

Long Time Member
Who eats it??? I'm craving a spam in the Aloha spirit.

Let's hear it for the spam musubi!


If someone opens an L & L BBQ in Ogden next month it will be too late!

What kinda Peppers?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Joey, that spam sure as heck was better then most C-Rats that I had to eat while in the Army during the 60's.

Now if you want something that is terrible beyond anything that is considered food for humans. That item would be C-Rat Ham & mother-ffers, also know as Ham & Lima Beans with a great big chunk of floating yellow grease on top when you first open the can. I will not eat Ham & lima beans to this day and I do not care if it is prepared by the greatest chef on earth!!!

Thank God the army finally did away with C-Rats and went to MREs, far better.

RELH, STOP, you're gagging me dude!! :) Lima beans and... anything, has got to be bad!!

Mom used to make spam sandwiches when i's a kid and they got ate but that's about it. I bought a can of spam that was on sale to throw in my camping stuff. I packed it around a few years but couldn't stomach the thought of eating the stuff...threw it away!

Like it fried up with cheese on it. Good sandwich.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I love me some spam and eggs in the mornin!

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Spam and Cheese sandwichs are ok but the thing that I hate is BALONEY. Was on a guided Elk hunt back in mid 80's and got back to camp early and instead of waiting for dinner, one of the other guys asked the cook if he could fix something up as we were hungry. Cookie said what do you like and this dude, from Alabama or maybe it was Arkansas said "how about some FRIED BALONEY SANDWICHS"..........I did not eat waited till dinner.

Next to haggis I like spam best and then baloney.

PS: Kilo I have been bear hunting which is far better than having a bear hunt you.

Kilo, must be something about those boys from Alabama. In my army squad we had a guy from Alabama and he was the only one that I could trade my can of Ham & mother-effers off too.

Had it for the first time this year...........loved it!! Fried spam and cheese sammies! Another thing I had this year was corned beef hash w/ eggs, that was great too!
I'll be darn Jason, your handle indicates you may live in idaho and you have never before had cornbeef hash and eggs. Boy! do not tell those down home Idaho boys that or they will accuse you of being a eastern seaboard tenderfoot that did not have a proper upbringing.

Hell I like Spam-fry it up and pretend it's Virginia ham. Keeps forever. I do miss the cans with the "key" you used to wind up the little strip of tin around the side though. Now the top just pops off-boring!

P.S. Joey i'm ignoring your post. That just ain't right brotha!

love a spam, egg, cheese for breakfast although it will go against the doctors orders for cholesterol intake.


The harder you work the luckier you will get!!
>Like it fried up with cheese
>on it. Good sandwich.

+1 - I eat it often.
I like the egg spamwich. Thin sliced, fried crispy, one or two fried eggs, thick slice of cheddar and some mayo on soft bread. I add fresh salsa too when I have it.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
I just can't hardly believe that this many otherwise decent guys can stomach eating that Nasty Spam product. Yuck!

You guys need to go to Costco and get you a roll of that canned Albacore. Mix a can of that up with some onion and BF mayo, toast up a sandwich outa that, and you'll never "want" to eat that Spam crap ever again! :)

>I just can't hardly believe that
>this many otherwise decent guys
>can stomach eating that Nasty
>Spam product. Yuck!
>You guys need to go to
>Costco and get you a
>roll of that canned Albacore.
>Mix a can of that
>up with some onion and
>BF mayo, toast up a
>sandwich outa that, and you'll
>never "want" to eat that
>Spam crap ever again! :)

You don't know what your missin buddy:)

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold

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