Speeding Ticket - Part 2


Very Active Member
Thanks for the advice from the previous thread.

Here's the outcome...
Met with the city prosecutor. Very nice guy, by the way. I had 4 options.

Option 1-Stand tall driven by principal, plead not guilty and fight this baby all the way to the end. This would include at least two more court appearances, with the option to win it all or lose it all, and pay court fees no matter the outcome. It would come down to me vs. cop.

Option 2 - Plead guilty and pay.

Option 3- Settle on knocking the offense down to the lowest tier speeding offense, plead guiltily, pay less and goes on your record. (I have nothing on my record so it would affect insurance anyway).

Option 4- Knock the offense down to the lowest tier speeding offense, plead no contest with a request for abeyance which will make this a non-moving violation and doesn't show on record. Costs an extra 25 bucks though.

If you remember, I was going 57 in a 55 but was cited for 71. My heart wanted to fight those bastards, but my brain said what's the use. I went with option 4. In a nutshell it feels like formalized legal bribery. I paid em off, they're off my back, life goes on.
Sometimes its better to surrender to your principals and pay up. Saved yourself a lot of time and expense to fight what might be a losing battle.
Looks like you took the best option, it will probably cost you less than the court costs of fighting it all the way would have. Turned out to be a rather expensive two miles per hour though didn't it!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
shoulda fought it to the end and ponied up the court cost's .....pussie

I know! If you had any ballsack whatsoever, you would find out where that cop lives and wipe shyt on the cruiser door handles, spraypaint the windows black, piss in the gas tank and flatten all four tires. What a pansy!


Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
Forkwest , I think you did the right thing . Saved you a bunch of headaches and time of going back and forth to court . You have to pick your battles .

I was on Legacy for the first time the other day , and it surprised me it was only 55 MPH . I saw a speed limit sign , looked down and I was doing 65 . I remembered your post aand slowed down .

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