

Active Member
Am I the only one sick of hearing "Every guy's dream is to play pro football" every page or post they hit.


Lose the ad already!

Or at least give us some updates to the forum! I'm sure that ad money would go a long ways towards getting us out of 1997....
I was sitting here enjoying the reads and BAM!voices started coming out of my puter.I started wondering what the hell wrong button I pushed!Damn,next time at least put up a big warning sign so I dont think my puter is possed.(ROD)
They need to put it at the top of page so we can quickly hit STOP


Add a dozen differnt versions so we are not hearing the same thing over and OVER.

Better yet...dump it !

No - it is still there, but an easy solution is to just hit your mute button.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Uhhh... this may not be much of a threat to Founder but I don't think I'll be hanging around here until it's gone. And yes Roy the mute button does work but if you have other windows open where you actually want to hear the sound, well then not so much. I also wonder what it's like if you have dailup like a few on here do.

Perfect !

Thank you Founder

NVBighorn, how ya been, heard the boys had an interesting weekend in Reno.

If I remember correctly, there was an ad on here a couple of years ago that made noise and it was irritating as well. I havent been on the last couple of days so I never heard the ad. Ads should be visual, not audible.


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