

Long Time Member
Go to this site and type in your name. I did it and it shows my address, telephone number, age, hobbies (turtle hunting), marital status, etc. It even has a google map link to my house.


I think there are other sites that do the same thing but WTH???

I guess I don't care but.......is there no privacy?
It is amazing to me that personal things can be so public. The internet has a lot of good things but this is one thing it could do without!!
lol....says my house is $1M+ and that I'm not interested in politics....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

That is some scary sheet right there man! I put in my name and 19 possibles pop up. Select the right one and there is even a picture of my house with coordinates. Of course Google earth has it all up to date. They even got my current wifes name correct..
If you go by address's , it even has info on me from my divorce and living at my brothers house for 5 months, 12 years ago, but the picture of his house is pretty dang current , showing his Harley and everystuff in the garage. He has'nt had the Harley very long either.
I'm scared Eel ,, really really scared. Big brother's watchin us, OH NOOO

It has 3 entries for me. One from when I lived in the same town as RUS, one from here and it has me mixed up with my Dad on the other. It has my sign wrong - says I am a Leo, nope - Virgo.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
My hobbies are reading and gardening, I'm still married to my ex wife, my house is worth 1 million plus.......but I'm in a below average neiborhood....Got em right where I want em...LOL

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-10 AT 11:06PM (MST)[p]Some things may be wrong but if a person wanted to find you they very well could. Still to much info for that waked out person to have.

Not a good friend to law enforcement. Or anyone for that matter.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-25-10 AT 03:37AM (MST)[p]"I typed in Juan Sanchez. There are 1463 in California. 850 in Los Angeles alone.

That right there is damm funny.Because only me and Eel know why.

"If it moves shoot it again"

Its way off on everyone in my family but my brother. Shows the picture of his townhouse from the road, parking space number.


Somewhat scarey isn't it? There are a few mistakes in mine --especially with the $1M house value -- but it's quite close on most things. Also, the house photo is at least a year old because that's how long it's been since I owned the truck parked in the driveway.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Most of the stuff is right, the picture is less than a month old judging by my neighbors new car. I just wish my house was worth 1 million+
Dumb bastards have a picture of my neighbors house. You Can see my garage though. All the info was basically correct. Guess we relly don't have a lick of privacy anymore
If you want to remove yourself from Spokeo go to the bottom right and you will see privacy, click on that and follow the directions. It is very easy to take yourself off the website.

'Can you imagine somebody watchin everything you do'?
This is the USA where people get paid to watch people that are watchin you!
Well it has my info that is at least 10 years old, old San Jose Address, ex-wife info, very old cell number but...

it has my current wifes info right down to her cell phone number. There is even a photo of my hummer in the driveway but I think the photo is 2-3 years old.
All that info is pooled from everyday stuff we use.....and chit like facebook.

I can understand everything except the fact that someone has actually come to your house and taken a picture of it......who could pay for that?
"I can understand everything except the fact that someone has actually come to your house and taken a picture of it......who could pay for that?"

...and, if you use the arrow buttons on the picture feature, it will revolve 360, down the street, at the guy's house directly across from you, down the street the other way, and back to your house.

Gotta be some kinda drone camera unit that flies around every town 24-7 and drops down on location when we call up the address?? Can't be but WOW!!

Weird and spooky is right!!!

Has a picture of my house from 19 years ago...haha.

Seems like a lot of this public stuff could be gathered from things like newspaper subscriptions, 'free' drawings for stuff you see at places like gunshows, tradeshows, etc.....anywhere that your address can be sold to a list. That's why I quit signing up for free stuff at trades shows, various drawings and so on.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

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