Spell checking....



I read so many posts/threads here at MM and always see guys correcting other posters spelling.I just read a bunch of replys to the 443/bennett bull on the ELK FORUM and guys hammer another newer guy for how he spelled his MONSTER MULEYS user ID. WTF!!! Who gives a schit if a word is mizspelded! These forums are to chat it up , BS some, brag and just visit with other people who love the outdoors and hunting. I don't want to come in here and have my spelling graded.If a guy or gal should spell a word wrong , oh freakin well, let it be. These forums are becoming every bit of a bashing stage, from calling guys liars to letting em know your sooo much friggin smarter because you caught a mis-spelled word.This correcting of misspelled words happens all the time , I just used the above mentioned thread as an example. It doesn't mean I have an intention of engaging in crap slinging with any of those members , heck I'm not the sharpest tool in the box by no means , just sick and tired of the stupid little bickering and cut downs because someone did not spell a word right....Damn it I hate standing on the soap box!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-07 AT 09:56PM (MST)[p]Larry-
The reason i hammered on that idiot wasn't really because he spelled his name wrong, it was really a "jab" at him because he had just insulted hundreds of MM'ers, including me.

I don't use spell check, it takes too much time and people are smart enough to know what i'm saying....or should be.

I too have been hammered on my spelling and it doesn't bother me anymore cuz we ALL do it!

I was jabbing at "wapati" cuz it IS spelled wrong and he was a new poster that just insulted hundreds of us ON an "elk" forum.

I used it to point out that he can't even spell the correct word for wapiti, so his credability of what he was saying was just as garbage....and i wasn't alone.

Nor will i say anything mean to you cuz your a new poster, that really means nothing, and who am i anyway with about 700!

Nor did you say anything stupid that offended me by questioning my antics with wapati...i get tired of the spelling thing myself, and there's nothing wrong with you saying that, and it was fair.

Not trying to stir at chit here with anyone, just pleading my case.:)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
slamdunk, you were just sticking up for all gides and their klients! A lot of us appriciate that!:)

What does a veterinarian have to do with anything? Just razzing ya a bit. Lighten up guys, it's hunting season.
Hmmmm, my bad then, i'll own that one, but you did trick me.

The original name ends different than yours and DOES only show 1 post.
I take it you have two nicknames, one that ends in "G" and one that ends in "1".

Very easily confusing :)

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Computer programmers are currently working on developing a new devise called the "Tard Check" it should prove very handy here @ MM

Until its introduction however we're stuck with spell check :)
It all comes down to this. They got their tag and got skunked. They didnt get thier tag where they wanted. They shot too soon or they hav e a great tag but thier season hasnt started yet. That last one is me.

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