Spider Ethical?




Hey this spider was in my kitchen and I stepped on it. Was that ethical?
Well, I stepped on him and then kinda moved my foot around back and forth so as to mash him up a little more.
Was there a guide involved? I mean like, were you in the other room watching TV, and did your wife call you into the kitchen and point the spider out to you? That would be unethical in my book!:)

..........and did you spot him from the air by standing on a kitchen chair, and or have any of your friends come over and help??

Where's the damn kill photo's???

Alright, you guys caught me. I hired some guys...from this company called Orkin. These guys really know their stuff and they informed me that I had a big one in my kitchen. So when I saw him out in the open while heading to the fridge for a Coors Original, I seized the opportunity and if you all don't like that I apologize.
You know Eel does raise a valid point... If you were not the first to spot the spider and someone else brought the spider to your attention... Well than you would be taking full credit for the kill and that is in fact a un-ethical act.
Keep in mind..
We have a image to uphold here on monstermuleys and would never resort to any acts that were not ethical.
>Alright, you guys caught me.
>I hired some guys...from this
>company called Orkin. These
>guys really know their stuff
>and they informed me that
>I had a big one
>in my kitchen. So
>when I saw him out
>in the open while heading
>to the fridge for a
>Coors Original, I seized the
>opportunity and if you all
>don't like that I apologize.

I is shocked!!! You hired professional hunters???
Ethical or not...the SPIDEY, seen above, barely make the book minimums. It wont score any higher than 1.45. So in my book you got scammed, and if thats how you like to hunt, keep it up....


"what a pisscutting little spidey!"
Speaking of Orkin, have you guys seen their latest video, "Orkins' Raging Termites Volume 3"? I think it's their best video yet! It has video of last years Governors Tag holder.

I haven't seen that one Eel, but you can bet i will!!

I did watch "Raging Hobo's #2 last night though.
Definately not as good as the first addition, but still very entertaining and a few good "stomp" shots like mtnmayhem described in his homemeade version.
A little better quality game too. Mtnmayem should have let that one get a little more age on him, but we all get excited sometimes and just have to put our foot down ;-)

>I haven't seen that one Eel,
>but you can bet i
>I did watch "Raging HOMO's #2
>last night though.
>Definately not as good as the
>first addition, but still very
>entertaining and a few good
>"stomp" shots like mtnmayhem described
>in his homemeade version.
>A little better quality game too.
>Mtnmayem should have let that
>one get a little more
>age on him, but we
>all get excited sometimes and
>just have to put our
>foot down ;-)

I think i fixed it for ya... :)

jk jk
Well, Spidey is down and that is that. I paid these Orkin guys a lot of money and now you all see how much crap I'm taking from the ethics police. Oh well, I still have my #####-roach tag for this winter and I have learned my lesson. I'm going over-the-counter this time and I'm picking up a can of RAID.
Just make sure your Raid can can't shoot further than 5'....and NO scope!!

Also, you can't push spidey up against the wall where he can't escape, the Orkin book of world records CLEARLY states they have to be "Free Ranging"!!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-08 AT 08:13PM (MST)[p]

True trophy SPIDERS are measured in the personal sweat and experiences that one goes through while scouting out your area,say the kitchen, finding your SPIDEY on your own,in that darkest of corners... pitting yourself one on one against the "beast" and closing the distance(even if its only 2 steps) and knowing that reguardless of the outcome, the hunt was worth it!

they are not found in a silly book full of dates and names of exterminators, who in some cases have forgotten what it is to be an outdoorsman,or an indoorsman as in this case- and think that buy opening their pocketbooks and paying for professional help, that they can instantly become "part of the woods".

I hope that for your next spidey hunt you will also take a kid with you and pass the love of the hunt on to him/her.

edit- Thank you for posting the pic of your SPIDEY, i wasn't trying to put it down in my earlier post...it is a fine specimin! Good eating too!

>>edit- Thank you for posting the
>pic of your SPIDEY, i
>wasn't trying to put it
>down in my earlier post...it
>is a fine specimin! Good
>eating too!

You know tag now that you mention it I did not see ANY MENTION of dressing the spider nor eating it which as we all know is what real sportsman do. I hope it was just a oversight in his excitement to report his success to fellow MM'ers.
I wonder if he will do a shoulder or full body mount?

