the punishment should hurt and be costly to them.
I have guided "Spook" on a deer hunt in Utah about 8-10 years ago.......he was a class act at that point of his life. Guess the fame and fortune has ruined another good hunter.

>I remeber this, yes he poached
>it. On the other hand
>it was some crazy ass
>law. He owned property right
>next to the land he
>leased or vice versa (something
>like that). He had persmission
>for both property's but his
>tag was valid on only
>one of the property's??? He
>shot the buck on the
>other property which his tag
>wasn't valid for even though
>he had permission/leased/owned (one of
>these) the property.

Crazy ass law? It was a landowner tag that the state makes very clear is good only on the landowner's property (the way all landowner tags should be). It's not like it was some mysterious law buried in the regulations that nobody has heard about. If someone didn't know they were breaking the law in that situation, then they must be very ignorant.
He claimed it was...just a little misunderstanding...so his fan club wouldn't lose faith in him.... lol... I bet that worked for most of them too.
Makes me wonder how folks like this ever even get caught. I mean, shoot one back there, drag it onto your property. In the truck and out of there. End of story.

He could have even field dressed it on his property after moving it. Any evidence would be gone in a couple days. Only thing I can think is Spook told the LO and he spread it around?

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
Well Zim!

Them days of any Evidence being gone in a couple Days are gone!

Law Agencies/DWR have ways of today that'll Blow your Mind!

Braggin/Word of Mouth gets alot of them in Trouble!

"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!
He should have bought land here in Illinois. The state pension mismanagement ate the DNR budget to the bone so if anyone had called a CO on Spook it would have been 2 weeks just to have a human hear the voice mail.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
Not surprising... Hunting with Brownlee and then a 100 yards archery Mule Deer shot at an animals walking away and now this.... Never did like the guy to begin with...
Well........ now that I've seen the photo of the buck I can understand why he crossed the line! JK

It seems like some folks can make a "mistake" as long as the animal is big enough.

Too bad we've commercialized hunting to the point that these guys feel a need to turn to the "Darner" tactics.

First off... That dude is 50..?? I would have never guessed that. I bet he could run circles around me in the woods- at least he looked like it...

Anyway, there was always somethin off about his show. It always seemed too commercial... Its sad when they give in to temptation. Lets face it, he saw the deer, new the law, and thought he could get around it somehow...

I'm glad he got caught. Poaching is poaching, no matter who is doing it... And frankly, the more exposure a guy has, the harsher his punishment should be.

I wonder if he'll lose his show..?? At least on that network..??

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

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