special non resident tag?

No, they go into the random draw. There would have to be tags remaining after the random draw before there would be any leftovers.
I should have worded that diffrent. After the random draw and second choice tags are drawen are the remaning tags then given to regular priced applicants or are they sold first come? If so are they sold at the higher price?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-11 AT 10:16AM (MST)[p]Any tags that aren't taken by applicants on any of their choices in the draw are sold first-come first-serve online on the G&F website and license agents within the state in July. They are sold at the regular price, minus the $14 application fee charged in the draw.
To answer your question, any tags leftover after the special draw and special random draw go into the regular random draw and are issued at the regular price. Only after there are tags leftover from the regular random draw are there tags available over the counter.

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