Special Investigation


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-09 AT 08:03PM (MST)[p]

A special investigation was held today to find facts about a serious charge. This charge would violate chatroom rules.
The Special Prosacutor in this investigation was the Honorable Kilowatt AKA Kilo. His assistants were 1 retired law enforcement officer and 3 current officers. All 4 officers have at this time asked to remain anonymous.

The charge would be and always has been a serious violation of chatroom rules. Special note. An exemption was given to 3K because she is a mommy to use any of the following words.

The charge:

"chay room 
Computers . a branch of a computer network in which 11-15 year old girls can engage in real-time discussions with one another, discussing everything from barbies, hand-holding, Britney, pink thingys and Justin Timberlake."

The investigation searching the archives found that none of the purported words came up during the computer search. But doll was found to be used 57,896 times. The words used in conjuction with doll were "I'd like too @#$% that doll" "she is a $%^&%^# doll" "$%^& she is a doll"
Other finding showed that nude or forms of nude were used 11,357,736 times. Members not including JB, NV, BCB, Lesgo and RUS used those words 11 times.
Hdude was mentioned but an accurate acounting could not be met because of lack of bandwidth.
Zigger's name was mentioned 44,444 times. 4 times without an explexitive used in conjunction. Special note: Someone correct RUS in the proper use of Ziggers name.
Founder and Brow were mentioned an undisclosed amount of times. Bobcat, NV and JB will be punished appropiately.
Tfinal's photo was found to have been posted an amount of times far exceeding the rules. Photoshop alone was used 101,211 times in the posting of Tfinal's photo. This is another violation but Kilo has given me special immunity.
Piper has flown under the radar of most chatroom members. Special note: Someone find dirt on Piper.
Cornhusker: Most if not all chatroom members "feel" pity for Cornhusker because he lives in Iowa, or is that Nebraska?
NeMont's name was mentioned 11,784 times with the following words " the ahole has no sense of humor whatso ever" or forms of that statement conveying the same meaning.

Conclusion: No evidence was found to support Ziggers allegations. Possible reasons of false charge.

1: "Feeling" left out.

2: Lost his bet with NeMont.

3: Bitter.

4: Little pecker disease.

5: All the above.

No animals were killed or harmed during this investigation.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-09 AT 07:32PM (MST)[p]My spelling is starting to look like hdude's.

My spelling could be worse than hdude's.
These allegations should not go unpunished. I would ask that a jury of the chatroom members be formed and hand down a sentence to the accuser.

Suggestions from all MM are welcome.
Being a little animal myself,

I WAS harm'd in this investigation...

Yip, Yip, Yip, Yip, yip, yip, yip............

I need compinsation.
I wish to exercise my 5th ammendment right in hopes of not incriminating myself...other than to say STFU would you??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>Mosnar! That's just embarassing. Get a

Well I could have spilled the beans about you and the founder and brow comments but I didn't! Or did I?

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