Southern Rock anyone?



Been listening to a great soundtrack from a great movie,( The Devils Rejects) thought i'd post a couple links to some songs so you can listen while you post.

Simple man isn't on the soundtrack but it an ok song.....
that Skynard song makes me wanna cry...

saw the almond bro's a couple times in the 70's

good stuff, Thanks Manny
LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-08 AT 04:44PM (MST)[p]Not a bad cover of the song Manny. There's nothing like songs that make your guts get all knotted up!

Be a simple man.......A tag, a bow , and a dream....dont get much more simple than that.

2 of the best bands ever! The Allmans are my #1 favorite blue/southern rock band. I've been able to see them over a dozen times and they never get stale! You have to love a band that will play a regular set and then go into 4 hours of encores without missing a beat!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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