Speedgoat Trio


Very Active Member
After a few years and several taxidermy bills, I finally have a speedgoat trio to hang on the wall. I love antelope mounts because they are so varied, and have always wanted to have a couple other nice ones to add to my wide buck.

What do you all think?

I'm working on a laser-cut metal mounting base with a running antelope theme that will allow me to move em around a bit more than just attached to the wall.



Nice mounts pred! Heading to Wyoming tomarrow chasing speed goats with my sons.
They look great. My favorite big game animal by a long shot , I love antelope hunting and think they make the most beautiful mounts. I really like the meat too.Thanks for sharing it....
I like your collection, very nice. Please keep us posted on the mounting base.

Awesome! Are you married? My wife does not like mounts in the house. It kinda pisses me off. I've got one mule deer shoulder mount in the living room that she lets me hang. Kinda sad that I can't hang em where I want. It doesn't "go" with the other decor! My Dad has a huge pig head mount with 3 inch tusks and I mentioned that I'd like to have a hog mounted and she said as long as it gets hung in the garage! She does have her good points though!! I love her no matter what.
I guess I deserved that one. Man, I always open myself up for that one. I look at it this way...I am able to hunt locally (West Coast in Ca.) when ever I want and I am able to go to Wyoming for 10 days in October to chase mule deer and antelope. I know guys that are given a very hard time about hunting locally. I believe that those who grew up in the West understand that hunting is a part of your lifestyle. They grew up hunting more as a family event and the wives understand that. Out here that is not always the case. Our lifestyle (not really city people, but definately not ranchers) is diferent here. We have to drive to public land and then compete with a ton of other hunters that don't have private land to hunt on. My wife understands how much I love to hunt and that I always will. She just doesn't like dead animals on the wall. I hope I'm making my point without making it more than it really is.
I was just giving you a hard time. I know how it is to have to meet your significant other half way on things. At least she lets you hunt and thats all that matters.
Looking good, girl! My friends delivered all my Africa stuff yesterday, and Sam will start on my life-size leopard from the May trip. Things are all living in the garage until the nasty mothball smell leaves. How come all you females look so cute when your noses wrinkle up and your eyes scrunch down like that? :) Any luck on the goat and sheep scouting? I'm gonna go stupid chicken scouting and twist your arm until you come up. Take care and be safe out there.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-07 AT 09:43PM (MST)[p]My friend!! If I hadn't gotten home so late, I would call ya, but I wasn't sure if you are still working at the crack of dawn.

I saw your box at Sam's when I picked up the goats; he was showing me all the African capes the tannery he used ruined, and I'm glad yours were not in there....

You know if'n you find stupid chickens that it takes not much twisting to get me up there. Just my stupid schedule lately, I'll tell ya about it.

Oh, and the bull moose I nearly shot tonight in self-defense. I've never been so terrified in my life. He was definitely trying to gore/stomp/pound me into the dirt!!

WIZ- Nope, single. I've found that most guys aren't much on being shown up (non-intentionally might I add) in the woods......plus I'm somewhat of a tomboy, and assumptions are often made as a result.
Predator- It has been a while since I have logged on and I had forgotten you are a woman--my bad. I think it is so cool that you are a hunter and, obviously, are good at it. I wish my wife would hunt. I'm sorry that some make assumptions but that is the world we live in....it's not going to get any better either. Your mounts look great and I wish you luck this season.
LOL...you know what? I see that living room every day, and failed to realize the elk and goat were in the first pic.

The elk was a solo adventure on a Wyoming migration hunt. He was my first branch-antlered bull. It was about a zillion degrees below zero, snow was thigh deep, and I found him with 2 other bulls a mere 1/2 mile into the timber. In fact, he was a birthday bull!

The mountain goat was the most awesome hunt I've been on! Went guided with a good friend in Montana, we went a good many miles into the wilderness and whacked the billy on Day 3 in some of the most incredible country you can imagine.

The super wide antelope is from Utah, I watched him all summer and took him with my muzzleloader. The left antelope is also a Utah muzzleloader kill, and the right my best goat at 15", and is from Wyoming during a DIY girl hunt.

I should do a 360-degree shot of my trophy room....but I'll save those stories for another day!

Thanks for the comments, when we get the design done for the metal pedestal, I'll post the finished product.


Post a photo of your Oryx mount......

That is my most very favorite out of your trophy room....well that hog of a muley 'aint' to bad either!...nor the Idaho Bull moose....ha

I am off to Wyoming @ 0400 in the morning.....talk at ya the end of the week...


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