Splain this Eel!!


Long Time Member
As mentioned in an earlier post, while 'hunting' down on Eel's turtle ranch, the crew and I filmed some interesting stuff I think he'd rather us not seen. Roy, I think he's got something down there that could eat your world record. I'm guessing a lot of illegal supplements and steroids were involved which may explain the dumpster full of empty syringes we found. These kind of home-grown, jurassic park monsters have no place in the hunting industry.

Feleno, I know it looks bad, but there is a logical explination. This tortoise is a by product of another program we're involved with here on the ranch.

I don't know if you saw this on the news?


Alien Giant Tortoise Helps Restore Ecosystem

Rather than wreaking havoc on a tiny island in the Indian Ocean -- as alien species can sometimes do -- a giant tortoise appears to be helping to restore the native ecosystem.

Wildlife scientists introduced Aldabra giant tortoises -- which can reach up to 8000 pounds -- to an island, called Ile aux Aigrettes, off the coast of the island nation of Mauritius. By 2009, 19 adult giant tortoises called the island home. The tortoises were to replace the role of their extinct kin.

Those Tortoises (do I need an apostrophe?) were raised right here on our ranch. Something we are very proud of. The specimen you photographed was too big and mean to capture, so we decided to offer him to our clients. (for the right fee, of course.) Just before you arrived we did just that, which explains your comment:

"I'm guessing a lot of illegal supplements and steroids were involved which may explain the dumpster full of empty syringes we found."

The client's name was stinkystomper.

He informed us that he was a diabetic, but looking back on it, I wonder. Anyhow, over a two day hunt, he shot 4 boxes of shells at this monster and never managed a single hit! He was forced to give up as no .338 Lapua ammo is available locally.

By the way, I built the drift boat in your photo back in 1977 while living in California. You would not believe the number of steelhead and salmon I caught from that boat over the years.

My son-in-law says that your score sheet checks out. He could find no signs of tampering. It appears your claim to #2 spot in the record books is correct. It's kind of like comming in second in a UFC cage fight. Congrats,......I guess.

You crack me up!!! :) Whenever I think I got something on you, you find a way to weasel your way out of it. Funny stuff... the Stinky comments, classic :)

Speaking of #2, the fiber diet is kicking in and I gotta go, now!
Feleno, thanks for the PM. You were right about that gentleman from Austin, Texas. I went into town, and when I got home there were 11 messages on my answereing machine from him. He will be flying in this weekend for a crack at the big boy.

He wishes to remain anonymous for some reason. I don't know why, I'm not here to judge anybody, and the ranch could sure use the $150K.

He paid for it by maxing out 4 different credit cards. As soon as they clear I'm booking an actual fair chase turtle hunt in Africa. Two years ago I put a good hit on a African Bull Turtle, but he made it back to the river and we lost him in a herd of hippos. It's haunted me ever since.



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