(Personally I would go with the full body)

How long was the hunt?? was this an opening morning thing?? I bet there was a huge struggle full of surprises and missteps fill us in please!!!

Wildlife population control specialist
I thought about doing a full body mount but I'm kinda on a budget and I think I'm just going to do a rug. It'll look good in front of the toaster.
The best way to deal with the hobo is to throw him in a quart jar with a wolf spider and watch the show.

My twins had a wolf spider in a jar for a little over a week and he demolished about 6 hobo's before I let him go. The smell of all the dead hobo's was getting unbearable when I opened the jar.

I decided I liked wolf spiders after watching that. He would tear them into pieces and waste no time doing so.

?Here?s to the hero's that Git-R-Done!!?
Man this thread is funny. Keep it up fellers. I gotta take a break from reading it though. My mouth & belly are starting to hurt from laughing so damn hard.
Rumor has it that it was raised in Canada on a ranch and dropped off at your house at night. Can you prove different? Have thier been samples sent in to test the DNA for roids? Did he pass his genes on before you took him down? Did you get buck fever and miss him once? So many questions that are unanswered.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-08 AT 01:18PM (MST)[p]Great posts above with good points..

If you were called into the room from someone else that is not ethical because you used a guide.

If you missed him on the first stomp you never should have been hunting in the first place.

If your foot was over 6 inches off the floor when you stomped him then that is sniping not hunting and you are not ethical.

If you didn't wait for a quartering away stomp then you suck.

If it was not on public land he was on private property which makes it alot easier to harvest. You had an unfair advantage.
This may not count at all because you killed him in the kitchen which means you used bait.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-08 AT 01:30PM (MST)[p]Freaking wolf spiders!! We never see any hobos or hell even black widows when we go out to the barn!! Get them hobo eating sum ##!!!'s off endangered spiders list!!

Get your hunt on!!
tixs,lodging,for you
cruises,trips for her!
Good grief you were wearing shoes too!

Let me guess...Vibram Soles.

You're a discrace plain and simple!

Shoes should be banned from all spider hunting.

I don't even like the thought of using toilet paper or a tissue. How freaking unethical can you get!

To be entered in the "book" all kills should be made skin to spider-plain and simple!!!
Taken on an OTC tag in Utah's famed NE region.

And people say there are no big spiders in Utah! Get a life!

LOL Paul!

I feel kinda bad about what I did tonight. My wife tried to step on a HUGE spider. She missed the first try and the spider took off running. She tried again and missed. I didn't want it to get away, plus I couldn't help myself......I stomped on it! Now she won't talk to me. She says I stole her spider.

Look everyone, I'm sorry there are so many details left out but you can all be sure to read the whole story in the next issue of Trophy Spider.

Just to let you all know, next year I'm going to apply for a Basement Tag and rumor has it there are some big ones in my basement. So... if anyone happens to be in my basement and sees a whopper, I would be willing to pay a handsome sum for the monster's whereabouts.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-08 AT 01:26PM (MST)[p]havent any of you heard of ethics!!! Shoes?? and TP?? Eel stealing your wives trophy?? mayhem paying for your trophy?? how could you degrade the sport as it is?! you are all horrible hunters and should never be allowed to pursue the elusive arachnid again!

Wildlife population control specialist
Yeah, well the joke is on you Mayhem.

I notified the "fish cops" and informed them that you failed to properly tag this animal and wasted the meat.

I get the reward..... plus a LE Premium tag for next year, for turning your sorry butt in!

That will teach you a lesson, by God!
I had a great hunt tonight. My wife spotted a great looking spider. I wasn't too excited, but she was beside herself so I decided to take him. Maybe, I figured, she would tag it! Anyways, instead of the easy, "ethical", kill method of a magazine, I used a dental floss/toothpick. I snuck within range, but the spider was monitoring my movements through the shadows of my hand cast upon him when I would get close. In the end, with a bent wrist to eliminate the shadow problem, it was only a superficial wound, however, seeing how I had a landowner tag, after all, it was in my house, I brought out the big gun in the form of a Tony Lama size 10 1/2 and finished the job. All in all a very successful and rewarding hunt. We weren't able to salvage much meat, but the thrill of the kill was great, and my wife was happy that the spider was gone....!!!

