Spider in Round 1?


Long Time Member
I'm thinkin' Anderson Silva will knock Cote out in the first round. What do you guys think?

What about Alves and Koshcheck? I'm taking Koshcheck but am really pulling for Alves.

I say Sylva round 2 by submission.

I this it will be Koshcheck all the way.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Bummer on the way things went down with Cote. That is unfortunate. Maybe they'll meet again in a year or so when his knee is back to normal.

Exciting Koscheck/Alves fight. Who would have thought that Alves could make it a stand up fight? Alves IS a pitbull!

A little disappointed in Drew McFedries. I like to see that guy throw blows. Seems he's on the down hill slide.

Sean Sherk looked fantastic! Need I say more?

How was he doing before he blew his knee?

Nope ,not from leg kicks, he was just bouncing on it and it gave out without him even being touched, he said it was an old injury. Shame to because it was a great fight up till that point.
Towards the end of the second round, we noticed Cote shake his right leg like something was wrong with it. We figured it was from leg kicks but turned out not to be. On the UFC website-post interview, Anderson was taking his time and wanted to go 5 rounds with Cote. That's why he was dancing around so much. After the fight was stopped, Anderson worked out in his dressing room in order to burn the energy he had. He planned on going 5 with Cote. I don't see it being any huge accomplishment that Cote tood Anderson into the 3rd round. Hell, the way Anderson was staying away and "stalking" Cote, I could have gone that far with him! I don't think it was that good of a fight. A little slow for my taste. Most Silva fights are a little faster paced. Silva was still calculated as always. His strikes were just too far apart for my taste!

Anderson could have beat him in the first round. He toyed with him thw whole fight! And when he did decide to turn it on he rocked him with a big knee twice I think. Anderson is the best pound for pound fighter in the world. Period. Wish it woulda lasted tho....

>>-Bull Ridge->

Cote hurt his knee a while back, he almost backed out 3 weeks brfore the fight but knew he would never get this chance again so he fought. He gained a lot of respect from a lot of people by fighting through the obvious injury


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