Speeder gets $40K



Massey was awared $40k today for the speeding/taser incident near Vernal! GOOD FOR HIM! They still sould fire gardner!
Maybe they should fire Gardner, it is stupid to have a guy get out of the rig like that without having him in front of you at all times, he's gonna get his ass killed, and the state will be giving up way more than $40K to Mrs. Gardner.

As for Massey, that probably hurt like hell, and scary to boot. He's lucky though, thank god for him UHP uses tasers. Like Massey, I tend to get agitated when I know I'm in the right and feel like I'm being bullied. In my experience, cops will put up with a hell of a lot of ranting/raving. What they won't put up with is you sticking your hand in your pocket when they are giving you instructions, that was dumb.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather see a dashcam video of some guy getting tasered instead of an officer getting shot because some POS with warrants/drugs/voices in their head doesn't have anything else to lose if they get caught. We've all seen those videos right?
Massey ought to write him a letter:

Officer Gardner,

Your an #####, so am I. I'm glad your training took over and you grabbed the taser instead of the Glock. If our roles were reversed, I'd have shot you, because I can't control my emotions.

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