"We can have no "50-50" allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all".
Theodore Roosevelt
....And after that successfull hunt, I have decided to try a little bit tougher hunt. I have been watchin a few movies, and studying some of the masters. A guy that I call the "flyback" is awesome. In his movies he demonstrates exceptional hunting skills in killing the ever so wary fly. I have bagged many in my life, but I use the completely unsportsman technique of the 18" swat with a fly swatter as opposed to the preferred method of the true fly hunters....THE CHOPSTICKS...In his movie, actually movies, he seems to be quite the multitalented fella, but his fly hunting prowess is extraordinary....He can do yard work, painting, sanding, waxing cars, and even pruning trees...but it's obvious where he makes his money...fly hunting....so, what I'm trying to get at is after you mm'ers get done spider hunting, which is a very rewarding experience, try fly hunting, and the "flyback" is by far the best guide. I've never been able to get ahold of him, but at least we can watch his movies to get some pointers....by the way, does anyone know where I can get a bandana that looks like the Japanese flag...???? I think that is the key camoflauge article in fly hunting....Thanks in advance for any advice...

"We can have no "50-50" allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all".
Theodore Roosevelt
I'm into all the high tech stuff. Is this ethical? It makes them taste funny, but for me it's the stalk and the kill. This one green scores 379-380 gross. A great spider for this unit.

My taxidermist appriciates that they're not all squashed too!





C'mon man you're just trying to get a big dollar endorsment from Terro since Raid turned you down.
Your means and methods are perfectly legal, ethical, jury is still out, should you put him in the arachnid BC (bugs and crickets) book because of your methods? NOPE!
>I'm into all the high tech
>stuff. Is this ethical? It
>makes them taste funny, but
>for me it's the stalk
>and the kill. This one
>green scores 379-380 gross. A
>great spider for this unit.
>My taxidermist appriciates that they're not
>all squashed too!

Ya know Eel.. I used to think you were a good guy. But than you went and signed with Terro and turned pro. Things just aren't the same anymore. I know, I know.. they gave you the fancy Terro exterminater rig with your pic on both sides of it.. The tee shirt signing gigs.. handing out little toy cans of Terro to the kids.. hats.. etc.
Long gone are the simple days when we used to our local spider hunts and it was fun. Always try to remember your old friends you made along the way..
>C'mon man you're just trying to
>get a big dollar endorsment
>from Terro since Raid turned
>you down.

He already got it Paul.. You should see the fancy truck Terro gave him.. Guess Eel's moving up in the world..
I knew you guys would be jealous of my accomplishments. I've worked hard to get where I am. It's not like I was born with a silver spoon.

Jim, how could I ever forget the good times we've had? All those hours up in the attic with just a flashlight and a fly swatter. And my son will never forget the time you found that big Black Widow and you let him take it. You will always be "uncle Jim" to him.

That $7.50 that I spent for the Hobo auction tag last year all went to habitat, which helps us all.

No, I haven't changed, just my financial position in life.

>I knew you guys would be
>jealous of my accomplishments. I've
>worked hard to get where
>I am. It's not like
>I was born with a
>silver spoon.
>Jim, how could I ever forget
>the good times we've had?
>All those hours up in
>the attic with just a
>flashlight and a fly swatter.
>And my son will never
>forget the time you found
>that big Black Widow and
>you let him take it.
>You will always be "uncle
>Jim" to him.
>That $7.50 that I spent for
>the Hobo auction tag last
>year all went to habitat,
>which helps us all.
>No, I haven't changed, just my
>financial position in life.

Eel.. I owe you an apology.. I thought with all of the fame and glory you would have become "one of them" and forgot all about your old spider hunting buddies.. Sheesh.. I feel a little closer to you now..and a little sheepish about all of the unkind things I said.
Of course I'm proud to wear the title of Uncle Jim.. and I wanted your son to have the thrill of taking that widow spider.. and a real trophy she was, I think that one will stay in the top 10 of all time Balck Widows..
Suppose we could go on one more attic crawl for old times???
It would mean alot to me to watch a real master in action but of course we have to use our old swatters.. none of the new techy stuff.. What do you say Eel?
I think Nick was going to have him mounted at first but later decided to just have him holding hands......


There's room for all of God's creatures, right next to the mashed taters and gravy.

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